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BSG Movie Trivia worth 20,000 points is up.

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This is what you have to get out of your head VS. You are never out of this...EVER until the last points are counted. Ask anyone and they'll confirm it.

I am talking about I just quite playing. ;):D
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Can't wait. In the wrap up last year you (Baumer) said I could have done better if I would have stuck it out, this year I will. My goal is to get the top 12 in order.Keep up the good work Baumer.

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Can't wait. In the wrap up last year you (Baumer) said I could have done better if I would have stuck it out, this year I will. My goal is to get the top 12 in order.Keep up the good work Baumer.

That's a pretty hefty goal considering no one has ever done it before. If you do that and you participate each week you've won the game easily. There's always 1 or 2 films that breakout out of nowhere or bomb when everyone had such high hopes. Happens every year and it will happen again.
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Oh, thank God! I thought you'd forgotten about us!And I also keep thinking Battlestar Galactica when I see BSG.What will be the first weekend being taken into account this year? Do we open with The Avengers or what? The next 3 weeks are crazy for me, but the start of April should be good, so I can put some thought into the Top 12.

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Hey guys, I don't want to get too much into yet as it is still quite a ways away. The thread isn't supposed to be up until the first week of April. This was like a teaser trailer. lolYes, Avengers will be the first weekend. I am working on some subtle changes and i will let you guys know what they are at a later date. But just for a little tease, since our board is very much eclectic in nationalities, I'm going to make the international numbers a very big part of the game this year. I think it went over well last year, what little we did, and this year I will make more points available for intl numbers. For those who haven't played ( and I don't think anyone here hasn't yet....they probably are not checking out a stickied thread that says comign soon BSG...lol) I'm going to post the huge ass 1st post from BSG in the next post. It is ridiculously long and much too detailed but don't worry, I'm going to try to compress it this year.I've also done some excel practice in the last few months so scoring won't be so difficult for me this year. :)More later....and good to see all of you here so far, can't wait for the summer!!!

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Hey guys,Don't get intimidated by this, but here is the first post from the thread from last year. It's incredibly long but it also gives those of you who have never played before, a few examples of what you might see in the game.I'm also open to suggestions as to any additions to the game you might like.No guarantees that I will make those changes, but I'm open at least to them.And here it is: WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL BAUMER'S SUMMER GAME 2011! This is the 4th Annual Summer Game: THE GAME: Hello fellow BOM'ers. Welcome the the fourth annual BAUMER'S SUMMER GAME. Last year we had more than 75 players register and about 55 consistent players in the games. The second year we had about 70 and the first year there was about 35. This is a four month game that begins this year on Friday April 29th with the release of Fast Five and culminates on Monday September the 5th. This means the last weekend of the game will be Labour Day weekend and the grosses will count up to and including Monday the 5th. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT GROSSES FOR ALL FILMS WILL ONLY COUNT UP UNTIL MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH. This year we will be predicting the top 12 films of the summer. These predictions are due by Friday April 29th at midnight PST (Basically the same time the derby is due). You will post your predictions in this thread. There are no pm's. Everyone predictions are there for everyone to see. Nothing to hide. The second and biggest part of the game is that every week I put up "bonus questions" that are worth 12,000 points every week. There are several weeks with bigger releases that the points available will total up to 25,000 points. I decide if the week will be worth 12,000 points, 25,000 points or anywhere in between. There will also be SOTM (SPUR OF THE MOMENT QUESTIONS) asked every once in a while. These literally are spur of the moment questions. I don't have a set amount as to how many there will be, but they will be worth no more than 8000 points each. Again, there will be some stipulations, and very few mind you, where some special ones may go as high as 15,000. To make this fair and transparent, I'll promise that this year, no more than FIVE SOTM QUESTIONS WILL BE WORTH 15,000. The rest will stay at 8,000. A typical looking SOTM scoring scheme will look like this: 8000 if you get it right. -5000 if you get it wrong. 2000 if you choose not to answer the question (abstain). Here's how the game will work. AND PLEASE READ VERY VERY CAREFULLY. And if you have any questions, ask me because once the game starts, you must abide by STRICT deadlines. So if I ask you to have your predictions in by 9AM EST, if they come in at 9:05, you are disqualified from bonus points for that week. It has to be like this because this caused some dissension in previous years and I want to avoid that this year. To qualify for the prizes, you have to be in this game from the beginning. You must have your predictions in before April 29th at midnight PST. With the exception of this one time, since I am in the EST, all deadlines are in EST. If you are in a different time zone, it is your responsibility to figure out the conversion. This year, the summer season begins on Friday April 29th with the opening of Fast Five. NOW PAY ATTENTION HERE: This year, you have to predict the top 12 films of the summer. That means you have to tell me, in order, what the top 12 films, by gross, will be for the summer. For example, if you think Untitled 3-D Shark Movie will finish 1st with 450 million dollars, you would put that 1st. If you think Thor finishes 2nd with 400 mill you put that and so on. Here is an example of what your top 12 would have to look like: 1) Priest: 400 mill 2) DH2: 395 mill 3) Thor: 350 mill 4) Bridesmaids: 300 mill 5) KFP2: 295 mill 6) Fast Five: 275 mill 7) POTCOST: 255 mill Larry Crowne: 225 mill 9) Transformers 3: 195 mill 10) Zookeeper: 150 mill 11) Winnie The Pooh: 125 mill 12) Captain America: 95 mill This is just a sample of what you need to do. Tell me, in order with the gross, what films will finish top 12 for the summer. POINT SYSTEM: Again, I'm going to make your pre summer predictions worth even more than last year as the nascence of this game was from predicting summer films. For every film you call correctly in the top 12, in any order, you will get 15,000 points. For every film you call in the exact spot, you will get 25,000 points. So you must think this out thoroughly. I'm making the order and the gross worth much more than last year. You will also lose 10,000 points for every film in the top 12 that you call incorrectly. So, for example, if say COWBOYS AND ALIENS will be in the top 12 twelve, and it misses the top 12, you will lose 10000 points PLUS whatever you miss the gross by. If you are able to call the top three positions right, in order, regardless of the gross, you will get a 50,000 point bonus. If you are able to call the top five positions right, in order, regardless of the gross, you will get a 100,000 point bonus. If you can call the top 10 positions right, in order, regardless of gross, you will get a 250,000 point bonus. If you are a genius and can call all 12 right, in order, regardless of gross, you will get a 500,000 point bonus and basically win the game. As a side note, in the three previous years in this game, no one has called the top five correct yet. NEW ADD ONS FOR POINTS: Call the top five correct, regardless of order, and receive a 50,000 point bonus. Call 8 of the 12 films correctly, regardless of the order, and receive a 100,000 point bonus. Call 10 of the top 12 correct, regardless of order, receive a 150,000 point bonus. Call all 12 correct, regardless of order, and you get a 200,000 point bonus. This does not eliminate the bonus points originally mentioned, it will just add to them. So for example, if you happen to call the top five positions correctly, you will get the 50K bonus for having the top 5 in any order, PLUS YOU WILL GET THE 100k BONUS FOR HAVING THE TOP 5 IN ORDER. As for more points for getting the films gross very close, I like that idea as well, so I will make it that if you are within 5 million of the final gross, you will get 20,000 points. So even if you are not doing so well with the bonus points, a huuuuuuge premium is put on calling the films in the right order, so do your research. For the gross that you predict, for every film that you call within 20 mill, you will get 10,000 points. If you call it within 30 mill, you get 5000 bonus points. If you miss the films gross by 40 mill or more, you lose 5000 points. For every 20 mill you miss after the first 40 mill, you will lose 1000 points per 20 mill. Even if you miss the gross by 61 mill, that extra 1 mill will cause you to lose a full 1000 points. This gives you a window of 10 mill to be wrong without losing or winning any bonus points. Predicting the top 12 and their gross is very, very difficult, especially since you have to have this in before APRIL 29TH. ONCE YOUR PREDICTIONS ARE IN, YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEM AFTER APRIL 29TH. As mentioned previously, I am going to have 12000 bonus points available every week. During the summer, i might have some other bonus points available outside of the 12000 bonus points. These bonus points will be awarded by successfully answering questions for the week. An example would be: Tell me how much POTTER will make during midnights. or Tell me what TRANSFORMERS theater average will be. Or, tell me what the total gross will be for the top 12 this weekend and so on. The deadline for your weekly bonus questions is always going to be 11:59 PST on Thursday evening. It is not my job to help you figure out what time that is for anyone on the EAST COAST or in different parts of the world. So please be on time. I don't want to have to not accept someone's answers because they are late. But I will be enforcing this with Draconian law this year. There has to be some order. That's all I have to say about that. By popular demand, I am going to institute an international flavour to the game as well. Since perhaps half of our players are from countries outside of North America, doing a World Wide Top 5 should be fun. Since this is predominantly a domestic site though, the bulk of the points will still be for domestic. But to add some flair, here is how it will work. Tell me what will be the WW top 5 of the summer will be. The point structure will be as follows: Every film you call in the top 5 correct, you get 7000 points. If you call the top 3 spots in order, you get a bonus of 15,000. If you can call all 5 in order you will get a 50,000 point bonus. Call the gross correct within 50 mill: 10,000 points Call the gross within 50.1 mill to 75 mill 5000 pts Call the gros within 75.1 to 100 mill 2500 pts. Miss the WW gross by more than 100 mill and you lose 10,000 points. If you call a film in the top 5 that doesn't appear in the top WW top 5, you will lose 10,000 points. I had a blast running this last year and it will be just as much fun this year. I hope all of you participate. The three winners last year were incredibly accurate and I expect nothing less this year. This thread will be the thread where the summer game discussion will take place. Once the game starts, one of the mods will sticky another thread where all your answers go. This will make it easier for me for scoring. One final thing: I score this game by myself. There is no magic program to determine points, so sometimes points might not be done right on time. I work two jobs and have a family, so sometimes you will have to be patient with me while i score the game. Good luck all of you, and please let me know if there are any questions. You have almost 6 weeks to do your research, post your top 12 and get ready for a lot of fun this summer!! Please keep in mind all prizes are in Canadian currency. A couple of shout outs: First to LA GUY for putting so much tireless effort into running the summer game potential scoring thread. I'm not sure how he does it or if he will be doing it this year, but it is truly an awe inspiring thread. Thanks buddy. Here is a link to laguy's awesome thread from 2 summer's ago. http://www.boxoffice...e=reply&t=84738 Also, to tawasal and Mattrek who have helped me with the game before. There are times when I can't be here to do it and they have both helped out immensely. Thank you. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! HERE ARE YOUR FIRST PRE SEASON BONUS QUESTIONS THAT MUST BE ANSWERED BEFORE MIDNIGHT APRIL 29TH THESE WILL BE WORTH A TOTAL OF 10,000 POSSIBLE POINTS. 10,000 IF CORRECT -5000 IF INCORRECT 3000 FOR TELLING ME THAT YOU ARE ABSTAINING Tell me, of these five films, which one will be the lowest grossing of the summer. Only these five films can you choose from. CRAZY STUPID LOVE MONTE CARLO JUMPING THE BROOM THIRTY MINUTES OR LESS THE CHANGE UP FOR AN ADDITIONAL 5000 Tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 5000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 5000 points. Second Bonus Question: Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer: CONAN THE BARBARIAN SPY KIDS 4 PRIEST BRIDESMAIDS For 5000 POSSIBLE bonus points, tell me, within 5 million dollars, what its gross will be. Anyone who calls this within 5 million dollars (note you MUST CALL THE CORRECT FILM TO QUALIFY FOR THE 5000 BONUS PTS) whether it is over or under the total, will get the 5000 points. Any questions please let me know. THIS BONUS QUESTIONS ARE DUE BY MIDNIGHT PST APRIL 29TH, NO EXTENSIONS. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER. BONUS BONUS BONUS Here are your 10 bonus questions that have to be answered before the April 29th start date. Question 1: Will the Opening Weekend (3 day) record be broken? The current record holder is The Dark Knight with 158,411,483. Answer it correctly: 10,000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 5000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 2: Will the opening day record be broken? This includes all monies earned from midnight as well, but will not include any money earned from early start times like 8pm and so on). The current record holder is New Moon with $72,703,754. Answer it correctly: 10,000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 5000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 3: Will any film this summer open to a worldwide opening weekend of more than 400 million? (THIS WILL INCLUDE ANY 5 DAY WEEKENDS. WHATEVER IS REPORTED FOR THE ACTUALS ON MONDAY EVENING WILL BE THE NUMBER WE GO BY). Answer it correctly: 15,000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 8000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 5000 points. Question 4: Will any film make more than 47 million this summer in Australia. Remember, this is only good from April 29th until the last week in August. Answer it correctly: 10000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 5000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 5: Will any film make more than 95 million dollars this summer in the UK box office? Answer it correctly: 15000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 5000 points. Question 6: Will any film make more than 100 million in Japan this summer? Tough question with all the uncertainty. Answer it correctly: 15000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 7: Will at least 2 films make 900 million WW this summer? Answer it correctly: 15000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 8: Will at least 2 Superhero films open to at least 75 million dollars domestically for the opening weekend? (Marvel and DC Comics only) Answer it correctly: 15000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 9: Will Any animated film have a WW gross of more than 850 million dollars? Answer it correctly: 15000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. Question 10: Which combination of films will make more money domestically? 1) Tranformers 3, Green Lantern and Winnie the Pooh 2) Harry Potter DH 2, Thor, Smurfs 3-D 3) Captain America, Kung Fu Panda 2, Hangover 2 4) Cars 2, POTC4, X-Men Answer it correctly: 15000 points Answer it incorrectly: lose 10,000 points Choose not to answer ( and you must state that you are not answering..failing to do so will automatically result in a loss of 5000 points) 3000 points. PLAYERS: It's important than you check this thread consistently. Reason being is that something like this could happen between now and the start of the game. I have a bonus preseason question: This will be updated in the first post as well. I love this question and you'll be able to tell by the amount of points it's worth. Bonus Question 11: This is a four parter: 1) Will Deathly Hallows make at least 325 million domestically? 2) Will Deathly Hallows make more than 750.5 million internationally? 3) Will Deathly Hallows do at least 30 million for midnights? 4)) Will Deathly Hallows make at least 1.15 billion WW? Scoring: All questions you answer correctly are worth 5000 points. You can go for as many as you like. Here is the catch: Every answer you call incorrectly you lose 7500 points. There are no points for abstaining, with one caveat down below. *** Even more bonus and more treachery: If you go 4/4 you get a 25,000 point bonus. So this means you will get a total of 45,000 points for this question (5000X4 plus 25,000 point bonus) However, if you go for all 4 you must get all four correct. If you get even one incorrect, you will lose 15,000 points. So what this means is, if you go for all four and even if you get 3/4 correct, not only will you NOT get the 7,500 (15,000 for 3/4, -7500 for the fourth one being incorrect) but you will lose a full 15,000 points. This question is worth a lot of points for those ballsy enough to go for all 4, but it will kick your ass if you get too cocky. Remember, you don't have to answer any of them. Or you can answer as little as you want. It's totally up to you. You can choose to go for as many or as little as you want. ***CAVEAT*** If you choose to abstain from all 4, you will get 3000 for doing so. GOOD LUCK!! There are a lot of preseason points to be had here. You can also lose A LOT OF points here or if you want, there are plenty of bonus points just for not answering the questions. FIRST SOTM QUESTION (SOTM 1) What film will get to 150 million dollars in the shortest amount of time? A) Fast Five Thor C) Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Choose the right film: 8000 pts Choose incorrectly: -5000 Abstain: 3000 pts Bonus: Call the correct amount of days it takes for THE CORRECT FILM to hit 150 mill and you get a 5000 point bonus. Note, more than one film could hit 150 mill on the same day. Any film to make it the fastest will be counted. Good luck all, and remember these are due (with an answer of yes, no or I choose not answer) by Friday April 29th at midnight Mojo time. You can answer all of your questions in this thread, I will take care of organizing it. Thanks.

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I'm gonna win this game big time that the gap between me and the second placer is going to be so huge, Baumer will have to give me all $100. :ph34r:

Hmmmm. you might be onto something there.
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