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Les Miserables

12noon - 95% full (second screening of the day, the theater also had one that began at 11:50 am. I stuck my head in there and it looked 90+% full).


Oz the Great and Powerful - no reaction

Star Trek - some chatter when people recognized what it was

The Great Gatsby - no reaction

Oblivion - no reaction

Identity Theft - lots of laughter at the end (this was the newer trailer)

Zero Dark Thirty - some chatter

Well, I don't think I can review the movie properly because I've seen the stage musical about five or six times and it's my favorite of all time. Overall, I think it was really well done, with fantastic performances from everyone. Anne Hathaway should definitely win the Oscar from her performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" alone. Hugh was also fantastic, and Russell--who I wasn't sure about--did fine. I have some quibbles about some of the shot choices (does every song really need to be done in super close up?), but it was a rousing story, there was some beautiful cinematography and didn't seem stagey at all. A very emotional story.

Total hankies used: 3 (I'm a weeper)

The audience burst into applause and cheers at the end. I rarely see that in our theaters here, so I think it's safe to say that word of mouth should be decent.

Edited by tracygee
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Les Miserables 3:05pm - 100% full (sold out at least 1 hour in advance) I Bought my tickets on Friday to get good seats!Trailers:Oz the Great and Powerful - little chatterThe Great Gatsby - see aboveIdentity Theft - lots of laughsWow is what I can say! Hugh Jackman stole the show!!! One of the biggest surprises of the year. I absolutely give this an A. Everybody please go see it. The audience clapped after it was over about how excellent the movie was. A group of people behind me cheered on when they saw Russell Crowe's name. It sold out at 11:40, 3:05, and 6:35 (The last time I saw a movie sold out was Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2) and the last time I saw a theater this crowded was when Magic Mike and Ted came out. Other sell outs:The Guilt Trip: 12:45 3:00Jack Reacher: 3:15This is 40: 3:30Django Unchained: 2:45 6:10Parental Guidiance: 2:00 4:30

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Django UnchainedSold out10:30 AMTrailers: Dead Man Down - no reactionMovie 43 red band - lots of laughsOblivion - no reactionDark Skies - no reactionGangster Squad - no reactionZero Dark Thirty - no reaction Just pure awesomeness. Grade: AI found out that Les Mis was sold out for most of the day as well.

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Double feature day for me.

Les Miserables

11:35 AM showing, 250-300 seat auditorium- SOLD OUT


The Great Gatsby- Interesting trailer, good reaction.

Identity Theft- Definitely interest from the crowd and some laughs during the trailer.

There was 1 more but I'm drawing a blank.

The crowd loved the movie and there were big reactions throughout. There was audible sniffling during several scenes, most notably Hathaway's Dream a Dream and the scene near the end

after the wedding at the monastery just as JVJ dies.

As it ended the crowd burst into applause, something I havent seen since I saw Black Swan on opening day.

I loved the movie, although it took me maybe 15 minutes to adjust to every line being sung, but after that it felt natural and I really didn't notice it.

A solid 9/10


Django Unchained

3:20 PM showing, 250-300 seat auditorium- SOLD OUT!


Gangster squad- solid reaction

Oblivion- almost no reaction

A Good Day To Die Hard- Very mild reaction

The Last Stand- There were a few audible groans, not a good sign

The Movie

The crowd ate up every blood soaked minute and there was lots of laughs sprinkled throughout, especially the scene about "the hoods". Obviously opening day the theaters will be filled with Tarantino fans so crowd reaction should be enthusiastic, but even so this was a fun crowd to see a movie with.

Another 9/10

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The Guilt Trip7:30pm, December 23rd~5% full (8 people, My family and me + 3 older women)There was only one trailer, I think it was for Parental Guidance but I'm not sure. Whatever it was, no reaction.The movie: My family and I enjoyed it. I didn't hear the three old women laugh once. :P I guess it isn't for everyone though. Barbra reminded me of my grandmother, which made it funnier.7.5/10

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The Angel's ShareWed 26th 6:30pmsellout (120, smaller screen in an arthouse theater)Trailers:Oh boy (german comedy, looks not so interesting)De rouille et d'os (paraplegic love story, the only intersting thing is M. Cotillard)The Sessions (looks promising but how many paraplegic films will they throw at us???)The film:Oh, my, I'm getting old and Ken Loach is getting soft. And crime pays. That's the things I took away from this scotch social-drama-turns-into-feelgood-comedy film, complete with fart and kilt jokes. Actually it's really a rather nice film and should have a devent run here in Austria - I'm a Whisky man myself so maybe prejudiced, but audience reactions were very favourable too.

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Django Unchained

Wednesday 12/26, 6:50 PM

Crowd: 100-150 people, seemed to skew younger (20s)


Wow, all of these trailers were stinking piles of horrible shit. Nothing got any kind of reaction.. off the top of my head there was:

-The Last Stand (looks horrible, terrible cast)

-A Good Day to Die Hard (actually looks like fun)

-Oblivion (no thanks)

-Gangster Squad (looks like it might be fun if it wasn't for that prick Sean Penn)

-Scary Movie 5 (WOW, shockingly bad, although the Lohan gag actually did get some laughs)

-This is the End (What is this a circle jerk for the typical Apacrew? sidebar- Jonah Hill got obese AGAIN???)

-Dark Skie (have to admit this trailer gave me the creeps, could be this year's Insidious)


-Well... I guess it's what I expected. Still collecting my thoughts but my first reaction is that this is NOT Tarantino's best and it's certainly not a "masterpiece" as I've heard it described. The N-bombs didn't feel as gratuitious as I was expecting but some of the violence definitely did. I keep hearing that this is supposed to be Tarantino's brutal and serious slavery movie (albeit with Tarantonisms) but then it's so over the top that it becomes a parody of Tarantino in itself. And for godsake, stop casting yourself in your movies. More later...

Crowd reaction:

-They seemed to like it, there was polite applause at the end and I did hear some positive chatter after. Some were commenting on the gore.

Edited by Silver Linings aDIM
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The Guilt Trip:30% fullTrailers:Don't rememberMovie: C-Tripe. Harmless tripe, but tripe nonetheless. Streisand seems to mistake endless nagging for humor and Rogen seems to mistake fuming in response to said nagging for humor. A few chuckles here and there. The entire audience was over 50, so naturally not much of a reaction from anyone. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still bland, unfunny, and predictable.Les Miserables:90% fullTrailers:Don't rememberMovie: B-Great performances from Jackman, Redmayne, and especially Hathaway salvage a film plagued with bad direction, slow pacing, an uninvolving storyline (at least for me), and bad CGI. Crowe isn't horrible, but he's obviously the weakest link voice-wise. Bonham Carter and Baron Cohen are amusing but nothing more. Hathaway will win an Oscar. Jackman will be nominated. And hopefully, HOPEFULLY, Hooper isn't nominated for Director. I'll commend him for not cutting during some of the tremendous solos dolled out by the cast, but everything else...bleh.Django Unchained:85% fullTrailers:Dark Skies - silenceThis is the End - big laughs, looks great, can't waitScary Movie 5 - chuckles, looks pretty horridZero Dark Thirty - some chatter, perfect trailerThe Last Stand - laughter AT it, looks horribleMovie: ATarantino's 3rd best behind Pulp Fiction and Basterds. Funny, entertaining, violent, disturbing (in a good way), iconic, and filled with great performances from Dicaprio, Waltz, and Jackson. Foxx is good too. Typical Tarantino in all the best ways.

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Beasts of the Southern WildThu 28th 7pm, about 50% full in a 200 seatertrailers: sames as the day before (Oh Boy, De rouille et d'os, The Sessions) plus Ulrich Seidl's "Paradies: Glaube"The film: Intense, magic, gritty - people loved it but a draining experience too, won't get a long run here I suspect. Highly recommended!

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Life of Pi

December 28, 11:05 AM, 30% full (small theater)

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN

Trailers - No reactions

Oz, The Great and Powerful - The first time seeing the new trailer for me, and it looks a lot better.

The Smurfs 2


Parental Guidance

Walked in knowing nothing, walked out having a new favorite "Oscar-contender" of the year. Really surprised by how much I liked it. Audience was dead except for the few jokes where there was scattered laughter and one person going ew when the orangutan threw up.

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Life of Pi

December 28, 11:05 AM, 30% full (small theater)

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN

Trailers - No reactions

Oz, The Great and Powerful - The first time seeing the new trailer for me, and it looks a lot better.

The Smurfs 2


Parental Guidance

Walked in knowing nothing, walked out having a new favorite "Oscar-contender" of the year. Really surprised by how much I liked it. Audience was dead except for the few jokes where there was scattered laughter and one person going ew when the orangutan threw up.

I'm glad you liked it. :) How crowded was your theater today for other movies?
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Well, it was right when the theater opened, and the parking lot wasn't that crowded. There were a lot of other shows playing around the time (Wreck-It Ralph, Hobbit IMAX, Jack Reacher, This is 40); but none of them could have been that crowded. I was actually surprised by the number of kids at Pi. They accounted for about a third of the small audience, which is more than I'd expect for such a mature movie.Tomorrow, I shall see Les Mis, hopefully with a packed crowd, and over the next week, I hope to see Monsters Inc. 3D and Jack Reacher.

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Les Miserables

December 29, 11:55 AM, 85% full

Cinemark, Valparaiso, IN


Safe Haven - no reaction

Zero Dark Thirty - some whispering

Admission - laughs

Side Effects - no reaction

Identity Thief - lots of laughs

Oblivion - No reaction

Fantastic movie, but I don't know how to rank it. Crowd was great, appropiate sniffling at the appropiate points. Crowd loved the Thenadiers, they got tons of laughter. I was annoyed by one person up in the front rows who was checking his phone. Huge applause at the end, and some clapping at Jackman's credit.

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