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34 minutes ago, The Last AndyLL said:

Thanks all for your input.  I've cooled off a bit and will be meeting with the counselor Monday.

If you want to get into a top tech school like MIT or Caltech then yes... it would help to load up on advanced math classes.

If you're trying to get into Ivy League school then showing a lot of advanced classes could help.


But for 90% of the schools I would contend that high GPA/SAT/ACT plus being well rounded outside of school helps more.  Taking 4-5 AP classes your senior year could be a recipe for disaster.


Bingo - so, the 1st decision your kid usually needs to make for their own life is if they want to sacrifice high school time and fun and finding themselves for the enormous workload of an Ivy entry gamble (which isn't just gonna be academics and tests, although that's required...but also the "extra high achievement in 2-3 other areas of life" as well - so it's the 4 year uber-grind)...if that has no interest to the child or you could never pay it even if they got in (b/c it's not like they do anything really but need-based grants and loans), you do your child no favors trying to "check all the boxes just to check the boxes" and put them under this grind...instead, you likely make the miserable...

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3 minutes ago, Just Tele said:


I mean, I get the frustration of not having it play close to you... but why so attached emotionally?



I'm pretty sure my crying when I awoke had little to do with FLORIDA PROJECT itself. Rather, in my dream, all I saw was a sad girl who was like 6 walk around backstage of a theater with everyone ignoring her, but then Willem Dafoe, talking to someone, noticed her and just started making jokes to make her laugh, and when the girl smiled I just started crying in my dream because like Willem Dafoe is someone that never gets to have a tender role and when I woke up I actually started crying because 4AM Blank randomly started thinking to himself that if Willem "The Devil" Dafoe can have a role where he makes children's lives better, maybe there is hope in this world


it's super dumb but it was at 4 in the morning lol

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42 minutes ago, Poe Blankeron said:

i had a dream about FINALLY seeing The Florida Project last night and I woke up crying as a visceral reaction to seeing Willem Dafoe be a kind loving man. maybe i do need professional help

Weirdest post of the day winner right here.

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14 hours ago, The Last AndyLL said:


So... @WrathOfHan, @Ethan Hunt, @DAJK, @Rorschach and other young ones.


So I've notice all of you take a lot of advanced classes.  Why is that?  Natural progression? Trying to get college credits?  Vanity?


Unlike when I was in high school my son't school has a million electives in different industries.  Economics, marketing, graphic art, computer, writing, music instruments, and so forth.


I'm encouraging him to explore different fields so when he gets to college he has a better idea of what he enjoys and is good at.  I'd much rather have him taking a business entrepreneurial class or piano instead of Calculus.


However I seem to be in the minority in this idea.



I know you asked the current high school students for their opinion.


But as someone who graduated from college three years ago, might I say that your son shouldn't necessarily take advanced classes just to improve his chances for getting into college.


If he wants to do theater, that's great but I'd encourage him to find something else he's passionate about that's a minor and then take advanced classes in that. You never know.


For instance I took three AP courses my senior year. AP Government, AP Spanish, AP European History. Luckily my college, Boston University, accepted my AP credit as college credit. If the school your son wants to go to doesn't accept AP Credit, AP classes are frankly an utter waste of time.


Anyways, taking AP credit can help. For instance, AP Spanish ensured I didn't have to waste my time on a foreign language course in college. AP European History got me out of a class  I didn't want to take leaving me time to take a class I did want to take during my sophomore year.


But most importantly when I went on the BU in LA program for my film major studies, it meant I was technically one class short of being able to get my History minor. But AP European History? It counted towards the minor so I got my minor, got to go to Los Angeles, and that program was the push I needed to move to LA.


I went to a college prep school so I was getting prepped for going into college from freshman year of high school...but we all knew that the real value of an AP course wasn't in college acceptance but in its potential use as college credit. Not to rush through the college experience (I didn't) but so you can also explore other classes.


AP Calculus might not help him get into college. But when he goes to college if he can use it to avoid talking a math class and instead take a class he wants to take, might be worth it.

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