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Moviepass and its Impact on the Box Office

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33 minutes ago, RandomYojimbo said:

Maybe you should have said that instead of calling it dumb logic, because you forgot more than single people go see movies, and that a family of 5 can spend upwards to a 100 dollars to go see a movie. Some people actually have to save up for things like that.

I think a family of 5 will be saving for christmas. Before TFA its not like there was any underwhelming grosses. Films made what was expected of them really, nothing disappointed 

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2 hours ago, Mrwick said:

A whole 10 dollars?


I think laziness is a far bigger reason why people avoid the cinema than money. Sometimes id rather filns just go straight to kodi

When people talk about that it is never about paying for only a ticket, it is for the family night out affair with people that have an hard time to say no to food luxury while being there or paying a babysitter depending of the type of movie.


For many with a family a cinema night become quite complicated and expensive.

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58 minutes ago, Mrwick said:

I think a family of 5 will be saving for christmas. Before TFA its not like there was any underwhelming grosses. Films made what was expected of them really, nothing disappointed 

Did you read what I said, or are you stuck on a talking point because you don't want to admit you made a mistake?

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Been using MoviePass for the last 3 years. I thought it was good deal with it was $30/month. It actually forced me to go to the movies about once a week. But it was kinda like an investment.


Now at $10/month it just changed the whole ballgame. They raised a 100 million to stay afloat for the next few months, but it will not last long. Maybe through March but not much longer. 


As a guy who has worked in startups for a decade, I get what they are doing, and I kinda hate it. They are essentially jumping off a cliff trying to sprout wings or get snatched up by a big company. I wish they would have thought more about their long term strategy and breaking even. The problem is that without more capital or getting bought, they will be done by June of this year. Then the big AMCs and Regals can say: "See. It doesn't work. Now pay me $20 per movie"

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40 minutes ago, Lestranger said:

Been using MoviePass for the last 3 years. I thought it was good deal with it was $30/month. It actually forced me to go to the movies about once a week. But it was kinda like an investment.


Now at $10/month it just changed the whole ballgame. They raised a 100 million to stay afloat for the next few months, but it will not last long. Maybe through March but not much longer. 


As a guy who has worked in startups for a decade, I get what they are doing, and I kinda hate it. They are essentially jumping off a cliff trying to sprout wings or get snatched up by a big company. I wish they would have thought more about their long term strategy and breaking even. The problem is that without more capital or getting bought, they will be done by June of this year. Then the big AMCs and Regals can say: "See. It doesn't work. Now pay me $20 per movie"

I don't know - they are getting creative, by now sharing revenue with the movie distribution companies (looking at the I Tonya deal), so I still wouldn't count them out til someone actually stops the financing spigot...


http://www.slashfilm.com/moviepass-i-tonya/ and http://www.slashfilm.com/moviepass-ads/

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7 hours ago, Mrwick said:

I dont understand this dumb logic that people need to save for 2 months to afford a movie ticket.

I said "entertainment budget" on purpose.  Movies aren't the only game in town. There's local sporting events.  There's cable.  There's Netflix and chill.  There's even local parks and recs activities.  There's trips to bigger local cities and everything else.  Movie going nowadays is only one part of the overall entertainment menu.


If you don't understand this "dumb logic", which I didn't say anyway, how else do you explain how popular Discount Tuesday is?  It's not just cheap bastards taking advantage of it.  It's also people who take advantage of the cheap ticket who wouldn't spend it on movie going otherwise.


As RandomJC noted, it's not just a ticket.  There's drinks and popcorn.  Kids demanding other snacks and everything else.  The cost can rise when one isn't even looking.


But overall cost is only part of my argument.  If folks have conditioned themselves to see one or two movies every few months for whatever reason, including having a shitton of options nowadays, having a MonthlyPass incentivizes them to go see more, just as having Netflix encourages people to use it.  It's the "Well I've ALREADY sorta paid for this movie with my monthly pass, might as well go see it" argument at play.  That people then turn around and spend money on popcorn and drinks and everything else just goes to show that logic isn't everything when it comes to incentives.


As advertisers have know for long long time. ;)




Edited by Porthos
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3 hours ago, Mrwick said:

I think a family of 5 will be saving for christmas. Before TFA its not like there was any underwhelming grosses. Films made what was expected of them really, nothing disappointed 



I remember talk on this board about how films were underperforming even relative to expectations in Nov/Dec of 2015.  Looking back I think my argument is as good as any in part when it comes to explaining the phenomenon.  After all, as even TLJ is showing, you only need a few factors at the edges to make a difference.  Nailing down what differences matter and which don't is the hard (and fun :P) part.

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On 12/01/2018 at 4:14 PM, RandomYojimbo said:

Did you read what I said, or are you stuck on a talking point because you don't want to admit you made a mistake?

Simply put, people dont save 2 months for movie tickets so you guys are wrong. Id understand if you lot said December was dead due to people saving for Star wars but november aswell? No. So no i didnt make a mistake, box office shows films performed perfectly fine 1-2 months prior to TFA which just proves you made a mistake 😉

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On 1/12/2018 at 12:12 PM, TwoMisfits said:

I don't know - they are getting creative, by now sharing revenue with the movie distribution companies (looking at the I Tonya deal), so I still wouldn't count them out til someone actually stops the financing spigot...


http://www.slashfilm.com/moviepass-i-tonya/ and http://www.slashfilm.com/moviepass-ads/

I'm not sure why a studio would pay moviepass anything.  If people are watching any movie they are remotely interested in already (because it's free) then moviepass offering a really unappealing promotion ("you have a 1 in 1.5million chance of winning 10 moviepass yearly subscriptions"...of which you already have one) won't make a difference.  Your film gets the added boost of people willing to watch it if it's free no matter what.  The only thing a promotion like that will do is get people to swipe for I, Tonya and sell or trash the ticket thus making it a pure cash transaction (moviepass pays $10 and the theater gets $5, studio gets $5 and hands Moviepass $0.25).  

Unless they have a precision way to enhance one movie over another I don't see why a studio would pay them for a benefit they have regardless.  The idea these guys can shape behavior in a specific way beyond making people aware a movie exists is far from proven.  And awareness of upcoming movies is something moviepass users will certainly already have as a result of keeping up online not to mention having seen every trailer a dozen times.


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Average ticket price of most movies in China is around ¥35M. But people can always get ¥9.9(even ¥5.9) tickets after distributors & their partners paid local ticketing companies for ¥35-¥9.9=¥25.1


That can attract more audience to go cinema. 

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An older couple was ahead of me at the kiosk today. He was on his phone, and had an expression I knew all too well: the damn app wasn’t working. I took a chance, asked if it was MoviePass (it was), and said that the theater’s crappy WiFi blocks the signal; you have to turn your WiFi off for it to work. He did. It worked great. The woman than said that they had just gotten their cards, and had done four movies last week and had no intention of slowing down. 

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"According to MoviePass they are currently purchasing approximately 3% of domestic box office. However, it is purchasing in excess of 10% of a particular title’s domestic box office when it uses a series of levers within its app and marketing-based platform to impact a consumer’s selection of a particular independent film. Examples of having impacted 10%+ box office performance include: The Post, Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri, Call Me By Your Name and The Shape of Water."


So, as of last weekend, it's 3% of total DOM BO, but it is more than 10% of particular movies' box office...but it only releases the names and types of movies' BO that will help them with this current venture of purchasing movies - independents...and they only say it's "10%+"...man, getting real numbers is gonna continue to be a pulling teeth adventure this year...


Although, interestingly, if you consider there are approximately 24M+ routine moviegoers (1 movie a month or more, I think is the definition), and MoviePass now makes up 1.5M of that 24M+ (and counting), it is still having an "over its expectation" effect on certain movie's box office if it is making up more than 10% of BO for any movie right now.


I am also assuming that "over 10%" for all these movies means it's not yet at "20%" of a movie's BO b/c that would be the next marker of dominance and I'd think they'd want to tout that (unless it's a value so high that it makes people worry about their ability to continue...so maybe they would still hold that number:)...



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I have a movie pass I love it. but I hate it for the industry and would vote against it.


Honesty people who complain about movies being expensive are my least favorite people in the world. Name anything else that give you 2 hours of entertainment for 13 bucks when you're out and about. 


A mixed drink at a club in LA cost 15 bucks!!! its only gonna go up, yet 10 years from now people are going to fully expect 6 billion dollars worth of content at there hands at all times any time for 10 bucks a month. 


Im sorry but movies take years to make and 1,000s of people to make its a fucking joke to me that people assume this should cost $2 bucks. 


if we keep up, not only are we going to keep striking budgets for non blockbuster movies, but we will start getting less blockbuster movies and lower budgets alllllll around there too. 


No movie in 20 years is going to even attempt to "Push" tech like Jurassic Park or Star Wars or Avatar because why? People will expect it for free or in a bundle. The return if box office wont be high enough to ever put that effort into things again. 


We are killing the industry as fast as possible.





A beer is 6-8 bucks


a cheeseburger is 12 bucks at a restuarant


mini golf is like 45 minutes and cost 10 bucks


concerts cost 100 bucks for 3 hours + 2- bucks parking


Disneyland cost 120 bucks for 12 hours + 20 bucks parking


For fucks sake a SODA at a restaurant is 3 DOLLARSSSSS. You can buy a 12 pack for 4-5 bucks at Ralphs! Yet that same person complains on spending 10 bucks for movie. Get outta here. not allowed. 




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8 minutes ago, RandomYojimbo said:

Why I get water.


Exactly my point. Ive lived on my own for 4 years. Ive never ordered a soda once haha. I get free water. But then my buddy who payed 18 bucks for his meal and drink walks over to the theater after and bitches at the price. Its like shut up. 

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1 hour ago, Jay Hollywood said:

I have a movie pass I love it. but I hate it for the industry and would vote against it.


Honesty people who complain about movies being expensive are my least favorite people in the world. Name anything else that give you 2 hours of entertainment for 13 bucks when you're out and about. 


A mixed drink at a club in LA cost 15 bucks!!! its only gonna go up, yet 10 years from now people are going to fully expect 6 billion dollars worth of content at there hands at all times any time for 10 bucks a month. 


Im sorry but movies take years to make and 1,000s of people to make its a fucking joke to me that people assume this should cost $2 bucks. 


if we keep up, not only are we going to keep striking budgets for non blockbuster movies, but we will start getting less blockbuster movies and lower budgets alllllll around there too. 


No movie in 20 years is going to even attempt to "Push" tech like Jurassic Park or Star Wars or Avatar because why? People will expect it for free or in a bundle. The return if box office wont be high enough to ever put that effort into things again. 


We are killing the industry as fast as possible.





A beer is 6-8 bucks


a cheeseburger is 12 bucks at a restuarant


mini golf is like 45 minutes and cost 10 bucks


concerts cost 100 bucks for 3 hours + 2- bucks parking


Disneyland cost 120 bucks for 12 hours + 20 bucks parking


For fucks sake a SODA at a restaurant is 3 DOLLARSSSSS. You can buy a 12 pack for 4-5 bucks at Ralphs! Yet that same person complains on spending 10 bucks for movie. Get outta here. not allowed. 




Well, movies aren't really $10...if you want Friday/Saturday entertainment, movies are $14-$20 in most surburban areas on the coasts...


And what you can do for $14-$20/person (or $28-$40/couple and $56-$80 for a family of 4) or less...

- Go out to eat at any sit-down chain restaurant (Red Robin, Olive Garden, Friday's, etc) and have a full dinner (no alcohol)...

- Go out to any trampoline park or bounce house and jump for 90 minutes with socks included...

- Go to any bowling alley and bowl 2 games with shoes...

- Go to any comedy club (except premier shows)...

- Go to any ice skating rink and skate for 2 hours with skate rental included...

- Go to any bar happy hour and enjoy 2-3 drinks (or a drink and app)...

- Go to any coffee bar and enjoy a latte, sweet, and the local "guitar player"...

- Go to the cheap seats at a baseball game (now, the other 3 sports are out as are probably the Yankees:)...


What you can do for about double the cost for a family of 4 ($112-160) or 2 movie outings/year...

- Get season passes to Six Flags - months of entertainment

- Get a full year of Amazon Prime with money left over

- Get a full year of Netflix 


Movie viewing has the problem of it being VERY easy to enjoy at home (you can't really enjoy a trampoline park or bowling alley at home) with little reduction in the experience...almost all the other family outings are priced similarly, but can't be done at home and if so, can't be done cheaper and easier...


Thus, many folks see a movie's value as much less than what the industry is charging (if you look at the year to year declining rate of movie ticket sales).  Moviepass is helping the industry "discover" the actual price the majority of folks still value movie theater movie watching at.  It's obvious they value it at $2-3/movie with Moviepass's explosion...it's also obvious that $8.99 is still too high with Cinemark's program not catching on...cheap Tuesday rates of $5-$6 is probably the "it" price for what folks really value a 1st run movie experience at...about 1/2 of what other entertainment options would cost...


Edited by TwoMisfits
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