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1 minute ago, Tele Came Back said:


Cruise is a very hands-on producer (and does actual producing work, during development) so this makes sense. I do draw the line at saying he directs a lot of his movies, though.


My syntax was probably bad, I meant he is involved a lot in the actual direction of is movies (when he is with is directors, not collaborating with a big name), not that a lot of is movies were directed by him.

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2 minutes ago, johnboy3434 said:

One last PR weekend prediction, since it will almost certainly drop out of wide release after this week: $633k, or a 53.6% drop.


I find it interesting that despite most people who watched PR liking it, it hasn't managed to have a single drop less than 50% in its run. The fans watched it but it really didn't go beyond a small already existing base.

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Just now, grim22 said:


I find it interesting that despite most people who watched PR liking it, it hasn't managed to have a single drop less than 50% in its run. The fans watched it but it really didn't go beyond a small already existing base.

Lil Yachty no nope done do not want GIF

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31 minutes ago, Tele Came Back said:


Cruise is a very hands-on producer (and does actual producing work, during development) so this makes sense. I do draw the line at saying he directs a lot of his movies, though.


As crazy as that f*cker is, Tom Cruise is talented. I will give him that.


I would hire him as an actor in a heartbeat.

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Another thing on stars.


I think the reason people act as if star power doesn't exist is that they assume to many actors are pulls because they're in a successful movie/franchise.


Just like stars like McCarthy use their name to brand themselves, actors can brand themselves to a role if they're not careful.  Watson, for example has played Belle and Hermione, and people see her as those characters.  Nobody went to see Harry Potter or BATB to see the next "Emma Watson movie", they went to see the new Harry Potter/Disney movie.


Same with say Robert Downey Jr being a pull when he's in a Marvel movie, but has no pull in something else.  People see him as Tony Stark now, he's branded himself as a particular character.


The main actor that I can think of that escaped this trap was Harrison Ford.


Pratt's one that I think will escape it to.  People still see him as Chris Pratt, he's branded himself as a funny everyday guy that can also do action.  I think he still needs to prove himself with more films, but The Magnificent Seven and Passengers both did well, despite mild reception, and obviously JW/GOTG are big roles for him.

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1 minute ago, The Panda said:

Another thing on stars.


I think the reason people act as if star power doesn't exist is that they assume to many actors are pulls because they're in a successful movie/franchise.


Just like stars like McCarthy use their name to brand themselves, actors can brand themselves to a role if they're not careful.  Watson, for example has played Belle and Hermione, and people see her as those characters.  Nobody went to see Harry Potter or BATB to see the next "Emma Watson movie", they went to see the new Harry Potter/Disney movie.


Same with say Robert Downey Jr being a pull when he's in a Marvel movie, but has no pull in something else.  People see him as Tony Stark now, he's branded himself as a particular character.


The main actor that I can think of that escaped this trap was Harrison Ford.


Pratt's one that I think will escape it to.  People still see him as Chris Pratt, he's branded himself as a funny everyday guy that can also do action.  I think he still needs to prove himself with more films, but The Magnificent Seven and Passengers both did well, despite mild reception, and obviously JW/GOTG are big roles for him.

To be fair, the only non-Marvel films he's done since 2011 are Holmes 2 and CHEF: A Film by Jon Favreau 

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2 minutes ago, johnboy3434 said:


On what do you base this flat refutation? Most of the people who saw it DID like it. The problem is that not enough people saw it.

My own two eyes. I'm still baffled that the majority opinion leans positive.

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6 minutes ago, The Panda said:


The Judge


An R rated family drama with 47% on RT that still did $85m WW.    More than Manchester By The Sea.   One might as well say no one has an interest in seeing Meryl Streep in a drama.


The Holmes movies made a lot of money - more movie than all other Guy Richie movie combined or any Holmes movie ever.  Even that road comedy he did, Due Date racked up $211m WW. I'd also give him credit for Tropic Of Thunder (which  came out after IM and he makes the movie)

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Just now, TalismanRing said:


An R rated family drama with 47% on RT that still did $85m WW.    More than Manchester By The Sea.   One might as well say no one has an interest in seeing Meryl Streep in a drama.


The Holmes movies made a lot of money - more movie than all other Guy Richie movie combined or any Holmes movie ever.  Even that road comedy he did, Due Date racked up $211m WW. I'd also give him credit for Tropic Of Thunder (which  came out after IM and he makes the movie)

The Judge had a 50M budget though, so it barely made any money once you factor in the home market.

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10 minutes ago, ACSlater said:

RDj is Iron Man. End of story. 


Chris Evans is Captain America. End of Story.


I have no interest in seeing them in anything else. Put on your damn costumes and be heroic damn you...


Pfft your loss.  


Watch Chaplin, Less Than Zero, Restoration, Zodiac,  A Scanner Darkly, Tropic Of Thunder. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, or Season 4 of freaking Ally McBeal  - RDJ is an acting God.


Currently at a cinema near you (kind of) Evans is a goddman gift in Gifted.



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1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:


Pfft your loss.  


Watch Chaplin, Less Than Zero, Restoration, Zodiac,  A Scanner Darkly, Tropic Of Thunder. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, or Season 4 of freaking Ally McBeal  - RDJ is an acting God.


Currently at a cinema near you (kind of) Evans is a goddman gift in Gifted.





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4 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

The Judge had a 50M budget though, so it barely made any money once you factor in the home market.


It made more than it would have with an actor who was not a draw - even if the budget was $30m less - that's the point.


It made twice as much as Joy in (US) home release and that had a $60m budget + and Academy Awards push ($$$) and an Oscar nom for Best Actress and did a little more WW. 


Yet, JLaw is a draw...



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7 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


An R rated family drama with 47% on RT that still did $85m WW.    More than Manchester By The Sea.   One might as well say no one has an interest in seeing Meryl Streep in a drama.


The Holmes movies made a lot of money - more movie than all other Guy Richie movie combined or any Holmes movie ever.  Even that road comedy he did, Due Date racked up $211m WW. I'd also give him credit for Tropic Of Thunder (which  came out after IM and he makes the movie)


Compare that to Collateral Beauty with its 12% RT, making 88M WW from a 36M Budget. Plus it was considered a complete flop.

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15 minutes ago, The Panda said:

Just like stars like McCarthy use their name to brand themselves, actors can brand themselves to a role if they're not careful. 



Has for being type casted and only be a draw in a thin margin that you cannot get out of, it is certainly true, one other aspect is your fanbase movie going habit.


When you became a star in a large blockbuster franchise type of movie, there is a chance that a vast part of your audience are the type of audience that go 4 time or less a year in theater and only for the biggest event movie. You can still be a draw in an other event blockbuster, but not necessarily outside that type of release.


When you achieve a couple of success in something that are seen among people that are more the type to often go to theater and watch say every movies The Coens will do, without having any rules about not watching X type of movie in theater, they will follow you more easily and their need of an spectacular trailer threshold that make them go to theater is much lower.

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5 minutes ago, jj99 said:


Compare that to Collateral Beauty with its 12% RT, making 88M WW from a 36M Budget. Plus it was considered a complete flop.


It had that X-Mas holiday Oscar release date and a loaded starry cast which is why it was considered a flop but it wasn't financially unless Smith & Co got big $$$ on the back end (and looking at that cost and that cast they probably did get something).  The same way people like to say The Judge is a flop because of the high profile star and it's not.







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