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Justice League (2017)

Justice League (2017)  

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2 minutes ago, Webslinger said:

(just look at the opening: we get a cute, funny video of Superman followed by a mostly serious opening with Batman and a dour opening credits sequence)

If I weren't in a sold out theater, I would've literally burst into laughter at the decision to set the opening credits to that very dramatic, very Snyder-y version of "Everybody Knows."

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5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

If I weren't in a sold out theater, I would've literally burst into laughter at the decision to set the opening credits to that very dramatic, very Snyder-y version of "Everybody Knows."

Dude, I did burst out in laughter in a sold-out auditorium during the Martha scene in BvS. I still can't believe I was the only one laughing - or that the fanboys who were later practically bending over backwards trying to argue that it didn't suck didn't try to murder me right then and there.

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21 minutes ago, filmlover said:

So this was a near total mess that showed the signs of a product that obviously was tampered with in post-production. The nicest thing I can really say about it is that it's better than Batman v Superman, but that's because it's not as pretentious and runs a half hour shorter. This is just more of the same for the most part: incoherent storytelling, thin characterization, empty spectacle, emotionless drama, too many characters for one two hour film to juggle, and the lamest movie villain in forever (brought to life by some of the most atrocious CGI ever committed to film - is this really the best $300M can buy?).


The problems with these movies can all be traced back to one person and one person only: Zack Snyder. The man certainly has proven to have an eye for visuals throughout his career (though not so much here - I've played video games with more impressive F/X), and you can see that he has plenty of ideas (some better, some worse). But he doesn't have a fucking clue as to how to properly execute any of them. Moments that should have impact (like the resurrection of Superman) end up having none, and all of the action is rendered as nothing but noise. Perhaps it's because of WB foisting a shared universe without giving the audience a chance to properly meet most of these characters, but there really isn't much chemistry among anyone. I never bought this group of heroes as full-fledged team like I did with Marvel's Avengers in their first group outing. And for a movie with such a vast cast, it's astonishingly low in its ambitions. One thing I will give BvS (and even Man of Steel) is that at least it tried to be about something (even if it failed spectacularly at doing so). Here, we're stuck with a movie comfortable with merely "existing." A cash cow needed to be milked, and so they did (without a solid plan as to how to get there). This is the most cynical kind of filmmaking there is. It's amazing Wonder Woman turned out as great as it did with so many of the same people involved in it.


And as I said, you can tell this thing went to hell and back in the editing room. Snyder had to leave during post-production due to an unfortunate personal tragedy, with Joss Whedon picking up the slack to see the film to completion. It's evident throughout the movie, as it goes from scene to scene with little rhyme or rhythm. And that digital mustache removal on Henry Cavill: :lol:. Hilariously distracting (and terrible).


The unevenness stretches to the performances, too. Ben Affleck looks bored and ready to be done with these movies. Gal Gadot is fine but isn't as appealing as she was in her solo movie (the script being the problem here). Ray Fisher is pretty good with what little he is given. Jason Momoa is just there. Ezra Miller is a lot of fun though; I'm actually interested in seeing his standalone Flash movie (assuming it still happens). Amy Adams, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, and J.K. Simmons come and go fast enough to collect paychecks. And Cavill is finally given a chance to show off a refreshingly non-brooding Superman once he's resurrected.


I'm just grateful that this is the last time (God-willing) I'll never, ever have to see another Zack Snyder DCEU movie. This moment couldn't have come fast enough.



I agree with nearly all of this. I gave it a + because it was still sort of fun in that Universal/Disney motion ride type of way until it just started to become dull (very dull) towards the end and hard to follow.

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3 minutes ago, Webslinger said:

Dude, I did burst out in laughter in a sold-out auditorium during the Martha scene in BvS. I still can't believe I was the only one laughing - or that the fanboys who were later practically bending over backwards trying to argue that it didn't suck didn't try to murder me right then and there.

I busted out laughing in Suicide Squad during "Enchantressssssssss". The first time they showed Cara in that ridiculous costume and CGI in front of the portal.

I definitely had a few WTF expressions on my face when this would just switch scenes out of nowhere with no explanation for what just happened.

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Some of Gal's line-reading in this...


"Kal-El, noooooooo!"


She really missed Jenkins.


It's just boring. BvS is entertaining in it's... BvSness, but this is just so dull whenever Miller isn't quipping or Momoa isn't hitting things with a pitchfork. 


Edited by ddddeeee
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This was a VIDEO GAME. Not a proper FILM.

I miss the Nolan days when DC films looked and felt grounded, real, and believable.

If you want to do fiction, make it believable. And if you want to do drama, raise the stakes by bringing real villains that don't look like a mess of CGI.

Mess. Very disappointing.


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It's kinda hard to reconcile Wonder Woman's motivations in her standalone film with the other two films' insistence that she has been inactive for the past century. I get that Steve Trevor's death did a number on her, but with how much concern she shows for humans in WWI Europe, you'd think that something in the intervening hundred years - like, oh, I dunno, another World War - would spur her into action.


I know that not/barely integrating standalone film developments into the big team-up is something the MCU is guilty of as well (particularly with regard to the fact that Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD is only mentioned in passing a few times in Age of Ultron), but this universe's brand of cynicism has always felt forced, and nowhere does it feel more forced than in Wonder Woman's hundred-year "screw this world" stance.

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I really really wanted it to be great, and while some of it was entertaining and it had some really cool moments, I was yet again underwhelmed. it wasn't awful, but it felt so rushed, the story was razor thin and Batfleck felt like he was about ready to fall asleep, I also think Gal's performance hedges upon the director and well the direction of this film was just not that good. I do think tonally it was a step in the right direction, but these characters needs someone who understands them, and gives them more depth.  


I will say I liked most of the heroes, Barry was great, I actually really liked the direction they went with Superman, he finally is starting to feel like Superman, but he had too little screen-time, I am a bit on the fence with Aquaman, he had the funnest scene in the movie though.


The CGI in this movie, for the most part was awful, it looked blurry and unfinished, I do think with better writers and a different director you can still selvage the DCEU. but I would never ever ever ever ever let Zack Snyder near them again. C- for Quality B- for fun. so I'll give it a C+


The Mid-credit scene was boss, I want more stuff like that. 


Wonder Woman A

Justice League C+

Batman V Superman C

Man of Steel C-

Suicide Squad D

Edited by Kalo
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Are we sure they didn't accidentally release the Chinese Censored version?


The movie plays out like your making dinner and doing laundry in the background, maybe you took the trash out, smoked a cig, came back in missed 2 minute here, 6 minutes there  and didnt care to rewind. 



The issues have been played out already in the past two pages. Its not shockingly awful and boring like SS/BvS, it rushes through everything too fast to let those things happen. BvS and SS annoy me because I feel scenes/subplots are unneeded or completely in the wrong place, JL avoids that but ends up trying far far to hard to course correct.  


Its basically the depth and story telling level of JL 70 minute cartoon movie. It didn't make me physically angry (besides maybe that god awful credit song) haha and I was able to just say fuck it you know exactly what it is going to be so just try and enjoy it for what it is. I can see myself lowering my score are another viewing or two but whatever. Gonna do a long podcast I'm sure, so thats all for now.


Oh and for the most part I felt like it was fairly obviously who directed what. 



B- (80)

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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The script is pathetic. The big 3 superheroes have been reduced to a parody of themselves. The color/look of the movie is godawful. The Villain is terrible and so are the heroes. If the only hook for this was it is better than BVS and SS, it is sad. This is slightly better than BvS in its tone due to some forced humor. 


Batman was a non-entity. Gone are the heady days of Nolan's Batman. This Batman is just pathetic and wasn't even needed in the movie given that he does very little other than putting the team together. 


One cannot serve garbage on a consistent basis for the most part and expect it to be accepted all the time. MOS, BVS and SS pretty much killed JL.



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This movie... As much as I wanted it to be good - most parts of it didn't meet what I expected. I saw the trailers and thought: This could be pretty good. I saw the movie and was disappointed.


First of all: the music. I went out of this and did not have any melody in my mind (though one melody at the end was great). It felt like it was a Marvel Soundtrack (excluding DS here). Zimmer made great themes - he should have made this one again...

Most parts of the movie I didn't like the CGI. The Amazones of Themyscira - all looked so bad. It reminded me of The Hobbit (especially the third one). It would be good for these movies to have more real settings. I liked the scene in London because it felt real.

I loved the "Everybody knows"-Intro. Maybe my favorite part of the movie, and maybe the most Snyder like moment.


I liked all of the heroes (Superman>Wonder>Aquaman&Flash&Batman). With these charakters there is so much potential to make a great movie... That Superman-awakes-scene was pretty funny, but showes a major problem as did the fight at the end: Why do they have to make Team? Superman is able to stand any opponent on its own.


What I would like the coming movies to make different:

- real locations

- more focusing on charakters (Clark just wants to make everything right, Batman has many problems :), Aquaman? (I really can't say much about his personality, at first he doesn't seem to be much interested in people but that fades quickly... he's funny though), Flash (he's feared) and Wonder Woman (maybe remorse because she didn't do anything for the humans after WW1?)

- no endless fights like Doomsday or Steppenwolf!!!



(I rate the Extended Edition of BvS in this wich I liked pretty much)


To me this movie was really disappointing while it was not awful. I'll give it a B... Please, the next DCEU-movies have to be better. I don't want only marvel movies to succed :(

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