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Best Supporting Actress-2012

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Nope. If this is the line-up than Leo takes it. His competitiors are all past winners. They wouldn`t put him in if they didn`t want to award him. Not to mention that the role is baity as fuck. A bone fide movie star takes a super risky, bold role that many would think twice before signing for, has a monologue that is awards wet dream, is a past nominee so not a one-hit wonder,etc. I get that people are confused because of SAG situation but that wasn`t a snub. They haven`t received the screeners which means they haven`t seen him.

I think those 4 past winners will be in the Oscar line-up with 5th spot going to one of Leo, Henry, Waltz, SLJ (apparently he`s campaigning), Redmayne.

Also, the race is shaping up to award several past winners (Bigelow? DDL? Spielberg? Some BSAactor?) so someone has to be first time winner.

This. TLJ's too old and a previous winner. This year's winner will be relatively young and a first-time winner considering they just award super veteran Plummer last year. Leo's the only one that fits the bill.

And I think the last spot I think will be Redmayne replacing either Arkin or DeNiro. Some people are predicting a line-up of 5 previous winners which is ridiculous and will never happen because the Academy always will have a first-time nominee here (as is the tradition in acting categories. Actress last had 5 returning nominees 18 years ago and before that 20 years I believe).People are talking about 5 returning winners when 5 returning nominees is something that almost never happens.

Even if you are predicting Leo that's 5 returning nominees which I don't think statistically is very likely to happen. The only two viable first time nominee candidates would be Henry and Redmayne. Redmayne obviously being the more likely choice so I'll go with him as my #5.

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But shouldn`t. One showstopper number does not a BSA make. Also, her work in TDKR was much stronger and rangey. That`s a role for which she should win.

Really? For the over the top screaming and walking in and out of the movie for no reason?As cliché and Oscar-bait-ish as her role in Les Misérables is, she has the pipes to back it up and she actually breathed new life into the play's quintessential song that everyone has sung the same way for decades. The role of Fantine will forever be associated with Hathaway.While I think neither of her roles should win the Oscar, if I had to pick one, Les Misérables it is.
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After seeing Compliance I don't think Ann Dowd will make it, but I hope she does. Great performance in what is, in a way, the scariest film of the year. Which would likely be a turn-off for many voters who decide to watch it. In that way it goes even further than We Need to Talk About Kevin did last year - that, while disturbing, still wasn't controversial, had a much higher pedigree and was an artistic horror through and through. Compliance is a horror that's raw, stripped-down and bare-bones (no puns intended), making it only harder to witness.

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Really? For the over the top screaming and walking in and out of the movie for no reason?As cliché and Oscar-bait-ish as her role in Les Misérables is, she has the pipes to back it up and she actually breathed new life into the play's quintessential song that everyone has sung the same way for decades. The role of Fantine will forever be associated with Hathaway.While I think neither of her roles should win the Oscar, if I had to pick one, Les Misérables it is.

I think that her role in Les Miserables despite being called Oscar bait, and Oscar begging, and being hyped up (and now confirmed) as the Oscar winner isn't a particularly a role that was made to win an Oscar. She has about 20 minutes of screentime at most in a 3 hours long movie. She's in the beginning,dies, and disappears until the very end. It's not a role that the Academy would 150% guaranteed go absolute bonkers over unlike Streep's Thatcher, or DDL's Lincoln. They could very easily have passed over her because of her relatively not so big nature.
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I think Sally Field and Helen Hunt have a much better chance with AMPAS members than most people are willing to admit. The most important thing in Hathaway's favor is that Les Miz isn't likely to win either BP or BD and AMPAS members may want to award the movie nonetheless so she is the obvious choice.

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That and Hathaway is a previous nominee who's had her best year yet in 2012. Field has two Oscars already, Hunt has one, and neither has been nominated for any - or delivered any unjustly overlooked performances, for that matter - for almost 30 years in the case of the former and 15 years in the case of the latter.

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Anyone but Field. Her having 3 Oscars is a travesty of epic proportions, especially if she goes 3 for 3. It's the same number as Meryl Streep, Nicholson, and Bergman. She'd be a shameful addition to the list of Actors with more than 2 Oscars. Hepburn, Nicholson, Bergman, Brennan, La Streep, + Sally Field. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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I'm thinking Kidman for sure gets a nom after recent events. I'd love to see Barks get in, but I highly doubt it. So help me God, if Field wins...

Ew.... Kidman. I had almost forgotten that she existed. :P And while Barks getting in is lovely, I don't want her to. She'll split votes with Hathaway, which increases the chance of Field winning.
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I can't wait for Kidman to get her second Oscar. Mostly for the same reason I want Penn to win his second. Both are extremely talented, needlessly hated on the internet.

WTF? Kidman #2? Maybe if she does something good again.And we only hate her because of her botoxed forehead. :P Edited by riczhang
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But shouldn`t. One showstopper number does not a BSA make. Also, her work in TDKR was much stronger and rangey. That`s a role for which she should win.

Well Jennifer Hudson won for one showstopper number so it's very possible for Anne. But the reviews for Les Mis put a dent on her chances from unbeatable to just a vulnerable frontrunner
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