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4-day Weekend Thread: 5-day numbers per BOM - TLJ 99.0M, J:WTTJ 55.4M, PP3 26.4M, TGS 14.4M, F 10.1M, C 8.2M, D 7.7M and an incredible $5,480,000 for Father Figures

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6 minutes ago, Christmas baumer said:

No matter what the Last Jedi makes we all know it's going to be a piss load of money. The final tally is not what is being questioned however. When it opened at 220 million, that was about 10% less than the force awakens and it obviously opened that big because people were thrilled with the previous movie and they wanted to see where the film Direction went next. The numbers now are declining at a rapid rate and it's not going to come close to what it should have done. That's why the final number is going to be a disappointment. So five years down the road when you look at the final gross and see something like 650 - 700 million, it'll look fantastic. But when you look at the 220 opening weekend it probably should have had a chance to do 750 - 800. I hope there is fan service in the next film because, God forbid they make a movie for the fans that have been supporting this franchise for 40 fucking years.

It did $220m on OW and will likely finish between $670m-$710m (above a 3x multiplier)...it'll do all that it needed to do and more. 


As for your last statement...out with the old, and in with the bold.

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11 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

I guess when people don’t like your movie you can always say “well at least I took a risk!”. Man so many risky movies! 

I'm the first to admit the movie is too slow and boring for the GA but I love that it created a debate over jedis, the force, Lucas, etc. 


All of this debate reminds me why I love Star Wars and I'll take it over TFA 2.0 any day of the week.

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Well that’s the problem with SW. they tried to make it all one big long running story but the trilogies themselves are as different as Burton’s Batman and Nolan’s Batman. Everyone’s going to take away different things from SW and what they like/dislike about it cause there’s very little that binds the trilogies together. 

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2 minutes ago, filmnerdjamie said:

And again... after it's all said and done, we're all going to just go back to the original trilogy and solely acknowledge that. Those three films will be what we pass down to our kids (and grand kids) and not these Disney-era films. Not a slight against the latter but they will be lost to the conversation just like the fan outrage over the prequels.

Um no.


If I had kids, they'd be beaten with a burning stick for watching the prequels. The old movies are a giant fart of unexceptional filmmaking that would likely bore most kids to death. The new films, however, will get passed on a lot more than you think.

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To be honest, it is quite funny thinking how anyone was nearly bullied in the opening weekend If he/she tried to claim that the wom may not be that good. It was like we had come to the conclusion that it was an organazed campaign to sabotage the movie and there was purposeful promotion of the negative reviews.

Anyway... we've all been lunatic fanboys once or twice so no big deal...


Edited by FantasticBeasts
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Just now, grey ghost said:

I'm the first to admit the movie is too slow and boring for the GA but I love that it created a debate over jedis, the force, Lucas, etc. 


All of this debate reminds me why I love Star Wars and I'll take it over TFA 2.0 any day of the week.

I mean I guess you can throw any number of nonsensical plot twists in any movie and create debate. That’s the easy part lol 

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I honestly think Disney should have a SW8 fanfic contest.


Whichever gets the most votes from lifelong SW fans and TLJ haters wins. Then film it.


Branch off the Skywalker Saga into two timelines then watch the money pour in.


How experimental, insane and fun would that be?


Sure beats a Han Solo prequel.

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1 minute ago, grey ghost said:

I honestly think Disney should have a SW8 fanfic contest.


Whichever gets the most votes from lifelong SW fans and TLJ haters wins. Then film it.


Branch off the Skywalker Saga into two timelines then watch the money pour in.


How experimental, insane and fun would that be?


Sure beats a Han Solo prequel.


That would be an awful idea

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What is this collective jerk off session with guys and Star Wars OT? I mean, really, ESB the BEST film of all time? Of course you can have that opinion, but my god, the hyperbole around the films is ridiculous. 

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2 minutes ago, Noctis said:

What is this collective jerk off session with guys and Star Wars OT? I mean, really, ESB the BEST film of all time? Of course you can have that opinion, but my god, the hyperbole around the films is ridiculous. 

I think most people have been saying that ESB is the best Star Wars movie, not best movie period.


edit: Also, I would totally show VII-IX to my kids along with the OT. Fuck the PT, though.

Edited by Orestes
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6 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

To be honest, it is quite funny thinking how anyone was nearly bullied in the opening weekend If he/she tried to claim that the wom may not be that good. It was like we had come to the conclusion that it was an organazed campaign to sabotage the movie and there was purposeful promotion of the negative reviews.

Anyway... we've all been lunatic fanboys once or twice so no big deal...


The GA doesn't like it.


But not for hotly debated fanboy reasons.



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2 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

The blockbuster market these days is so crowded SW isn’t really that special anymore. I tbink a lot more kids are going to grow up watching Marvel and Harry Potter than these new SW movies even lol 

Potter is to Millennials what Star Wars is to Baby Boomers in terms of kids growing up with the films.

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Just now, Noctis said:

Potter is to Millennials what Star Wars is to Baby Boomers in terms of kids growing up with the films.

Well I don’t think JK Rowling is doing it any favors either at this point. Sometimes it’s best to let it rest so people can miss it. 

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1 minute ago, Rebeccas said:

Well I don’t think JK Rowling is doing it any favors either at this point. Sometimes it’s best to let it rest so people can miss it. 

Potter's done with.


Her characters are completely different in the new series, aside from Dumbledore.

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32 minutes ago, JB33 said:

What do you think of Giacchino's RO score?


I like most of it, but i dont love it. It has some really good moments, but overall you can feel (and hear) that the man just hasnt had enough time to do it. I adore "The Imperial Suite" though.

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