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Wednesday 6th, 2016 | SW 7 $6.2M = $764.4 = Officially #1 | DH 1.54 | H8 1.44 | Sisters 1.16 | BigShort 869k | Joy 855k | p.7 chart

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I am not sure that thinking of this is a trilogy is correct. its the 8th , 9th movie..    this is not a short arc like Avangers, its a 40 year arc, that was building and diminished because of the story in 1-2-3, even in still setting records.  This one brought the gang back together, and by that i mean families, kids, grandparents and the 50-60 yr olds who loved star wars.


How many series span enough time to have to 3 sets of fans, two of which love their trilogy?   its the same reason  this went huge because the model didnt know how to handle it.


star wars went down in ep 5 because people who went out of curiosity knew whether they liked it and did or didnt go back for another round.   it didnt matter if the movie was good to those who didnt enjoy the taste they got from that story telling.


Ep 8 will be far different, the curiosity factor will be far lower with an established 40 yr franchise.   This is why Bond can explode 50 years later, This time around it will purely be about the story and the reviews.  It will go huge with the fans out of the gate but if the story is there it will huge again.  The one thing that can hurt it is the next movie if it tanks for being bad.  but if its good it will fuel the fire even more.  Sure it can drop 30% , but its going to be at 500 million after 2 weeks again and it if its good it will be 850-900.

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6 hours ago, junkshop36 said:


This trilogy will act just like the previous two. 


First movie grosses the highest

Second movie grosses the least

Third movies falls in between


So something like:

TFA - 985m

Ep8 - 810

Ep9 - 905

That would seem obvious, but I do think this is the first one with the potential to decrease each installment. VIII's drop could be softer than ESB's or AOTC's because of the cliffhanger (opposed to ANH) and people generally loving TFA (opposed to TPM), hence tons of interest in what happens next and possible bigger audience retention (also think THG to CF). IX could end up dropping from that because VIII already did better than normal for the second installment, and because  SW franchise fatigue setting in by then. None of the other two trilogies had to deal with such a rapid onslaught of SW movies, so we don't know how that affects the trilogy. Poor IX has the disadvantage of potentially being the fifth film in four years, so I don't know that that bodes well for it. I wouldn't be surprised with something like this:


TFA: 1b

VIII: 825m

IX: 775m


Either way, it's amazing this whole trilogy has a fantastic shot at all outgrossing Avatar DOM. 

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1 hour ago, terrestrial said:

The Hollywwod Reporter seems to ave pick up on the article of Chinese (or was it China) Insider (or wrote their own piece), tp me an interesting read (as so rarely certain details get pointed out in western outlets)


I wonder if pre-sales are exploding because of the Chinese Justin Bieber video. Could be coincudence but it sparked right after it. 

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1 minute ago, No Prisoners said:

I wonder if pre-sales are exploding because of the Chinese Justin Bieber video. Could be coincudence but it sparked right after it. 

I think that is a very high possibility





Someone else want to start a new thread?


‘The Revenant’ Raises $2.3M In Thursday Previews – Box Office

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Just now, terrestrial said:

I think that is a very high possibility





Someone else want to start a new thread?


‘The Revenant’ Raises $2.3M In Thursday Previews – Box Office


Already started

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3 minutes ago, rustyspoons89 said:

Those posters are amazing! I didn't realize this actually happened. It would be rude if Jim didn't do this for JJ

I would love to know what Cameron really thinks about it at all. I'm not so sure he didn't expect to rule the domestic box office for the rest of his life. :P

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3 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

I think that is a very high possibility





Someone else want to start a new thread?


‘The Revenant’ Raises $2.3M In Thursday Previews – Box Office


Great camera work in revenant, especially during battle scenes. Steady cam with cool panning.

I liked it very much. Might be too slow for the masses though. IDK how big it could be. However. Hanks made over 200m talking to a volleyball, this has more going on, so you never know

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10 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

Of the top 10 adjusted, ET and The Sound of Music are the ones I hardly remember anything about.

In terms of how memorable/iconic they are, in my opinion it would go:


1. Star Wars

2. Snow White (who's not familiar with it all these decades later? Pretty much second only to Oz for pre 1960's endurance)

3. Gone With the Wind

4. E.T.

5. Titanic

6. Jaws

7. The Sound of Music

8. The Exorcist

9. The Ten Commandments

10. Doctor Zhivago

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11 hours ago, KP1025 said:

It's probably finishing around $2 billion without China, and that's the best case scenario. Presales aren't great for TFA in China right now, and some people think it may actually gross only $100 million there. Maybe $150 million upper end. It's definitely not getting anywhere close to Avatar's WW record unless it doubles the current #1 film in China (Monster Hunt at $393 million). There is a real possibility of TFA failing to surpass even Titanic's WW figure or Furious 7's OS gross. 


It's going over $2B without China.  It'll be damn near $1B domestic when it's all said and done (I think it goes over), and the international legs (minus China) have started to far outstrip the domestic legs.  It already has a significant lead internationally.  It may get to $2.1B+ without China.


It will have to be an absolutely era-defining film to make the $700M it needs from China to eclipse Avatar.  It's not going to happen. 


From a purely entertainment standpoint, it's really too bad about the exchange rates when compared to 2010.  They've hurt both TFA's domestic (-40% in Canada) and international totals.  This would be a very fun race for #1 WW in 2010 exchange rates. 


Current numbers could look something like this:


$796M Domestic (+4% from Canada)

$974M OS (+20%)


$1.75B already without China!


Would have been a lot of fun to track. 




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2 hours ago, upprdeck said:

I am not sure that thinking of this is a trilogy is correct. its the 8th , 9th movie..    this is not a short arc like Avangers, its a 40 year arc, that was building and diminished because of the story in 1-2-3, even in still setting records.  This one brought the gang back together, and by that i mean families, kids, grandparents and the 50-60 yr olds who loved star wars.


How many series span enough time to have to 3 sets of fans, two of which love their trilogy?


A somewhat related question came to me recently: Mark Hamill will be starring as Luke Skywalker in 2017's Episode 8, 40 years after "Star Wars." Has any actor in motion-picture history appeared in two big-screen films as the same character, 40 years apart??? (This will also apply to Fisher, Daniels, Mayhew, etc.)


Leonard Nimoy played Spock on the big screen from 1979 til 2013, but that's only 34 years (TV shows don't count!). I guess you could argue that Moe Howard played "Moe" (and Larry Fine played "Larry") from 1930 til 1970, but those were mostly shorts, and while his characters were usually named Moe, it's highly debatable whether he was actually playing the same character in every appearance.  I think this is another title that the SW gang can claim! :)

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I mean Cameron would look pretty bad if he didn't give a congratulation poster. Even the opening weekend holders do it.  





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3 hours ago, John Harris said:


A somewhat related question came to me recently: Mark Hamill will be starring as Luke Skywalker in 2017's Episode 8, 40 years after "Star Wars." Has any actor in motion-picture history appeared in two big-screen films as the same character, 40 years apart??? (This will also apply to Fisher, Daniels, Mayhew, etc.)


Leonard Nimoy played Spock on the big screen from 1979 til 2013, but that's only 34 years (TV shows don't count!). I guess you could argue that Moe Howard played "Moe" (and Larry Fine played "Larry") from 1930 til 1970, but those were mostly shorts, and while his characters were usually named Moe, it's highly debatable whether he was actually playing the same character in every appearance.  I think this is another title that the SW gang can claim! :)

The only one I can think of that even comes somewhat close is Paul Newman playing Fast Eddie Felson in The Hustler (1961) and again in The Color of Money (1986) 25 years apart.

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6 hours ago, Punishment said:

So no congratulation poster from Cameron to Disney?  I'm bummed, those posters are pretty cool :(




The difference this time is that TFA was an establishment creation, not a Speilberg or Locus creation. Also it would be bad manners to Locus by congratulating the person the director chosen by the "white slavers" who stole his baby.

Edited by IronJimbo
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