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My 16-plex is only showing 7 movies this weekend.


Titanic 3D (2 screens, 6 showings)

American Reunion (2 screens, 11 showings)


Wrath Of The Titans (1 screen, 6 showings)

Wrath Of The Titans 3D (2 screens, 11 showings)

Mirror Mirror (2 screens, 12 showings)

The Hunger Games (4 screens, 16 showings)

21 Jump Street (1 screen, 6 showings)


The Lorax 3D/American Reunion (5 screens/1 showing)

The Lorax/The Hunger Games (5 showings/1 showing)


John Carter

Friends With Kids

Act Of Valor

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Titanic - 3D, Regal Premium Experience

6:30PM Tuesday, April 3rd

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 500+ (35% full; maybe a 65/35 female-to-male ratio, but ultimately a diverse audience leaning mostly in the 20- to 30-year-old range)

Ticket Price: $13.50

Concessions: small popcorn and small Coke Zero, $6.75

TRAILERS: (Soooooooo many, as if Titanic wasn't long enough)

Madagascar 3 - looks nice in 3D, got some talking

Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D - this looks like a lot of fun, got some laughs and a good audience reaction.

Rise of the Guardians - looks impressive, but no reaction from audience

Total Recall - even though this remake is both too soon and totally unnecessary, the trailer looks very sharp. This got a lot of talking, too.

The Lucky One - same old trailer, which I guess is okay. No reaction (from this audience, that was a surprise).

Snow White and the Huntsman - this trailer is growing on me, and it looks beautiful in 3D. Got a mediocre reaction from audience. There's a single shot in this trailer that blows me away: of Charlize Theron screaming at broken glass flying in the air. Looks haunting.

Brave - this new trailer was looking great until (strangely) all of the "From the makers of WALL-E, Toy Story 3, and Up" slides pop in at the end. I love Pixar as much as the next person--maybe more so, even--but those films' titles dropped into Brave's artistic landscape setting just kill the mood of the trailer for me. Nevertheless, the audience liked the trailer.

ParaNorman - "From the creators of Coraline"... I'm sold. This'll be impressive, and the trailer even got some laughs.


Titanic was first released when I had just turned nine years old. While it was still playing in theaters, my family went to see it together a grand total of 8 times, more than any other film I'd ever watched at the cinema (a statistic that reigns true even to this day). At the time we believed it was a true phenomenon in every sense of the word and possibly the greatest achievement in cinematic history. It's also amazing how over time I've come to witness so many other amazing films that have reached new milestones and uncovered additional possibilities, yet Titanic has continually remained an ever-present variable when discussing with peers our escalating standards for new pop cinema (Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Dark Knight, Passion of the Christ, Avatar... they're also part of this conversation). Now that fourteen years have passed since Titanic's initial release and I've experienced quite a few more films on the big screen, I'm at a point where I ask myself whether these older movies and phenomena really justified their hype. In Titanic's case, the answer is obvious: ABSOLUTELY!

When you consider every element of this picture--the effects, the ensemble, the score, the tragedy, the visuals, above all the chemistry between Kate & Leo--all the puzzle pieces fit perfectly into place.

- The single sweeping shot from bow to stern of the entire ship.

- The perfectly orchestrated close-up shots of our character's eyes gazing at one another.

- Possibly the greatest, most resonant musical composition ever put to screen.

- Capturing the sheer terror of the passengers and crew as they faced certain death plunging into a cold, total darkness. (*In a post 9/11 world, these scenes really punch deeper at your emotions)

And despite the mocking and ridicule many people have given to Titanic over the years, especially with the announcement of this rerelease, there was such a universal consensus in this theater as to the mood we shared following the film. Although I kept my sh*t together, there was so much crying taking place throughout the rest of the theater, especially during the credits when Celine Dion begins singing "My Heart Will Go On". And I'm not talking about that light, mushy crying; I'm talking wet, loud, seriously heavy sobbing. A girl in front of me said to her friends, "I don't even want to know what my face looks like right now!" And then the three of them just had a group sob hug. In all of these years of movie-going, I don't think I've ever witnessed an experience like this one. At least not in the last fourteen years.

Say what you will about Titanic, but it remains the most enduring, re-watchable, universally appealing epic of our generation. This is a movie meant solely to be shown on a big screen as a shared experience, and one that should therefore be rereleased more consistently over time.

Experience - 30/30

Story/Writing - 17/20

Acting - 15/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 15/15

Direction - 10/10

Music - 10/10


Special Effects Caliber + 5

Music-driven Story/Plot + 5

Award-Caliber +5

THE VERDICT: 112 / 100, A+

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Nice report, Andy. Had a similar experience watching a preview screening 14 years ago. Titanic just takes hold of you and lingers long after you leave the theater. Phenomenal movie. Looking forward to revisit it (yet again).

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Iron Sky

4.4.2012 8.00 PM

90% Full

Snacks: Diet Pepsi


Project X- Lots of chuckles, and a few belly laughs at the midget in the oven-bit

The Avengers- Some chattering

So, it finally happened. I just witnessed a finnish audience applaud, holler, say "oh shit" and laugh like hyenas. We finns are a dour bunch, so I was surprised at how lively the audience. In the end everyone got up and applauded. It was great! Everyone enjoyed the movie.

How was the Film? Awesome. It had flaws, even big ones, but damn if it wasn't entertaining as hell. Iron Sky is joyous, silly, action-packed fun from beginning to the end. The effects were mindblowing for a relatively small budget film. They were better than some of the 175M blockbusters! Though the main character, played by Christopher Kirby, is a walking black stereotype, rest of the cast is good. I liked Götz Otto as the hammy would-be führer and Julia Dietze as the sexy and likable nazi doubting her beliefs. Problems with the film? It does end on a weird note (I won't spoil how) and I doubt I'd sit through Iron Sky again. Still, seek it out and enjoy. Go Finland!


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Thursday, 3:40PM

122 seats, 70% FULL (excellent for this theater)

The crowd was all in between 16 and 25 years old, impressive for a country where young adults don't go to the movies anymore


Battleship - Impressive reaction, everyone was saying the name of the movie and how awesome it looks, my friend told he wants to see this

The Five Year Engagement - Some laughs

Prometheus - Someone saying it looked like something connected to Alien

The Dictator - WTF just happened?! People were laughing out loud, the reaction was amazing, I have never seen a comedy with such a great reception from a trailer, just crazy

Movie: Fans of American Pie, this is what you want. The movie is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. And the crowd seemed to love it. It was so good to see them all back together. I hope this is successful. I don't want this to be the last time we see this guys. American Pie 4ever!

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Titanic 3D

Thursday, 8 PM

Attendance: 30-40% full


Snow White & The Huntsman- Amazing

Prometheus- Amazing

Total Recall- Looks really good

Paranorman- lol, not for me, but kids will like it

Step Up Revolution- lol, again not for me, but cool

The Lucky One- Girls will swoon

Film is great, not crazy about the 3D.

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American Reunion

12:01AM Friday, April 6th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: ~200 (90% full; almost all drunk college students, myself included!)

Ticket Price: $9.00

Concessions: Hot chocolate ($2.50), small Coke Zero (to stay awake, $4.75)


Ted - not sure why they didn't show the red band trailer, but this one was good to show some back story. This got an excellent reaction from the audience, mainly because the movie was shot in our neck of the woods (my street is in the trailer!!!).

Savages - this was a weird combination of actors--Danny Zuko, Kick-Ass, and John Carter in a drug movie? Anyway, the trailer got lots of talking from the audience.

Total Recall - you know my thoughts on this; got lots of talking from audience.

Chernobyl Diaries - whatever tourists are dumb enough to think a trip to Chernobyl is a smart idea deserve to die in a horror movie. I think this looks awesome, and it got LOADS of talking.

Prometheus - SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What to Expect When You're Expecting - the only laughs to this trailer mainly come from the women in the audience.

The Dictator - this new trailer is pretty awesome and definitely got the best reaction from the audience.


Anybody who was a fan of the other American Pie movies will easily become a fan of this film. While the times have changed and our favorite high schoolers are even more grown up (well... some of them), the story structure is pretty consistent with the successful formula from the previous films. It's really just wonderful to see the whole gang back together. With five years to go, American Reunion is reminding me of how excited I am for my own high school reunion. Still, everyone in the audience identified with each of the characters whenever they first appeared in the movie. By now, each character's history is so rich in the fans' memory that seeing everyone together in the film again makes it all the more palpable and, thus, enjoyable.

As usual, Stifler steals every scene he's in. I didn't realize it until tonight, but if South Park's Eric Cartman slimmed down, grew up, and took live-action form, I have a feeling he'd be really similar to the Stifmeister (*with the glaring difference, of course, being that Stifler has one of the biggest hearts of any guilty pleasures in cinematic history). Then seeing how everyone ends up is all the more amusing-if-predictable as well. But with the very R-rated track record of this comedy franchise, the amusement is less about predictability and more about satisfying our expectations. In a long list of ways, American Reunion satisfies our expectations, and then some.

I am so thrilled that this film ever happened. I cannot wait to watch it again in a theater full of other fans. Perhaps next time I'll try to see it without being inebriated (like that would be any fun). Also, the 90's-inspired soundtrack throughout the film--especially during the actual reunion gathering--will just put a grin on your face ear-to-ear if you're a Generation-Y'er like myself. Please, please, PLEASE go to see this movie in theaters while there are still crowds so you can get an optimal crowd experience.

Experience - 29/30

Story/Writing - 15/20

Acting - 10/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 8/15

Direction - 8/10

Music - 10/10

THE VERDICT: 80 / 100, B

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SM North Edsa (30% Full) | Quezon City | The Philippines


AMERICAN REUNION | some laughs

BATTLESHIP | chatter

MEN IN BLACK lll | some laughs





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Though the film's vfx is amazing and its 3D an improvement, the terrible
dialogue and wooden acting makes the film an almost exact copy of the first.

06.50 | 10.00

Edited by kayumanggi
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John Carter6:00pm Heights Theater38 peopleticket price: $4.00 (2nd run theater)Trailers: (this theater usually never airs trailers)Avengers - no reactionThe Dark Knight Rises - small talkReview:O John Carter, What did Disney do to you??Most of the movie is pretty boring except for the last 20 minutes. The fight scenes were shot very well unlike The Hunger Games. The acting was pretty well and I don't feel Stanton is to blame for this. The writing was sloppy and the story was kind of bad. The last 20 minutes save this film. It saves this from being a big piece of boring ass pie. I elect Stanton to take over The Hunger Games franchise. I believe he could do a great job and be able to film the fight scenes without having it be Shaky cam.

Edited by MovieGuyKyle17
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The Raid (not adding in the silly "Redemption" added for the US release)

April 5, 2:25pm

Arclight Sherman Oaks

6 people in the audience


Bourne Legacy

TDKR (I hadn't seen this on the big screen before, so that was nice)

Damsels in Distress (WTF; who puts a Whit Stillman trailer before a hard-R foreign action flick?)

The Movie

Holy shit, what amazing action! Anyone who remotely likes action films (especially Jackie Chan or Jet Li movies) should find a way to see this. There's almost no plot: basically there's an evil drug lord holed up in an apartment building that he owns, and a squad of cops are sent in to capture him or take him out. So they have to fight their way up, story by story.

The action is brutal and insanely inventive. It starts off with tons of heavy gunfire, and then, as people run out of ammo and/or get killed, the combatants fall back on pistols, then knives and machetes, and finally their fists and whatever else they can get their hands on: bits of furniture, smashed doors, etc.

The fighting is choreographed extremely well and it's just insane to watch people this well-trained go at each other. Highly entertaining, with great sound design and a booming soundtrack. It loses a few points because, really, there's almost no story or character development, but still, a damn good action flick that puts most bigger-budget studio films to shame.


Edited by Telemachos
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Lots of new stuff at my 20-plex this week.


The Three Stooges (2 screens, 11 showings)

Cabin In The Woods (2 screens, 11 showings)

Lockout (1 screen, 6 showings)

Blue Like Jazz (1 screen, 6 showings)

October Baby (1 screen, 6 showings)

The Raid: Redemption (1 screen, 6 showings)


American Reunion (2 screens, 10 showings)

Titanic: An IMAX 3D Experience (1 screen, 4 showings)

Titanic 3D (2 screens, 6 showings)

The Hunger Games (2 screens, 9 showings)

21 Jump Street (1 screen, 6 showings)


The Hunger Games/Budz House (2 screens/4 showings)

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax/American Reunion (3 showings/3 showings)

Wrath Of The Titans 2D/3D (2 showings/4 showings)

Mirror Mirror/John Carter (4 showings/1 showing)


Jeff, Who Lives At Home (2 weeks)

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April 11, 2012 (Advance screening)

8 pm, Greenbelt 3, Makati City, Philippines

100% full (300-400 seats)


American Pie: The Reunion - laughs

Bourne Legacy - chatter

Madagascar 4 - laughs

Snow White and The Huntsman - some chatter

The movie

Started a little boring but when we get to the sea and the aliens started to arrive, things picked up and while there are scenes where the visual effects were a little too much, overall it was an entertaining movie. GOOD thing it was not in 3D because I don't think 3D will work here and will just cause head aches haha. There are some cheesy stuff here but it works anyway. Kitsch is good in the role, he's more charismatic here than in John Carter. He had good chemistry with the actor who played Captain Nagata. Surprisingly, Rihanna was not that bad at all. Neeson's screen time was short. Crowd responded well, heard some "oohs" and "aahs" during the special effects extravaganza and laughs with the movie's light moments.

And oh there's a post-credits scene setting up a sequel


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Cabin in the Woods ... EVERYBODY GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!

7:10PM Friday, April 13th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 220 (98% full; only a handful of empty seats around theater)

Ticket Price: $0 (Free Rewards Ticket!)

Concessions: n/a


Safe - cool Jason Statham action movie about a little girl. Got a good reaction and lots of talking from audience. After a shot of Statham kicking some ass on a subway, a girl behind me said "That happened on the red line last week!" and everyone around her started cracking up.

Expendables 2 - this teaser for the ultimate action sequel (also featuring Statham) got a lot of "Oh sh*t"s and "NO WAY?!"s from audience. Lots of talking.

Looper - a time travel movie with Joseph Gordon Levitt AND Bruce Willis?!?!?! Could this be the Twelve Monkey sequel I've been dying for? (doubtful, obviously) Looks too good to be true, got a lukewarm reaction from the rest of the audience.

Chernobyl Diaries - this looks funny in a bad way, even if scary. Got an okay audience reaction.

Savages - looks boring, even if it does have an attractive cast (I'm talking to you, Salma Hayek). Weak reaction; one of those this-trailer-is-being-shown-to-the-wrong-audience kind of reactions.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - there were a few giggles during this trailer, then a resounding LOL from the audience when the film's title appeared, but a good reaction overall.

7500 - "CBS Films presents"... PASS.





There's really nothing else to say, unless you really want me to risk spoiling this movie for you. Let me put it to you this way: if you are a fan of Evil Dead, The Island, any Pixar movies, the Scream quadrup-lagy, The Prestige, Galaxy Quest, Inception, The Truman Show, Piranha 3D, Titanic, Saw(s) 1-3, Road Trip, Alien, Identity, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, or even Billy Madison, YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It's that simple, and it's that good.

For the record, the audience dug this movie. Usually in the first 15 minutes you think you can get an idea where a film is going, but the audience (myself included) were surprised in so many ways by the story arc, even through the very last scene. And for the record, Cabin in the Woods is just an escalating rush of adrenaline that reaches an unimaginable fever pitch in the final 25 minutes. I'm going to say it one more time:


Experience - 29/30

Story/Writing - 20/20

Acting - 12/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 15/15

Direction - 10/10

Music - 9/10

Bonus: Originality +5

THE VERDICT: 100/100, A+

Edited by Andy Stitzer
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Cabin in the Woods$7.95? 7:15 Amstar 14 65-80% fullAvengers- I was wanting this trailer! Its so epic in the theaters, ok crowd reactionLooper- Looks like Surrogates 2, idk if because of Willis and the release date, but ill pass on this, no reactionSavages- Nah, no reaction againExpendables 2- Not as big as a reaction as i was expecting, especially when Schwarzenegger came onSafe- Typical Jason Statham, ill pass, no reactionFor some reason, my theaters just never gets huge huge reactions, i guess its just that southern hospitality to be quiet? ;)The movie, i cant really talk about, theres really not much you can say without spoiling an important element. Id love to talk to someone privately about it cuz i just-want-to-discuss-this-movie. It was very original and it was like a virtual thrill ride and puzzle. You dont fully understand why everything has happened until the final 10 minutes, so your teased for the first hour and 20 because youll gain an idea, but you just dont know and you just wanna figure out, but that is one of the good qualities about the movie because it keeps you engaged. Theres also a cameo from a great well known star and the humor matched with the terror perfectly! My reviews arent as good as Andy's ^^, but ill have a full, spoiler free review on my blog tomorrow! GREAT MOVIE! A's all around!

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April 11, 2012 (Advance screening)

8 pm, Greenbelt 3, Makati City, Philippines

100% full (300-400 seats)


American Pie: The Reunion - laughs

Bourne Legacy - chatter

Madagascar 4 - laughs

Snow White and The Huntsman - some chatter

The movie

Started a little boring but when we get to the sea and the aliens started to arrive, things picked up and while there are scenes where the visual effects were a little too much, overall it was an entertaining movie. GOOD thing it was not in 3D because I don't think 3D will work here and will just cause head aches haha. There are some cheesy stuff here but it works anyway. Kitsch is good in the role, he's more charismatic here than in John Carter. He had good chemistry with the actor who played Captain Nagata. Surprisingly, Rihanna was not that bad at all. Neeson's screen time was short. Crowd responded well, heard some "oohs" and "aahs" during the special effects extravaganza and laughs with the movie's light moments.

And oh there's a post-credits scene setting up a sequel


I didn't stay after the credits. :angry:
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