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15 minutes ago, LonePirate said:

Here, let me spell it out for you.


1. CBMs make a lot of money so Hollywood makes even more CBMs.

2. Eventually, between saturation and the inevitable decline in quality, CBMs stop making a lot of money.

3. Foreign markets, namely China, see all of this money being made by CBMs and they decide to start making their own big budget movies while locking out some American big budget movies and CBMs.

4. With less domestic and foreign grosses for CBMs, Hollywood starts making fewer of them and the ones that are made now are cheaper - and they look it.

5. This downward spiral continues until the genre becomes a shell of what it once was just like with what happened to westerns, rom coms, etc.


You can remove #3 above and find examples of that behavior across numerous industries that become flooded with similar product that eventually reduces product quality and damages the industry.


By all means, please keep shouting from the rooftops how great CBMs are for the industry, irrespective of how they are crowding out other films and hurting the industry.

So seeing that you want CBMs to fail and go away and seeing the convoluted logic of yours above, you should pray for even more CBMs then. Because afterall more CBMs leads to their eventual death in la la land it seems. Maybe you should start screaming from rooftops that hollywood should make more CBMs!


if that is your realistic (:rofl:) solution to this CBM problem then you should take it to Hollywood. They’ll love you over there

Edited by ZeeSoh
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3 minutes ago, Mulder said:

What are you even on about. Only fucking six CBMs are coming out this year. The same amount as last year. That’s barely anything. Also you know this info how? Are you a part of a studio’s accounting group?


And half of them are Marvel Studios/Disney!  Which only makes superhero movies! The refrain "Hollywood Makes Too Many Superhero Movies" drives me bonkers. 

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CBM are a safe bet for studios right now. Even a flop like justice league does infinitely better than an original flop like john carter or valerian or Lone Ranger , you name it. Basically no high profile CBM has been a disaster for a studio in the last few years , the last one I can recall is green lantern

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Hollywood could stop making CBM next year and that wouldn't change a damn thing about the box office results for other films. We live in a day and age where there are various sources of entertainment that people aren't forced to go to the theaters to watch a movie they have no interest in watching. So then studios are left with flop after flop without a big movie like a CBM to cover those costs. 

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11 minutes ago, cax16 said:

SS and DP1 also made over 740m without China. 

Yup and it’s telling which one got a quick turnaround sequel and the other is potentially being benched/delayed longer for a Harley spinoff 

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Fantastic Four '15.

I would add BVS/JL, Though people will point to how much BVS made made money (they will concede that JL lost money in theaters) and I’ll point to how WB reacted to it.


4 minutes ago, Nova said:

Hollywood could stop making CBM next year and that wouldn't change a damn thing about the box office results for other films. We live in a day and age where there are various sources of entertainment that people aren't forced to go to the theaters to watch a movie they have no interest in watching. So then studios are left with flop after flop without a big movie like a CBM to cover those costs. 

If people really want to see something, they’ll go see it.

Edited by RRA
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5 hours ago, Mekanos said:

I mean... Fury Road was probably lucky to break even in its theatrical run, unfortunately. 

It is extremely rare for a movie to get close from breaking even with a theatrical run alone.


There is a bit of a litigation on how much that movie cost, but it seem to have been quite higher than is 157m planned budget (final net cost after rebate)


If it made 154*.53+224.8*.4 = 171.5m in rental with a 100m WW P&A, you are still 80m+ in the red, depending of the actual cost overrun if you consider overhead, participation bonus and so on, more than 100m in the red.


A movie like Guardian of the Galaxy 2 is lucky to break even in its theatrical run if that happened (according to deadline estimate it did miss that mark, rental of 383m not fully covering a 200m production, 163m WW P&A, 28.5m interest and overhead without counting participation bonus):



Not something "normals" movies have a chance to do.


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40 minutes ago, LonePirate said:

Geez, you really do not understand. It is pretty much the only genre nowadays that receives anything approaching a budget that is not chump change. 

That's because IW can have a one billion dollar budget and still make a profit eventually.


Movies like Wrinkle In Time and Good Dinosaur? Not so much.

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5 minutes ago, Barnack said:

It is extremely rare for a movie to get close from breaking even with a theatrical run alone.


There is a bit of a litigation on how much that movie cost, but it seem to have been quite higher than is 157m planned budget (final net cost after rebate)


If it made 154*.53+224.8*.4 = 171.5m in rental with a 100m WW P&A, you are still 80m+ in the red, depending of the actual cost overrun if you consider overhead, participation bonus and so on, more than 100m in the red.


A movie like Guardian of the Galaxy 2 is lucky to break even in its theatrical run if that happened (according to deadline estimate it did miss that mark, rental of 383m not fully covering a 200m production, 163m WW P&A, 28.5m interest and overhead without counting participation bonus):



Not something "normals" movies have a chance to do.


Ah Fury Road, where WB screws George Miller over 9 million bucks but they’ll throw that away in developing spandex movie projects that’ll go nowhere 

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2 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

If GotG2 wasn't profitable then Hollywood should shut down tomorrow.


It's a wrap, folks.

Not sure to follow you here, who talked about movie profitability ? I think there is a misunderstanding here.

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Forgot about ff4 but this was a low budget affair mostly for fox to keep the rights. BvS and JL , I am sorry they might have been disappointments but they made over 1.5 billion combined. Now compare that to what some original big budget flops have made over the last 5-10 years.

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