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The Great GatsbyJune 10, 3:10PM, 70% fullMelbourne, AustraliaTrailers:About Time - No reaction, but holy shit it's Margot from Neighbours!Man of Steel - Theater went quiet, seemed pretty into itThe Internship - Had a lot of laughs, seemed pretty funCatching Fire - Theatre was pretty quiet too, my favorite moment of the day (only watched TGG to see the trailer lol) but was slightly annoyed at the brightness levelDidn't like the film, not my genre. But the cinematography was beautiful. Theater seemed to enjoy it, laughed at all the right jokes.

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This is the end had showtimes at AMC Phipps Plaza 14 that averaged more than 100 tickets in the evening showtimes (3 of them were almost sold out). That's pretty impressive if you ask me! Im hoping in the range of an 8-10m Wednesday.

Edited by BEEJAYGRAD11
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This Is The End


10:00PM Wednesday, June 12th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 225 (90% full; audience was entirely Generation Y)

Ticket Price: $9.50

Concessions: small popcorn, $6.00




Grown Ups 2 - lots of laughing and lots of talking; one guy next to me said, "Sh!t is gross!" with the SNL car-washers at the end

White House Down - "Another white house movie?!" There was some talking after the trailer, mostly this reaction.

The Heat - lots of talking, okay reaction... I think they need a new trailer.

Getaway - "Get Away, Get Away..." best crowd ever. AD fans will get this reaction.

Kick Ass 2 - CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS! There was lots of talking after this trailer, mostly people surprised to see Jim Carrey will be in it, and even a few people saying they'll watch this just for JC.

Delivery Man - the remake to Starbuck; this was a teaser, but got some loud laughs from crowd.

Kevin Hart's Let Me Explain - got some laughs, but I won't be paying to see this concert movie.




I had very, very high expectations for this film after a number of movie critics wrote that they laughed hysterically to this from beginning to end. While the film, unfortunately, fell short of my expectations, I give everyone involved some credit for coming pretty close. There is enough outrageous humor that goes down in This is the End that you'll probably leave with a smile on your face when it really is over.


The movie is certainly funny on its own merits, but you are in for a real treat if you're actually familiar with these characters both on and off the screen. Like having scene SuperbadPineapple Express, and Harry Potter is one thing; however, if you've watched Freaks & Geeks, Undeclared, and How I Met Your Mother you'll really appreciate some of the jokes even more. All of these celebrities play great caricatures of themselves, or at the very least a very accurate representation of how the public perceives them to likely behave. Except for Michael Cera. Dude is F*CK*D! UP! And a surprise A-list cameo that reveals himself near the end? WOW!


Some of the overarching themes of friendship and being a good Samaritan weren't as affecting as I would've expected, especially because this film comes from a team of people who have starred in some of the most enduring bromances of this generation. Still, I'm confident this generation will embrace This is the End--everything else ranging from song choices to pop culture references will get you laughing pretty hard and anxious to see their next project.


Experience - 30/30

Story/Writing - 16/20

Acting - 13/15

Tech Specs (Editing, Effects, Cinematography) - 12/15; passable effects considering this was principally a comedy rather than a sci-fi film

Direction - 8/10

Music - 10/10; two particular songs near the end make the entire film


THE VERDICT: 89/100, A


Comments and feedback are always appreciated!

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Man of Steel

June 13, 7:00 PM, 35% full

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN


Paranoia - no reaction

Turbo - some laughs

Anchorman 2 - some laughs

Pacific Rim - no reaction

Gravity - no reaction

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - no reaction

Pacific Rim - laughs at the beginning since they played the trailer twice for no apparen reason

Man of Steel - A lot of annoyance. It was a featurette about how Walmart customers are amazing and get to see Man of Steel first. Really stupid.


Movie was awesome. Audience wasn't that reactive besides laughter at points and applause at the end. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.

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Man of Steel

June 14th

7:40pm IMAX 3D




Elysium - Movie looks good. Crowd was just taking their seats, so no reaction.

(The trailer actually had to be restarted about 3 or so times :rofl:)

Pacific Rim: No reaction from audience, lots of chatter.


My Thoughts:

The Krypton scenes were really good, the movie's uneven pace was quite noticeable during the first Earth scenes. The beginning was a little too slow and lacked some personal detail for me the movie rebounded in a HUGE manner for me. The climatic fight scenes were fantastic, heck, the whole third act was probably the best I've seen all year. 9/10 (The movie really kicked IM3's ass imho)

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Man of Steel:

Fri 6:40 pm

Sold out



Pacific Rim - chatter, teenagers behind us were already quoting along with "cancel the apocalypse"

The Butler - silence

The Lone Ranger - minor chatter, 

World War Z - silence

Paranoia - silence

Gravity - minor chatter


Movie: B-


I'll need to see it again before I form a concrete opinion, but this was definitely something of a disappointment. It's visually spectacular, and the action sequences are nice to look at, but overall the movie lacked the nuance, heart, and character work that makes a true epic. Yes, the action was epic, but the film's approach to all of the different relationships at play left a lot to be desired.  And even the fight scenes became repetitive after a while. Costner and Lane elevate their scenes, and Crowe does his best with the platitudinal dialogue he's given. Shannon has his moments, but for the most part he comes across as a pretty standard VILLAIN villain, mostly due to the writing. 


As for Cavill, he's hit and miss. More hit than miss, but whenever he's playing "noble" such as when he speaks to the military he comes off a little wooden. He's better in the more personal scenes and he certainly knows how to sell an emotional scream. Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne give good even if their characters are woefully underdeveloped. Lois starts out well enough when they're establishing her personality, but from there she sort of becomes just Superman's tag-along. The transition from journalist/subject to romantic couple is rushed, rushed, rushed, and so is Clark's transition to becoming Superman. We've barely met the adult Clark before he's donning the suit and fighting Zod. Where's the arc? Scenes of him as a child learning lessons from his father do not count as an arc. 


The scene where Superman is forced to kill Zod is quite powerful, but extremely contrived. He couldn't have flown them both out of the building? Breaking his neck was not the only way to stop him. Just didn't make a lot of sense. It makes even less sense when you factor in the notion that he undoubtedly killed at least several dozen people while punching Zod through buildings full of innocent bystanders.


Zimmer's score is haunting and emotional in the quieter moments, not so much when he's scoring the action scenes. The film is nonetheless entertaining, and I understand that they were trying to cover his origin without going into incredible detail because most people know it already, but those details are essential to making the audience care. It's also obvious that they were at least trying to inject emotion, powerful themes, and character development, but all three are lost or truncated amid the noise and a plot that never slows down to let anything breathe. 

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Man of steelLondon90% fullTrailers included Lone Ranger and Pacific Rim - neither got any reaction. PR looked boring. Ranger looked like Depp doing Captin Jack again. I have no interest in seeing either.Man of steel was a disjointed mess. It looked like bits of film cobbled together and when in doubt throw in a pointless explosion. Please, enough with the superhero movies for a few years. There seems to be one every week and they are all increasingly the same and just boring. Sorry guys, I know many of you on this forum adore these movies and I can enjoy them too but i found Iron Man 3 tedious and this just capped it.

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Man of steelLondon90% fullTrailers included Lone Ranger and Pacific Rim - neither got any reaction. PR looked boring. Ranger looked like Depp doing Captin Jack again. I have no interest in seeing either.Man of steel was a disjointed mess. It looked like bits of film cobbled together and when in doubt throw in a pointless explosion. Please, enough with the superhero movies for a few years. There seems to be one every week and they are all increasingly the same and just boring. Sorry guys, I know many of you on this forum adore these movies and I can enjoy them too but i found Iron Man 3 tedious and this just capped it.



wait, why did you see it then?

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Man of Steel 2D


17.30 showing


O2 Cineworld


Trailers: Pacific Rim / Snitch / This is the End / Wolverine


They did a nice build up tot he wolverine trailer by having a notice coming up in Iron Man writing saying 'Stronger than Iron' than have claws cut it up. after another trailer they had another one say in Man of Steel writing 'Stronger than Steel' and cut it up too. Than showed Wolverine. Was a nice way of building it up. Just my opinion:)






Originally was in for the Sky superscreen showing but place was packed. 770 seat auditorium and was packed iwthin minutes. Only seats left were the front row and its not possiuble to watch a movie that close on a screen that big. So we left and ask for another showing which 30mins later but in 2D. pretty big screen too and im glad i saw it in 2D. That place got packed within 5 minutes too. everyone there was just buying man of steel tickets. :D 


My review is the review section

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Man of Steel

June 16, 3:00 PM, 95% full

Portage 16 IMAX, Portage, IN


Paranoia - no reaction

Turbo - no reaction

Anchorman 2 - some laughs

Pacific Rim - murmurs

Gravity - murmurs


Much better crowd this time. Laughed and cheered at the right places and overall was a fun time. Some woman said "Whoops" a lot though. :P

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well this has got to be the worst experience everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i've ever ever had at the theatre 


i'm not even mad, i'm too dumbfounded, perplexed, stunned, in a utter state of disbelief


i've just about had it with this cinema , their services are deplorable


so to the point:


I HAVE WALKED OUT OF A MOVIE! i'm no longer a virgin :ph34r:

i walked out of man of steel because from the beginning things went wrong but i didnt think anything major of it


first there were no trailers or local ads movie started right away , once we left krypton i started noticing these red streaks in the scene like flares first i thougt maybe its my glasses maybe its the screen but it will fixed itself kinda how sometimes you have these black lines that run through the screen at the edges  but noooooo as film went on it got worse then right about when zod comes to earth the background in the film turned yellow around explosions there was bue lines 


 GA might not know what is going on, but for a movie buff like me, i'm like hell no THIS IS NOT NORMAL , it looked like what you see behind the scenes when director and editor are viewing the reels of a film that hasnt added all the special effects yet so you see raw version of the film with the blue screen except here it was yellow and there were yellow tints on most objects on screen in addition to the background


it was getting to a point i was wondering what to do , i was hoping someone went to call an usher or manager as i was right under the projector and the theatre was packed, but then if all that wasnt bad, the screen turned off for 5mn maybe 3 then it came back on at the beginning of the company logo so people are like what the hell is going on are we going to rewatch the entire movie????


but then it goes blank again but like when tv loses signal then pic comes on like some bad hazy connection/ hertz antenna tv quality at which point he must have advanced it but where he stop was like what we had seen for last 20 mn and the pic was still playing bad with yellow tint all over the place


i had to haul ass to catch a bus the latest at 7pm and it was 6.30 already , i said fuck that i excused myself and left and was asking for a refund but my theatre is notoriously cheap , so the manager signed my ticket stub and wrote on it expires the 24june2013 so i can come back to see it by that date!


this is the first time ever in my moviegoer life this has happened to me, i've never walked out of a film, if i pay i stay i don't even know how the film ends grrrr this happened around when feora got to kent farm and had martha kent hanging by the neck and sup and lois had just landed (cute throwback to superman 1 balcony scene)


and mind you there's gotta be a string of written proof on this site in this thread of all my misadventures at CARIBBEAN CINEMAS on my island, the worst is that they are the only theatre here so they don't care, i firmly believe their infrastructure needs a serious overhaul with new toys all around, i feel curse , even when the 3D stopped working halfway through hobbit i stayed even if i had a slight headache after you could still see well enough , i remember when screen turned off for 5 mn during skyfall viewing , ughh there's so much complaints that keep happening 

it sucks to pay for such bad services ! i'm thinking of writing an open letter and post it to the newspaper so they can print , this is going on way too long , this is abusing and you know a lot of people stayed , although i don't know if they were able to fix it 


ps: anyway while i was waiting for the manager to sign my ticket i heard her saying to another disgruntle customer that there was a pb and the guy put the 3D version to play in the 2D screen which would explain the extra colour and that he was trying to fix it (yeah sure)


does this happen to you guys in your respective theatre regularly or its just me with the crappy provider  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


i'll try to see it next saturday same time at 4.30pm hoping this doesnt repeat but i don't trust them now and think even more before going there !

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Man of Steel - IMAX 3D

June 16, 7:00 PM, 75% full

Hoover, AL (Birmingham metro)


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Pacific Rim

Ender's Game



Pretty much no reaction to any of the trailers.


Crowd was pretty good. Lots of laughs at the funny points of the film. Looks like a lot stayed around for the credits (maybe thinking there would be a post-credits scene). We had previously tried to go to a 3:30 IMAX 2D showing, but when we went to find a seat there were hardly any left at all and couldn't find any together, so we changed our tickets and came back to the 7:00 PM showing. I'd say the 3:30 showing was well over 90% full.

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Man of Steel

2D regular theater

7pm showing

99% full




Pacific Rim

White House Down

2 Guns


Only trailers that got a reaction were 2 Guns and White House Down.


Great film, lots of laughs during the right moments in the film, audience was very into the film, didn't see a single smartphone display light up during the movie or anyone even talk during the film, which was amazing for a full theater room. Many stayed until after credits, lots of discussion as soon as the credits came on.


My full review for the film is in the review forum.

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