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Weekend Thread | Read first post for rules | Weekend #s: Pets 50.56M, GB 46M, Tarzan 11.1M, FTF 11M, MND 7.5M, Purge 6M

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4 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Hopefully Mike & Dave flopping means we never have to see Hack Efron take his shirt off again...



You crazy.

Efron is delicious man-candy; the more he takes his shirt off the better.



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5 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Hopefully Mike & Dave flopping means we never have to see Hack Efron take his shirt off again, or better yet, we never have seem him again, period. It's sad that Aubrey Plaza had to be collateral damage in this but oh well.   



Too late. Baywatch. 


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Not surprised that Ghostbusters might get disappointing numbers for its opening weekend.


Sony and Feig can scream MISOGYNY all they want, but fact is that the first trailer was absolute garbage. Both people who hated or liked this movie, agree in that regard. I saw the movie and it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be, BUT sometimes you don't get 2 chances to leave a first impression.


The trailer was garbage, garbage and garbage. PR for this movie has been atrocious, efeminate director screaming misogyny at those who disliked the trailer, promotion has been mediocre, fanbase being split, movie's crew alienating fans of the franchise.


The youtube dislikes, the 1/10 imdb votes at this point, are less about the movie and more about the whole situation. There's also the fact that it's a reboot that nobody asked for. So, you also have a huge ammount of people that hate reboots and remakes. I'm one of these people, but I gave the movie a chance. 


Overall, the movie isn't bad enough or good enough. It's just so,so,so... It's crazy, actually. It had good scenes, horrible scenes, some good chemistry, but also some bad chemistry, good effects, horrible effects, bad villain, lots of exposition.  The guy that was being harassed by Melissa's character in the movie. Hell, was that guy the same guy who acted as Deadpool's driver?

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This is a weekend thread, so it naturally is focused on this weekend and OW. The real question though is how it all comes down when revenues come in and how they compare to costs. Deadline has helped us out there. The movie's total costs are like 330M. San Andreas made 473M WW and brought in 400M in revenues.

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The Purge 3 will most likely end up with 75-80 million. Another major success for a franchise that is quietly potent. As long as they keep these low budgets, the series's premise certainly lends itself to tons of sequels. I would most definitely love to see more stories and I'd like to explore more of the issues at play in the Purge scenario.

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Lmao that's all Rat Efron can do, isn't it? Take his shirt off. At least Mark Wahlberg quickly went from dropping his pants in underwear ads to dropping them in a really good movie (Boogie Nights) which he used as a platform to do more good movies. 

Efron will just keep taking his shirt off in lame comedies and it's all very wink-wink...about nothing. 



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11 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

Not surprised that Ghostbusters might get disappointing numbers for its opening weekend.


Sony and Feig can scream MISOGYNY all they want, but fact is that the first trailer was absolute garbage. Both people who hated or liked this movie, agree in that regard1. I saw the movie and it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be, BUT sometimes you don't get 2 chances to leave a first impression.


The trailer was garbage, garbage and garbage. PR for this movie has been atrocious2, efeminate director3 screaming misogyny at those who disliked the trailer, promotion has been mediocre, fanbase being split, movie's crew alienating fans of the franchise.



1- Wrong. I loved every trailer and every piece of marketing. Saying that it is a fact and that everyone agrees with your assessment is factually incorrect.

2- According to you; I found it awesome.

3-How in the heck does the director being effeminate have any relevance to your alleged argument? Oddly enough, you are condemning the unfair screams of MISOGYNY!, but pointing at a man's effeminacy as if that somehow invalidated his words indeed reeks of misogyny; he can be as manly or as effeminate he wants, and that should have no bearing on the discussion.

Edited by Cochofles
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9 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Lmao that's all Rat Efron can do, isn't it? Take his shirt off. At least Mark Wahlberg quickly went from dropping his pants in underwear ads to dropping them in a really good movie (Boogie Nights) which he used as a platform to do more good movies. 

Efron will just keep taking his shirt off in lame comedies and it's all very wink-wink...about nothing. 




I guess if you say so. I bet you can see the future now...

Mark Wahlberg was also considered a himbo at some point, although I am sure that you will selectively choose to retrofit the past to fit your argument and say that "Wahlberg was always a great actor" or some other BS like that.


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2 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


1- Wrong. I loved every trailer and every piece of marketing. Saying that it is a fact and that everyone agrees with your assessment is factually incorrect.

2- According to you; I found it awesome.

3-How in the heck does the director being effeminate have any relevance to your alleged argument? Oddly enough, you are condemning the unfair screams of MISOGYNY!, but pointing at a man's effeminacy as if that somehow invalidated his words indeed reeks of misogyny; he can be as manly or as effeminate he wants, and that should have no bearing on the discussion.



Well, it seems you got a good experience and that's really fine. I have no problems with that.


You may have liked the trailers ( I was talking about the first one, though ) but you're in the minority. Even critics who liked the movie, talk about the trailer being bad. So, I have a point.


I got the impression that Feig tried to ignore every valid criticism for this movie, by trying to blame the misogyny, but it might backfire. My point still stands. I think he's a damn feminist who just sees misogyny everywhere, even when it's nowhere to be seen. 


Anyway, I keep everything what I posted. It's not a bad movie by any means, but not good enough to be a "must see" movie. Peace always! :)

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1 minute ago, Blaze Heatnix said:



Well, it seems you got a good experience and that's really fine. I have no problems with that.


You may have liked the trailers ( I was talking about the first one, though ) but you're in the minority. Even critics who liked the movie, talk about the trailer being bad. So, I have a point.


I got the impression that Feig tried to ignore every valid criticism for this movie, by trying to blame the misogyny, but it might backfire. My point still stands. I think he's a damn feminist who just sees misogyny everywhere, even when it's nowhere to be seen. 


Anyway, I keep everything what I posted. It's not a bad movie by any means, but not good enough to be a "must see" movie. Peace always! :)


What does being feminist have to do with being effeminate?   Do you not know the difference or did you mistype?

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2 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:



Well, it seems you got a good experience and that's really fine. I have no problems with that.


You may have liked the trailers ( I was talking about the first one, though ) but you're in the minority. Even critics who liked the movie, talk about the trailer being bad. So, I have a point.


I got the impression that Feig tried to ignore every valid criticism for this movie, by trying to blame the misogyny, but it might backfire. My point still stands. I think he's a damn feminist who just sees misogyny everywhere, even when it's nowhere to be seen. 


Anyway, I keep everything what I posted. It's not a bad movie by any means, but not good enough to be a "must see" movie. Peace always! :)

I don't think it's fair to say that @Cochofles is in the minority for liking the trailer. You don't know that for a fact and unfortunately youll never really know how the actual GA liked the trailer because the fanboys took it upon themselves to down vote the trailer so many times. Obviously there was interest in the film. A movie doesn't open to a $40M weekend if the trailers were perceived as horrible by most. 


And this is coming from someone who did think the trailers were awful but that doesn't mean I think everyone else felt the same way. The OW says otherwise. Clearly people went out to watch it because they thought there was something good about the film and I'm guessing for them they were intrigued by the trailer.


Because I do think the marketing for this film failed it. 

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5 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:


I got the impression that Feig tried to ignore every valid criticism for this movie, by trying to blame the misogyny, but it might backfire. My point still stands. I think he's a damn feminist who just sees misogyny everywhere, even when it's nowhere to be seen. 


Did you mean "feminist" when you wrote "effeminate" in your previous post?

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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Efron has been on the cusp of stardom for close to a decade now. When you've been a B-lister for that long, the chances of you breaking out beyond that become increasingly slim.

I guess for him it could be worse. He could be like his high school musical co-stars. Which I always find interesting. How it's usually only one actor or actress that breaks away from those teen movies or from teen tv shows. It's very rare for it to be several people from the movie or tv show. It's always one person and everyone wonders why so and so was the person who broke away from it. 

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8 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


I guess if you say so. I bet you can see the future now...

Mark Wahlberg was also considered a himbo at some point, although I am sure that you will selectively choose to retrofit the past to fit your argument and say that "Wahlberg was always a great actor" or some other BS like that.



I don't think Mark Walberg is a great actor now. He's passable at best. You kinda missed my point. 

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5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Efron has been on the cusp of stardom for close to a decade now. When you've been a B-lister for that long, the chances of you breaking out beyond that become increasingly slim.


I disagree with this. He's been around long enough that he is obviously develop relationships with producers and Studios and so on. One day he will get his break and one day just like Ryan Reynolds if he keeps at it long enough you'll find the right starting vehicle and it will turn out well for him. I like the guy as an actor and I actually like some of the choices that he's made it's just they haven't caught on with the public.

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