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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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It's comfort food designed to please as many people as possible. I don't think anyone would argue that. There isn't anything particularly wrong with that, either. Makes sense


I'd like to see Disney take more risks with VIII, but we'll see

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That's an awesome interview with Lucas and I love everything he said.  I think TFA is a fantastic story and film (don't jump down my throat giantcal lol) but I also know what Lucas is saying.  But you can completely understand why Disney and Kennedy didn't want to go Lucas' way, they have their own ideas, and man did those ideas work.  But George is a legend and when he is gone, when he passes on one day, the industry will owe him a huge thank you.

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Just now, GiantCALBears said:


That's because it's the same basic story as ANH just regurgitated for the fans.


If you really think that you need to see it again.


The whole plot of ANH was to stop the death star... the movie does not exist without it.


The attack on the star killer base was a minor part of TFA awakens... you could have substituted any number of locations/crisises and had the same movie.


You complained above about people not stating the differences between ANH and TFA and than you ignore them.


And you complain about Baumer not being objective.


And LOL some more about Lucas complaining about TFA being commercial...  Star Wars did not become one of the biggest merchandise franchises under Disney... it did under his care.. 

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1 minute ago, GiantCALBears said:

Huh? Seems pretty harsh for someone lamenting about saying goodbye to his kids so to speak.


Lucas putting me through 6 hours of shitty prequels was pretty harsh.


If you're gonna call him his kids, he should of been arrested for child abuse after the second one.

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Lucas isn't butthurt, Kelli.  He's just saying that he sold it of his own free will but it doesn't mean that he doesn't miss them.  The girlfriend analogy he says is pretty much bang on.

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1 minute ago, Baumer Fett said:

Lucas isn't butthurt, Kelli.  He's just saying that he sold it of his own free will but it doesn't mean that he doesn't miss them.  The girlfriend analogy he says is pretty much bang on.


If I were him and saw what JJ did I would be.

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2 minutes ago, Darth AndyLL said:


If you really think that you need to see it again.


The whole plot of ANH was to stop the death star... the movie does not exist without it.


The attack on the star killer base was a minor part of TFA awakens... you could have substituted any number of locations/crisises and had the same movie.


You complained above about people not stating the differences between ANH and TFA and than you ignore them.


And you complain about Baumer not being objective.


And LOL some more about Lucas complaining about TFA being commercial...  Star Wars did not become one of the biggest merchandise franchises under Disney... it did under his care.. 



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1 minute ago, GiantCALBears said:


What's your point?  I could come up with a list of similarities of ANH to other movies before it.  The plot of ANH and TFA are completely different.


Can you come up with your own points or do you only rely on what other people write?



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10 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

That's an awesome interview with Lucas and I love everything he said.  I think TFA is a fantastic story and film (don't jump down my throat giantcal lol) but I also know what Lucas is saying.  But you can completely understand why Disney and Kennedy didn't want to go Lucas' way, they have their own ideas, and man did those ideas work.  But George is a legend and when he is gone, when he passes on one day, the industry will owe him a huge thank you.

Exactly what I got out of it except for our obvious differences. Man is a legend, visionary etc. He helped create the modern blockbuster.

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13 minutes ago, Darth AndyLL said:


What's your point?  I could come up with a list of similarities of ANH to other movies before it.  The plot of ANH and TFA are completely different.


Can you come up with your own points or do you only rely on what other people write?



My point is that I'm clearly not alone in feeling this way. Obviously there are differences, futurist came up with a few I absolutely agree with a bunch of pages back.

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6 hours ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

Only one that would work well at all is the Leia conversation with the Republic senator, just as clarification for the relationship between the Republic and the Resistance.

The description there is exactly what I described earlier in this thread. Plus it's not that actor playing a Senator you see as the planet explodes. It's Freema Agyeman

Edited by DeeCee
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After a second viewing, it still gets an A. Held up well and I noticed a few things. Spoiler tagged for length.




1. I forgot to mention the cinematography in my first review. It was gorgeous and the best of the series. I loved the POV dogfight shots, the 360 degree duels, use of lighting, all of it. And I just caught this on second view: did anyone else notice when Kylo Ren was confronting Han, the light to the left of him was red and the light to the right was blue??????????????????? I was blown away! So subtle, yet so powerful.


2. I appreciate BB8 even more. Please send a truck of money to the house of whoever came up with him (yes I said him, sjw's).

3. Rey felt even more badass this time. I love her character overall. I neeeed to know her origins. ps me and Daisy Ridley are dating btw, fyi.

4. It really is A New Hope: The Forcquel. But that's okay for the most part.

5. I know someone complained about the score being too recycled. Well, you can't beat Binary Sunset. When you can't beat it, join it.

6. The climax is the best of the series.

7. Lupita has the most beautiful voice in the world.


8. I like how they held off with the lightsaber duel. Theyre arguably the most iconic thing of SW, so saving that until the final moments really had an impact.

9. Kylo taking off his helmet to Rey didnt bother me, but it did seem pointless.

10. Now i have to ask...how the hell did they build Starkiller in 30 years? I know they transformed a planet, but I mean they carved out from tropic to tropic. It takes like 3 years to build a mile of interstate, so how the hell they do that in 30?

11. I like how they drained the sun, then when Starkiller blew up, it was a sun again. The sun was like "yeah, fuck you, New Order. Bitch, you forgot I was star."


12. Okay this is super nitpicking, but it annoyed me just a tad how they kept calling it "sun." Just stuck out.

13. Nitpicking again, but i have to ask: okay so Kylo is force sensitive and can feel when people are near. He was able to feel that Han was on Starkiller, so...how was he not able to feel that Han was standing right behind him??? Is his force gps broken? I'm guessing closer doesn't correlate with "hotter?"

14. Phasma was really underused. They must have cut out some stuff in the middle with her.


15. This goes for all 7 movies: why must they make the Storm Troopers so weak? 50 Cent was shot 9 nine times and he's good. Tupac and Gabby Giffords were shot in the head and eventually they were back functioning...but shoot a Storm Trooper in the pinky toe and he goes full Wilhelm. I wish they weren't so pliable. Literally theyre the ultimate cannon fodder.



Will be seeing it one more time next month. I wish JJ could come back. Hopefully Johnson delivers. Still an A movie. Crowd was really into it this time.

Edited by jandrew
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One thing I keep reading that people ask is WHY DOES KYLO WHERE THE MASK?


I found that to be quite obvious during the film. The first half, kylo is as tough as nails, intimidating, an evil force of nature. His mask is on all the time.


Once he takes off the mask, we see this regular young man. It's no coincidence that at the same time he shows his insecurities, his desperation to live up to Darth Vader, and all his inadequacies as a Sith Lord in training.


He needs the mask to demand not only respect from his subordinates,but also for himself. It is essential to his "act."

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