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Elmo's playing with real fire now, I see.






Still think too much of the News Infrastructure is hopelessly addicted to Twitter for it to matter in the end, but that's a rather sizable bale of hay that just got added to the camel's back.

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4 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Still think too much of the News Infrastructure is hopelessly addicted to Twitter for it to matter in the end, but that's a rather sizable bale of hay that just got added to the camel's back.


Mind, the real saving grace for Twitter is that while Political Twitter is a dumpster fire that is getting worse with every passing month, Sports Twitter and Film Twitter, and Music Twitter and most of the other Non-Politics Twitter Twitters are still churning along trying to ignore all of the noise.  And as long as they're successful, Twitter isn't going anywhere.


As such, Twitter still isn't likely to implode in the very very near future.  But shit like today does make it more... unstable. 

Edited by Porthos
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On 11/13/2023 at 9:06 PM, robertman2 said:

Birdman over Good, Bad and the Ugly?


I have lost all respect for Scorsese, all hail the Russo brothers

I love Scorsese as a director, but know he is just doing shtick knocking down popo culture Icons.

And yes, i love The Good ,The Bad, and the Ugly.


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8 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Mind, the real saving grace for Twitter is that while Political Twitter is a dumpster fire that is getting worse with every passing month, Sports Twitter and Film Twitter, and Music Twitter and most of the other Non-Politics Twitter Twitters are still churning along trying to ignore all of the noise.  And as long as they're successful, Twitter isn't going anywhere.


As such, Twitter still isn't likely to implode in the very very near future.  But shit like today does make it more... unstable. 

I just demped Twitter all together. I dokn't want to give Muks one dime of my money.

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2 minutes ago, dudalb said:

I just demped Twitter all together. I dokn't want to give Muks one dime of my money.


As have a lot of people!  Just not enough to cause the platform to implode... yet.




The thing about Musk's reign of Twitter is... He wants to turn Twitter into 4chan.  And the general public by and large DOESN'T LIKE 4chan!  It wasn't called "the asshole of the internet" for nothing.


Really, looking at nearly every one of Musk's actions the last few years through the lens of 4chan and especially /pol (with a dash of /b added), then a whole hell of a lot clicks into place.  Right down to the fascination with anime memes.  Nearly every one of his actions and more inflammatory comments is right out of the /pol subculture.


I tend to think most of the normie press's lack of interaction with 4chan is really helping him here, as if various Institutional Actors knew more about how the amorphous blob that makes up current 4chan group-thought  thinks of things, the more they'd be fleeing from Twitter than they already are.


Hell, I give this latest stunt a 50/50 chance for being the final straw for the Matt Yglesias's of the world who are very familiar with 4chan ideology and will no longer see Twitter interaction as being a net positive.


On the other hand:  Addiction is a hell of a drug to kick, to mangle metaphors. 


And as long as too many politicos are still addicted to Twitter....




Ngl:  The day the Adrian Wojnarowskis and Jeff Passans and Shams Charanias* of the world abandon Twitter is the day Twitter is in ***REAL TROUBLE*** as that'll be a sign that the Normies that make up All The Other Twitters are fed up with how Elmo is running the platform.  

* Insert Big Name News Makers/Influceners of choice for Other Twitter Subcultures.

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Twitter is not gonna go away anytime soon. Remember when everyone thought Twitter would break down 1 year ago? I don't think most people care about Elon's changes, and some (like the expansion of the community notes feature) have even gone over well. Even for many who dislike the changes, their addictions to Twitter run too deep for them to seriously consider quitting. The competition is also pitiful.


TBH, it just reads like unrealistic doomposting to me at least.

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2 minutes ago, Bob Train said:

Twitter is not gonna go away anytime soon. Remember when everyone thought Twitter would break down 1 year ago? I don't think most people care about Elon's changes, and some (like the expansion of the community notes feature) have even gone over well. Even for many who dislike the changes, their addictions to Twitter run too deep for them to seriously consider quitting. The competition is also pitiful.


TBH, it just reads like unrealistic doomposting to me at least.


I wasn't one of them!  Hell, I still think the stranglehold Twitter has on for Go To Place For Breaking News means it has a leg up on nearly everyone else, never mind all of the other Twitters where things are still more or less fine.


Just sayin that things look like they'll last forever and be unassailable... until they're not.  As a certain movie franchise might have just proved.


(or countless tech platforms/services/industries if We Want To Be More On Point)

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2 hours ago, Porthos said:


I wasn't one of them!  Hell, I still think the stranglehold Twitter has on for Go To Place For Breaking News means it has a leg up on nearly everyone else, never mind all of the other Twitters where things are still more or less fine.


Just sayin that things look like they'll last forever and be unassailable... until they're not.  As a certain movie franchise might have just proved.


(or countless tech platforms/services/industries if We Want To Be More On Point)

Twitter has certainly lost it's dominate postion in social media, though.

And i suspect a few people are still buying into the whole 'Musk is the real life Tony Stark" BS.

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3 hours ago, Porthos said:

As have a lot of people!  Just not enough to cause the platform to implode... yet.

The other problem is that you can’t read the website anymore without being logged in. There are no more visible comments. So, even though I don’t use the website anymore, I still have the app on my phone so that if someone sends me something I can access it.



23 minutes ago, dudalb said:

And i suspect a few people are still buying into the whole 'Musk is the real life Tony Stark" BS.

Well, as someone who always thought, Tony Stark was a giant asshole, and the villain of the story, I still Elon and Tony would be besties. 

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21 minutes ago, Cap said:

The other problem is that you can’t read the website anymore without being logged in.


Wellll, there are ways. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


But it is true that unless you're a Data Privacy Nerd like me*, you've probably either never heard of something like Nitter or don't want to go through the trouble of using it as a Front End.  No idea if the Nitter Redirect works as an app on the phone, but gotta tell ya, the Nitter Redirect Chrome Extension has been a godsend for me as it automatically converts all Twitter links to Nitter links which I can then view without a Twitter account.

* Or someone who can be amazingly stubborn at times, to-may-toe/toe-mah-to


Does make it irritating to reconvert it to a Twitter link when I want to embed a post here.  But it's a small price to pay to  NEVER give Elon one cent of my ad dollars or any personal info whatsoever. 👍 


Edited by Porthos
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1 hour ago, robertman2 said:

Not on twitter, got banned for being too mean to transphobe, what did elon do now?


Oh nothing much, just Musk (once again) playing footsie with Great Replacement yahoos and this time insinuating that a Cabal of Jews are part of it  Jewish Leaders have been pushing it for Various Reasons:


Nitter link which you should be able to see, and play around from there:



Notice *I* worded my summary of it fairly carefully and judiciously to avoid some of the more common "gotchas" that are floating about in defense of Musk's actions.    Well, that and it being somewhat drifting off-topic.  Insinuated was particularly chosen on purpose as a word choice, for instance.


But Elon Musk has been drifting more and more into the Great Replacement Theory/White Genocide sphere for months/years now, so him... I won't quite say "dog whistling" about it, but I will say "dog quote-tweeting it" isn't exactly a surprise.  Juuuuuuust enough plausible deniability to evade a total shitstrom but enough of a dog whistle for anyone who has actually been paying attention to Musk at all for the last few months to know exactly what he's up to here.



Edited by Porthos
Edited in the White Genocide Wikipedia link as the Great Replacement is a subset of that larger idiocy and White Genocide is distinctly antisemetic
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5 hours ago, Porthos said:


Oh nothing much, just Musk (once again) playing footsie with Great Replacement yahoos and this time insinuating that a Cabal of Jews are part of it  Jewish Leaders have been pushing it for Various Reasons:


Nitter link which you should be able to see, and play around from there:



Notice *I* worded my summary of it fairly carefully and judiciously to avoid some of the more common "gotchas" that are floating about in defense of Musk's actions.    Well, that and it being somewhat drifting off-topic.  Insinuated was particularly chosen on purpose as a word choice, for instance.


But Elon Musk has been drifting more and more into the Great Replacement Theory/White Genocide sphere for months/years now, so him... I won't quite say "dog whistling" about it, but I will say "dog quote-tweeting it" isn't exactly a surprise.  Juuuuuuust enough plausible deniability to evade a total shitstrom but enough of a dog whistle for anyone who has actually been paying attention to Musk at all for the last few months to know exactly what he's up to here.




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8 hours ago, grim22 said:



It's an interesting question, and probably unanswerable on some level.  Dude obviously didn't overtly hold all of these attitudes but the underlying psychological makeup from whence they sprang? Almost certainly always there.  


While I personally think the aftermath to the 'rona is probably the major accelerant/radicalization agent here, I think he's always been hostile to certain flavors of elitism (can't exactly say he is anti-elitist since he's as elite as they come!) as well as having hostile attitudes to various groups.  Even when he was in liberal good graces, for instance, he still got in online fights with too many groups to count.


I've observed more than once that Elon Musk is the poster child for "too online for their own good".  Can even see this in regards to the difference between his original actions surrounding Kanye West over a year ago to him playing footsie with alt-reich keyboard warriors now. Wouldn't discount his own Midlife Crisis thanks to his divorces as well as his own personal conflicts with his transgender daughter. "Divorced Dad" Goes Down QAnon Rabbit Hole isn't exactly uncommon nowadays or in the past with other Conspiracy Fads of the Era.


On the other hand dude just has weird views.  Elon Musk is obsessed with population collapse to the point where he's actually part of a real life cabal of Silicon Valley techbros trying to repopulate the Earth by themselves.


Which leads me to what I think is the Grand Unifying Theory of Elon Musk's world views:  He's one of those folks who thinks that Western Civilization is on collision course with collapse, Barbarians at the Gate style. And  it's only a hop, skip, and a jump from thinking that Western Civilization is replaying the Collapse of the Late Roman Empire to nodding along to the folks chanting "Jews Will Not Replace Us" even while saying you're only against "The Bad Jews" that are seeking to hollow out and destroy Western Civilization for their own nefarious ends.




Now why does he think this?  Don't know, don't care.  Maybe it's the dark side to his Techno Optimism.  Maybe it's a case of can take the kid out of Apartheid but can't take the Apartheid out of the kid.  Or maybe he really is the Most Divorced Dad ever.  Probably a little of all of the above and more.


So to answer Ezra's Not A Tweet*?  It revealed a dark side of his personality that was always there to one degree or another.  Didn't mean that it was inevitable that the dark side to his character would take over in the way it has.  We all have our mixtures of angels and demons after all.  But it's def on him that he fed it and nurtured it and allowed it to shape his current world views and actions.


* What do we call posts on Threads, anyway?  "Thread" doesn't sound right to my ear, plus it already has a different meaning.  Is there an agreed upon term for Not a Tweet over on Threads yet?


Edited by Porthos
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IBM just pulled all ads from Twitter/X because of the way Musk has allowed it to be flooded with Anti Semitism over the past few weeks, and because of Musk's own Anti Semitic tweets.

ANd that is why I do not use X ,will never use X; I cannot support  anybody or anything that spreads bigotry.

And apparently A IBM ad appared on X eight next to a Neo Nazi ad. 

It's like Muxk is trying to drive away major advertisers . Seoon he will just be left with the dregs.

As to why Musk does this crap, never forget he grew up in Apartheied South Africa.

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34 minutes ago, dudalb said:

IBM just pulled all ads from Twitter/X because of the way Musk has allowed it to be flooded with Anti Semitism over the past few weeks, and because of Musk's own Anti Semitic tweets.

ANd that is why I do not use X ,will never use X; I cannot support  anybody or anything that spreads bigotry.

And apparently A IBM ad appared on X eight next to a Neo Nazi ad. 

It's like Muxk is trying to drive away major advertisers . Seoon he will just be left with the dregs.

As to why Musk does this crap, never forget he grew up in Apartheied South Africa.

If Apple pulls out again it will sting big time. Last time Musk threatened go nuclear when Apple paused their ads. 

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