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DEADPOOL 2 WEEKEND THREAD | Spoilers = BANNED INTO OBLIVION | Dp2 125M and 300 WW debut...Asgard Sun update pg 123

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11 minutes ago, Ledmonkey96 said:

I tried watching SS, I couldn't get over the criminals talking about escaping/doing incredibly illegal stuff within hearing distance of the soldiers and none of the soldiers reacting just angered me. Hell that officer in the beginning was running along side Harley Quinn to giver her info about the Joker and there were like 5 soldiers around them

That's like the least of SS's problems :rofl:  Logic was completely thrown out the window for the plot of this film. Sometimes that's fine in big action films, but in SS's case, it's not even a matter of the film being aware of its idiocy but still taking us for a fun, if extremely flawed ride (alas Jurassic World), it's just a completely dumbfounded story that actually believes it's good.


Tbh David Ayer was a part of the problem as this was too big a project for his little head, but it's almost undeniable that he also got fucked by WB in their post-BVS panic. I would've liked to have seen that dark psychological thriller version that the original teaser of the film promised (pre-3rd act reshoots, of course).

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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19 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Oh, I didn't go by tickets, I simply checked the raw box office numbers through Box Office Mojo (which includes Angola, for whatever reason); IW hasn't reached BVS/Spider-Man 3/Avengers numbers yet :P


Shame about SS. Just the fact that it's a good movie makes it deserve better numbers than that piece of shit; the fact that it's borderline great is even more frustrating. Still a step up in every way from previous Disney MCU efforts, so there's that.

BOM must be way off because it has beaten those even in box office.

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predicted out the actuals and did fantasy numbers for next weekend.

  4-day weekend predictions, % drop from 3 day weekend, movies listed will probably see larger drops than predicted here.

...3-day actual predictions......4-day next week (% drop) total

Deadpool 2.....125.30.......56.75 (-55%) 217.90

Infinity War ....29.00.......21.75 (-25%) 627.87

The Book Club.12.80........8.50 (-34%) 25.30

Life of the Party 7.75........5.80 (-25%) 40.04

Breaking In.......6.80.........5.00 (-26%) 36.85

Show Dogs.......6.27 ........ 4.90 (-22%) 13.30

Overboard.......4.75...........2.90 (-39%) 41.72

A Quiet Place...4.00..........3.60  (-10%) 181.27

Rampage.........1.50...........1.20 (-20%) 94.03

I Feel Pretty.....1.21..........0.73 (-40%) 47.78

Black Panther...0.87............0.55 (-37%) 698.65

Tully...............0.57.............0.31 (-46%) 9.01


***oops, forgot Solo.  I'm trying to make it do around 200-210ish 4-day MLK

Edited by Thematrixfilm
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4 minutes ago, CJohn said:

BOM must be way off because it has beaten those even in box office.

I think it's because they're accounting for Angola + Portugal's combined BO. I mean, Avengers is reported at like €2.68 million an----OH, wait a minute, now I see the issue: they have the movies converted for their totals in USD, not in Euros. I was checking IW's Euros total and BVS/Avengers' $ totals. Nevermind, then: IW has indeed beaten both BVS and Avengers :lol:.

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42 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Avatar deserves the status that Star Wars has. It actually didn’t put me to sleep. 

Shhhhhhh, the guy that made the remark about the MCU films looking like indie films next to avatar is a huge Star Wars fan (and a dc one ) and thus  he is like a sports fan whose favourite team is getting decimated and hates another team that is winning so he is using a third team that he doesn’t care about just for bragging rights.

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15 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

That's like the least of SS's problems :rofl:  Logic was completely thrown out the window for the plot of this film. Sometimes that's fine in big action films, but in SS's case, it's not even a matter of the film being aware of its idiocy but still taking us for a fun, if extremely flawed ride (alas Jurassic World), it's just a completely dumbfounded story that actually believes it's good.


Tbh David Ayer was a part of the problem as this was too big a project for his little head, but it's almost undeniable that he also got fucked by WB in their post-BVS panic. I would've liked to have seen that dark psychological thriller version that the original teaser of the film promised (pre-3rd act reshoots, of course).

I don't usually agree with Grace Randolph but she described that film accurately: it's just a collection of random scenes and one liners thrown together with no scene actually playing out. :ph34r:

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17 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Shhhhhhh, the guy that made the remark about the MCU films looking like indie films next to avatar is a huge Star Wars fan (and a dc one ) and thus  he is like a sports fan whose favourite team is getting decimated and hates another team that is winning so he is using a third team that he doesn’t care about just for bragging rights.

........he has a Deadpool avatar, how is he a Marvel hater?

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30 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Shhhhhhh, the guy that made the remark about the MCU films looking like indie films next to avatar is a huge Star Wars fan (and a dc one ) and thus  he is like a sports fan whose favourite team is getting decimated and hates another team that is winning so he is using a third team that he doesn’t care about just for bragging rights.

Is the DCEU decimated just because of Justice League? What about the 4 other films that were box office hits? 


Don’t they have an average of $750m over the five films? 


Their plans have definitely been knocked off course, but are the other films decimated? Lol 

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13 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Is the DCEU decimated just because of Justice League? What about the 4 other films that were box office hits? 


Don’t they have an average of $750m over the five films? 


Their plans have definitely been knocked off course, but are the other films decimated? Lol 

JL made less than Doctor Strange of all films so yes.. 

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15 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Is the DCEU decimated just because of Justice League? What about the 4 other films that were box office hits? 


Don’t they have an average of $750m over the five films? 


Their plans have definitely been knocked off course, but are the other films decimated? Lol 

Only Wonder Woman is a hit (and maybe suicide squad ). Warner’s reaction speaks volumes , I don’t  think they consider BvS or mos hits. Oh and BvS was decimated by civil war , MOS was decimated by a gazillion marvel films and even if we want to talk about cultural events Wonder Woman was decimated by black panther. The less said about JL the better.

Edited by Thrylos 7
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20 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Is the DCEU decimated just because of Justice League? What about the 4 other films that were box office hits? 


Don’t they have an average of $750m over the five films? 


Their plans have definitely been knocked off course, but are the other films decimated? Lol 

Lol those other movies (sans Wonder Woman) are the reason why Justice league bombed. They were panned and hated.  I wouldn’t call them hits since they did massive damage and thus lost more money to the DCEU in the long run. 

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7 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Only Wonder Woman is a hit (and maybe suicide squad ). Warner’s reaction speaks volumes , I don’t  think they consider BvS or mos hits. Oh and BvS was decimated by civil war , MOS was decimated by a gazillion marvel films and even if we want to talk about cultural events Wonder Woman was decimated by black panther. The less said about JL the better.

SS on paper was a hit but considering it’s been delayed to make potential room for BOP to be filmed before it and both WW and it’s sequel will have come out bridge SS....it makes you wonder what WB thinks of a SS2.

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3 hours ago, Thematrixfilm said:

does anyone know what time usually on Monday that Disney reports the actuals?


I don't think we will get studio actuals until late in the afternoon.

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2 minutes ago, RRA said:

SS on paper was a hit but considering it’s been delayed to make potential room for BOP to be filmed before it and both WW and it’s sequel will have come out bridge SS....it makes you wonder what WB thinks of a SS2.

I think they understand that a second  ss doesn’t really have a chance to bring good money, since the first was universally panned and its success a reflection of its marketing campaign so they will take their sweet time before making a decision over ss2 watching closely how bop does. You can bet that they would have announced a release date for ss2 in a heartbeat if they were sure it would succeed just like they did with ww2 . No MOS2 , no JL2, Batman in hiatus (nobody even knows who will play Batman when , eventually, a new batman film is made) , ss2 in hiatus (at best, if not cancelled)....yep the dccu has been a great success for Warner.

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The DC films were "hits" on paper but they severely damaged the brand. Having said, if they can deliver a quality film in Aquaman and Wonder Woman 2 is solid, they have an opportunity to rebuild said brand. But one can't ignore the damage the Snyder films did to the DC brand. 

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Here's the top 15 WW for the weekend....can't believe AQP is going to make 300 WW.  Incredible.



1 Deadpool 2 $301,336,000 $176,336,000 $125,000,000 $301,336,000 $176,336,000 $125,000,000 FOX 82 FOX
2 Avengers: Infinity War $113,072,000 $84,400,000 $28,672,000 $1,813,732,959 $1,218,700,000 $595,032,959 DIS 56 DIS
3 How Long Will I Love U $36,341,800 $36,341,800 - $36,341,800 $36,341,800 - MUL 3 WGUI
4 Quiet Place, A $22,840,000 $18,800,000 $4,040,000 $296,476,313 $120,300,000 $176,176,313 PAR 52 PAR
5 Book Club $12,500,000 - $12,500,000 $12,500,000 - $12,500,000 - 1 PAR
6 Life Of The Party $9,025,000 $1,300,000 $7,725,000 $36,836,507 $5,800,000 $31,036,507 WB 10 WB
7 Overboard $8,825,000 $4,100,000 $4,725,000 $58,402,570 $21,429,000 $36,973,570 MUL 18 LGF
8 Breaking In $6,770,000 $300,000 $6,470,000 $30,449,710 $1,700,000 $28,749,710 UNI 7 UNI
9 Show Dogs $6,034,770 - $6,034,770 $6,875,002 $840,232 $6,034,770 - 1 OPRD
10 Rampage $5,900,000 $4,400,000 $1,500,000 $406,923,329 $314,500,000 $92,423,329 WB 62 WB
11 Peter Rabbit $4,100,000 $4,100,000 - $335,578,098 $220,600,000 $114,978,098 SNY 50 SNY
12 Blumhouse's Truth Or Dare $3,640,000 $3,400,000 $240,000 $76,877,010 $36,600,000 $40,277,010 UNI 56 UNI
13 I Feel Pretty $2,986,000 $1,786,000 $1,200,000 $65,632,457 $19,094,000 $46,538,457 MUL 15 STX
14 Burning $2,318,000 $2,318,000 - $2,318,000 $2,318,000 - CJ CGV 1 -
15 Sherlock Gnomes $2,280,000 $2,000,000 $280,000 $73,899,202 $31,700,000 $42,199,202 PAR 24 PAR
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23 minutes ago, RRA said:

SS on paper was a hit but considering it’s been delayed to make potential room for BOP to be filmed before it and both WW and it’s sequel will have come out bridge SS....it makes you wonder what WB thinks of a SS2.

You have to be truly deluded to think Suicide Squad wasn't a hit.

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