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23 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:

For 60 billion, eh?    Wise use of their money.    *cue Disney investors selling all their stock*

No my comment was about the predictions for global warming which did not come true.  They were of course replaced with all new and improved doomsday predictions.   This is pretty much an annual event.   Same thing happened with other religions in the past.   Doomsday is coming...the earth is doomed...and of course it is the fault of humans.   (We are always dooming the planet with our "sins"...that's a favorite with doomsayers)


Leo is one of the biggest hypocrites in history.   I'll just follow his lead with my carbon footprint.   I'll need to increase it at least 10x though to keep up with him.


There are always going to be negative things happening in the world.   The mortgage crisis happened and then ended.   Those who sold their 401ks when the stock market fell to 7000 now look like idiots since the stock market is currently above 24,000.    Doomsayers were wrong again.


I don't see any issue with internet providers.   We all appear to be using the internet just fine.


The Middle East has been screwed up for centuries but is actually improving over time.


The Trump stuff is eye rolling.   Supposedly the world is coming to an end again just because the "other party" won the White House.   Heard the same nonsense when Obama was elected twice.   Everything was supposedly getting worse and we were doomed.   (yawn)   Same with Bush before that and Clinton before that.  Meanwhile if you turn off the news everything continues as before with the usual improvements over time.   No idea why people keep falling for that same stuff over and over.

Well if Disney did that in the past...and buys the studio that does what they used to do.....what does logic say about that?


Would it be more logical to claim they are buying them to shut it down or that they will have all the infrastructure in place to make those kinds of movies again?    All the pain that it would normally take to start up an operation like that would be done for them with Searchlight.


Disney bought Marvel and Pixar and didn't shut them down.  With Pixar, they could have shut them down to help the Disney animation studio if they were of that mindset.   They gave them the freedom to do what they want too.    The last Pixar movie before Disney was Cars (yuck) so their winning streak was over before Disney.   They've had some stumbles since but have also released Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up, Toy Story 3, Inside Out, and Coco.   They obviously gave Marvel the freedom to do what they want.   Heck...they put Feige in a bigger position of power.

If this deal goes through, I see a club about how much Marvel will increase the box office for FF and X-men.

Please do not talk about politics. You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

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34 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Please do not talk about politics. You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

You are free to refute my points with all new doomsday claims if you want.   I'm sure the world is coming to an end just like it always has been in the past.   :hahaha:


I've actually done this experiment.    If you are with a group of people and say something like "things are getting worse all the time" you'll just get heads nodding in agreement.   You don't have to provide any proof at all.  Doesn't matter if they are conservative or liberal either.    Everyone is convinced the world is getting worse and worse.


But if you point out that the world is improving in almost every way we can measure complete with actual facts, you'll get arguments and even anger.    Conservatives tend to see it as an affront on their religious belief that the world is heading for judgement day, liberals see it as an affront on their religious belief that the world is heading for judgement day.


No wonder we see so many movies every year about a dystopian future.   We love that stuff.  (heck...I like it too)  People are able to ignore reality in favor of belief.

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11 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:

You are free to refute my points with all new doomsday claims if you want.


Unfortunately, we're really not because most of have the decency to not derail a Disney-Fox deal discussion thread with politics.


If you post that stuff down in the politics thread I'll be willing to engage.

Edited by Jason
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If the deal finally goes on ... how do you think Disney will deal with the X-Men and F4?


I think F4 would be added to the actual Disney-MCU asap.


On the other hand, I don't see it very clear that X-Men could be added in so easily ...

I would make a new universe, XMCU (X-Men Cinematic Universe) with their own "solos" or "teamed up" (as Guardians or Ragnarok) movies leading to an avengerish-movie (branded as "X-Men:--------", as there are the "Avengers:---------"), eventually making crossovers in between... and even going one step ahead to a full-teamed-up event such as Avengers-XMen all together. 


For MCU movies: feb, may, nov. 

For XMen movies: jan, apr, aug. 

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1 hour ago, meriodejaneiro said:

If the deal finally goes on ... how do you think Disney will deal with the X-Men and F4?


I think F4 would be added to the actual Disney-MCU asap.


On the other hand, I don't see it very clear that X-Men could be added in so easily ...

I would make a new universe, XMCU (X-Men Cinematic Universe) with their own "solos" or "teamed up" (as Guardians or Ragnarok) movies leading to an avengerish-movie (branded as "X-Men:--------", as there are the "Avengers:---------"), eventually making crossovers in between... and even going one step ahead to a full-teamed-up event such as Avengers-XMen all together. 


For MCU movies: feb, may, nov. 

For XMen movies: jan, apr, aug. 

If you want the GA to burn out on Comic Book Hero movies,  , 6 films in one year seems to be a good way to do it.

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2 minutes ago, dudalb said:

If you want to bring on  CBM fatigue with the General Audience, 6 films in one year seems to be a good way to do it.

Sure they won't get X-Men back to Marvel to make 1 movie a year for such a huge and wide universe. Maybe I went far with 3 X-Men movies a year, but 2 could easily happen if they decided to create/reboot X-Men ala MCU.


They can be two separate universes, don't need to be interconnected. Like two different franchises.

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4 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

I don't see the GA getting burned out on superheroes any time soon.


Demand still seems pretty high.


At least when it comes to quality entertainment.

Meh. It wouldn’t surprise me that in 2018 due to their being 11 CBMs movies like Ant Man 2, Venom, Dark Phoenix, every animated CBM not Incredibles 2 will hurt and do sub $200M maybe sub $175M. I’m expecting Deadpool 2 to have a decrease as well. In fact due to the surplus I wouldn’t be surprised if both IW and TI2 underperform.

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8 minutes ago, dudalb said:

If you want the GA to burn out on Comic Book Hero movies,  , 6 films in one year seems to be a good way to do it.

The burn out risk would be if a large amount of them (and a lot of bad one) come out I imagine.


Disney buying those properties back will help them control to flow even more to make the windows larger.


Has long as DC/Marvel has an oligopoly on the major releases, they should be able to keep it alive more easily than an no one control the IP's free genre a la western or young adults dystopia.


With that in mind and with Disney momemtum of less and less movies and being ok with months without a release and just make 10 movies a year I could see for the short term:


An average year under the main Disney brand:

3-4 SH movie a year (including X-men, specially if they get their own X-men tv series on their streaming platform)

2 Classic live action adaptation

3 Animation (mix of pixar/disney animation)

1 nature type documentary

1 star wars

1 indiana jones or Pirates


Already have their around 10-11 movie like they seem to be going for right there.


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1 minute ago, meriodejaneiro said:

This is X-Men franchise schedule for 2018. Nothing planned further than that.

If Disney buys Fox, could those some of those movies move later on 2019 or sometime suiting Disney better?



Title (click to view) Studio Release Date
New Mutants Fox 4/13/18
Deadpool 2 Fox 6/1/18
Dark Phoenix Fox 11/2/18

Nothing will happen to those movies. They’ll release as planned. 

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13 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Meh. It wouldn’t surprise me that in 2018 due to their being 11 CBMs movies like Ant Man 2, Venom, Dark Phoenix, every animated CBM not Incredibles 2 will hurt and do sub $200M maybe sub $175M. I’m expecting Deadpool 2 to have a decrease as well. In fact due to the surplus I wouldn’t be surprised if both IW and TI2 underperform.

Most of them outside of Sony's desperate cash grabs will make well over 500 m WW. No other genre is hitting those kind of numbers.

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21 minutes ago, meriodejaneiro said:

Sure they won't get X-Men back to Marvel to make 1 movie a year for such a huge and wide universe. Maybe I went far with 3 X-Men movies a year, but 2 could easily happen if they decided to create/reboot X-Men ala MCU.


They can be two separate universes, don't need to be interconnected. Like two different franchises.

And that will not matter to the GA who will go "I just saw a CDM a few weeks ago. Not in the mood for another one so soon.".

You have to be careful about flooding the market.

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6 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Most of them outside of Sony's desperate cash grabs will make well over 500 m WW. No other genre is hitting those kind of numbers.

Sooner or later, the General Audience will tire of the CBMs. The more come out, with less time between  them, the quicker it will happen.

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5 minutes ago, Barnack said:

The burn out risk would be if a large amount of them (and a lot of bad one) come out I imagine.


Disney buying those properties back will help them control to flow even more to make the windows larger.


Has long as DC/Marvel has an oligopoly on the major releases, they should be able to keep it alive more easily than an no one control the IP's free genre a la western or young adults dystopia.


With that in mind and with Disney momemtum of less and less movies and being ok with months without a release and just make 10 movies a year I could see for the short term:


An average year under the main Disney brand:

3-4 SH movie a year (including X-men, specially if they get their own X-men tv series on their streaming platform)

2 Classic live action adaptation

3 Animation (mix of pixar/disney animation)

1 nature type documentary

1 star wars

1 indiana jones or Pirates


Already have their around 10-11 movie like they seem to be going for right there.


I would go for

4-5 SH movie a year (2 X-men, 3 MCU)

1 (2) Classic live action adaptation (or they will run out of classic adaptations soon)

2 (3) Animation (1 Pixar + 1 WDA, eventually 1 traditional cartoon animation)

1 nature type documentary

1 SW + Avatar (after EpIX, in alternate years, Disney could rule Christmas bo for 10-15 yrs in a row or so).

1 Indiana Jones + Pirates (Indy Jones could be transformed into an "archeologist James Bond", i mean, not following a lineal story, but each movie being its own so that changing the main actor could be easy, and not pretending it to be Dr Jones' son, grandson, grand grandson ... ).


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2 minutes ago, dudalb said:

And that will not matter to the GA who will go "I just saw a CDM a few weeks ago. Not in the mood for another one so soon.".

You have to be careful about flooding the market.

I don't think most people think like that. Maybe they think that about movies in general, though.

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34 minutes ago, Deja23 said:

Nothing will happen to those movies. They’ll release as planned. 

Yup but anything else afterwards from Franco’s Multiple Man to X-23 and so forth aren’t happening. 

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Disney, Fox Huddle With Bankers as Deal Talks Progress




Disney is negotiating a deal valued at $74 billion by Bernstein Research analyst Todd Juenger, which he calculated as a 30% premium on the $57.4 billion enterprise value of the assets in question.


Juenger predicts Disney would spend eventually another $20 billion or so to acquire the remaining stake in Sky. Fox, which owns 39%, is in the middle of trying to buy



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2 hours ago, meriodejaneiro said:

If the deal finally goes on ... how do you think Disney will deal with the X-Men and F4?


I think F4 would be added to the actual Disney-MCU asap.


On the other hand, I don't see it very clear that X-Men could be added in so easily ...

I would make a new universe, XMCU (X-Men Cinematic Universe) with their own "solos" or "teamed up" (as Guardians or Ragnarok) movies leading to an avengerish-movie (branded as "X-Men:--------", as there are the "Avengers:---------"), eventually making crossovers in between... and even going one step ahead to a full-teamed-up event such as Avengers-XMen all together. 


For MCU movies: feb, may, nov. 

For XMen movies: jan, apr, aug. 

FF/X-Men will be added to the MCU and it’ll be a wide reboot with exception of Deadpool, but he’ll be in there too. (Thankfully his nature allows you to wave off the continuity issues.)

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You don't want superhero fatigue. Too much of anything will get boring after awhile. As it is now, not many people are looking forward to the upcoming X-Men films other than Deadpool 2 because it is different from everything else. Marvel will get the FF and X-Men back and probably stick to the successful 2-3 films a year.  And yes, they will be part of the MCU. They will probably start off separate like GOTG, but within the same universe.

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