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Weekend Thread - Insidious 29.6M, Jumanji 37.2M, TLJ 23.7M, TGS 13.8M, PP3 10.3

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6 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


That is revisionist history of the highest order unless you are talking about 2 weeks max prior and even that is suspect.  

It was forecasted to break the Sept record anyway with estimates around 60 to low 80s but ended doing around double of it

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9 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


That is revisionist history of the highest order unless you are talking about 2 weeks max prior and even that is suspect.  

You saying it's revisionist history of the highest order is what's revisionist history. We literally had an over Gravity club here that was made months prior and plenty joined it, especially in August and early September.

I know it's not revisionist history because I was one of the biggest naysayers of the movie even doing 100m for months, and yet even I had to admit 200 was happening a couple weeks before release. Some were expecting 300+ going into release, plenty were expecting 250+, and almost everyone knew 200 was happening. Compare to Jumanji where  there were maybe like 6 of us saying 200+ could happen going into release. No one even whispered 300. 

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@EmpireCity do you have any speculation on how you think The Commuter will fare next weekend? I know buzz is low but I've gotta admit I'm really looking forward to it.


Which of the two "less buzzy" releases will fare better next week? Commuter or Proud Mary?

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People without basic knowledge of box office making comical posts here is hilarious.


While Jumanji may be a box phenom, TLJ gross will crush it - Fact


So no amount of trolling posts will change that fact.







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4 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

People are really downplaying IT's success aren't they?

You guys want to tell me that a $300m family film with the biggest draw in Hollywood in December is more impressive than a $300m horror R rated release in September? 

IT's performance is one for the ages.

Nope, not at all what I said. I said Jumanji making 300 is more of a surprise than IT, not more impressive. No one called Jumanji hitting 300, several called that for IT. Jumanji didn't have record shattering trailers and exploding in pre-sales like IT. I know because I said NATM numbers could be possible for Jumanji a few weeks before release and the only other person here I saw saying that was EmpireCity. A few others thinking 200+, but I'd say the average prediction on December 19th around here was probably like 125-140 

Edited by MovieMan89
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5 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

People are really downplaying IT's success aren't they?

You guys want to tell me that a $300m family film with the biggest draw in Hollywood in December is more impressive than a $300m horror R rated release in September? 

IT's performance is one for the ages.

IT had no marketable stars either. No big name director that probably no one outside of film circles have heard of

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There are two arguments going on here.

Which is the bigger "success".
No doubt IT because of the super low budget alone.

Which is the bigger "surprise".
I'd say Jumanji. After IT's first trailer came out there was the MASSIVE views, very early indications that this was going to be a monster. No one really thought Jumanji was going to do remarkable numbers, especially with the movie being released against TLJ.

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Jumanji is more of a surprise because people (including me) didn't bother to look what an absolutely favourable holiday calendar it had and refused to see how it can play like the ideal family choice while the Star Wars option was arguably darker.

We didn't pay attention that much to Jumanji and it surprised big time.

But overall, the most surprising and most impressive performance, the one that would be talked for years to come was IT.

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IT is being praised for being such a massive hit that has never been seen before in horror.

Jumanji is being praised for going up against the $600m biggest movie of of the year TLJ and still making a ton of money. Also the no hype before release thing.

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Sigh.  Here we go again. 


Trying to say which OMGWTFBBQ!1! was a bigger shock (It or Jumamji) is like asking how many calisthenics routines angels go  through before they start dancing on the head of a pin.  A somewhat interesting philosophical question, but only that.


BOTH are shocking.  For different reasons, yes.  But trying to parse which is more shocking is damn near impossible, I think.  If only because shocking is such a loose term.









Besides, the correct answer is Get Out's run. j1aUlyv.gif:lol:



Edited by Porthos
bah spelling is teh worst
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I have some more box office legs thoughts in regards to The Last Jedi that I'd really like to post here, but there are some low level spoilers in it (though non-specific), so I instead posted it in TLJ spoiler thread.


Folks might want to check it out, as I think it gives another angle to the TLJ situation above and beyond my prior thoughts about its lack of a crowd-pleasing third act on the level of Rouge One


Appreciate it if folks checked it out, even if only to give it some thought. :)  I don't think for a second that's the entire picture.  But I do think it's a contributing factor.


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