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Friday Numbers (The Vow: 15.4M; Safe House: 13.8M; Star Wars 3D: 8.7M; Journey 2: 6.6M)

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Safe House, OMG. :blink::o Denzel has to be as big of a draw as any other actor out there to take such a generic film as SH to a $40m OW. Can you imagine if he ever does a blockbuster type film? If he does, look out Depp and Smith. This weekend is crazy amazing. If this continues into next month when we actually get some big name films hitting, we're in for a record March. And my $90m Hunger Games OW prediction suddenly is looking very attainable.

I don't see how you can compare an opening of a film that stars a 50 year old black man to a film that is aimed at 10-20 year old females.
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Those numbers are very early. "Safe House" should be the most matinee friendly of the 4 new releases, so i'm waiting some more hours, before getting really excited.

How is that? I would think Journey 2 would be.
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I think RR, like many actors his age, as Fishnets said, is a great supporting actor. There are people like me who just love the guy and would literally see anything he is in, but for the majority of people, he's the kind of actor that strengthens a movie by him being there, but not as the star. And there's nothing wrong with that. There are very few stars who can do it by themselves.

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Denzel as the bad guy was the biggest thing. The music in the trailer, marketing campaign (SB Tv Spots) and Ryan Reynolds helped a lot.

Edited by CJohn
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It's funny because based on random posts on the internet, rap music ruins a trailer. But the numbers say otherwise.

Pretentious fools. Rap music works wonders for action movies targeting teens and they're back in the cinemas this year
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My point is that if some genric February thriller can hit $40m OW, a tentpole film with tons of hype could easily double that.

But maybe this isn't a generic February film. Maybe this is a film that was very anticipated to a lot of people. THG might have a following and it might very well open big. But SF opening big is not a sign one way or the other that it will or won't.
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Don't you think the lower ticket price is helping? It's now just at $7.83, the lowest since 2010.

I don't think theaters have lowered their prices. Not one of them in my area has.
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But maybe this isn't a generic February film. Maybe this is a film that was very anticipated to a lot of people. THG might have a following and it might very well open big. But SF opening big is not a sign one way or the other that it will or won't.

True story. This means nothing to other movies (it is a good sign, tho). And SH didn't look generic, IMO. Edited by CJohn
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Denzel as a badass is what got asses in seats for Safe House. Not Reynolds. Hell, the TV Spots I saw downplayed his involvement. This is a win for Universal and Denzel, but doesn't do anything for Reynolds (Green Lantern and The Change-Up flopping are still both looming over him)

Also the Phantom Menace $33 million just goes to show you the general public doesn't hate that movie or George Lucas like the Internet and fandom claims they do.

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