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MiB3 2DTuesday 8:15, 25 people in an 80-seater (about 150 admissions in the 500-seater 3D-show at the same time)Trailers: Rock of Ages (not again ...)TASM: ...Dark Knight Rises: First time I saw the dubbed trailer; there were some funny changes from german to english and back. No reactions.The film: Funny, people laughed a lot and seemed to like it. Admissions are far below MiB1+2, but at least WoM isn't toxic, it should enjoy a decent run.

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Snow White and The Huntsman

Wednesday, 8 PM (Advance screening_

Glorietta, Makati City, Philippines

100% full (500 seats)


Paranorman - got some laughs

Katy Perry: Part of Me - Heard some people singing along to her songs and a person commented 'Wait til Lady GaGa releases her own"

The Dictator - lots of laughs

Madagascar 3 - laughs

Bourne Legacy - some disappointed reactions when it was still the old teaser trailer, well we can't wait to see scenes shot in our country already! :D

The movie

Visually impressive, dark tone consistent , ok to solid acting but overall the story didn't leave a lasting impression. Not a bad movie but it's forgettable. Crowd loved it though and got a huge reaction when Snow White was escaping the castle, any romantic hints between Snow White and Huntsman and when the dwarfs first appeared. And towards the endm some people were surprised Snow White

didn't end up with anyone but when she and Huntsman glanced at each other, audience squealed

.Every now and then, I hear people making Twilight and Thor jokes


Edited by forg
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BullyThursday, May 31st 7pm Heights Theater - Elmira, NY$4.00 ticket price 11 people - 2 families, 3 older people, and me No trailersQuick Sum-Up: Even though the documentary raises some good questions about the topic, it never gives any answers on how to stop bullying in schools.

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You know how you stop bullying in schools??? The person who's getting bullied beats the absolute shit out of him from 1 end of the school to the next and sends this message: DON'T FUCK WITH ME OR ELSE!! That's how you do it.. When I was 10, I used to have my ears flicked by some kid because I had big ears for my age and 1 day, he pushed me to far.. I got up, grabbed him and dragged him down the aisle and off the bus and kicked the holy shit out of him.. Some people say that this doesn't solve anything, but for me, it did and after that, I never had a problem with him.. However, I was permanently kicked off the bus, so I had to find another means to get to school so I walked.. True story, but my best advice to anyone who's been bullied and is being bullied: Fuck em up and send a message that you won't stand for anyone's bullshit.. By doing this, you'll earn ALOT of respect.. ;)

Yeah, you could even cut off someone's fingers if they're bullying you. That'll teach em! :nudgewink:
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Yeah, you could even cut off someone's fingers if they're bullying you. That'll teach em! :nudgewink:

that's another effective solution! i prefer words, nothing annoys/pisses off other people more than when you don't stoop down to their level, its not a quick solution but it works ! i've never been bullied but have had heated discussions with people and boy if you out-talk them they give up for lack of arguments !can't wait to go see snow white and yummy huntsman :wub: !!!!! Edited by ladyevenstar22
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MEGAPLEX7 carribean cinemas3.30pm 80% fullmissed the trailers and beginning not much, saw from when gold mirror tells her snow white is fairer than her and her heart is the key then snow escapes so pretty sure i didnt miss too muchSNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN B+I liked the movie well enough, the whole time i kept thinking visually this reminds me of alice in wonderland, when i left theatre i watched the poster and sure enough it says from the creators? of ALICE IN WONDERLANDchris hemsworth was sexyy as usual even gruffy he can't hide it, the dude oozes charm !!! :wub: but i had to concentrate real hard to understand what he was saying half of the time(lucky for him as long as i can stare i don't care! :) )that prince dude was cute enough but i thought he was the son of a duke, obviously he and snow had a thing as toddlers from what i gather! i don't think he was that awful in the movie, he's clearly more of an action guy than his father who's willing to wait and see!as for kristen she was snow white, my only problem with her character is that she's not given a lot of lines, dunno who wrote the script but she's in the title and she hardly talks and has lots of pauses! (i did like her accent though ) might be the editing , plus maybe if she had a bff /maid to talk too about her feelings for the huntsman it might have been better! so yeah she did all she could with the way they wrote her character,heck even the dwarves seem to have more lines than her, i also would have like them to explore a bit more what was so special about her & her destiny and why her blood was so special that the queen wouldn't need to ever suck another human being drycharlize theron was a hoot i didnt know whether to take her seriously or lol at the way she spoke! but she looked beautiful and very scary when she'd turn all old, reminded me of michelle pfeiffer witch in "stardust"agree that visuals and fx were really amazing, scenery was beautiful, i appreciated the fighting even more because just last night i watched GAME OF THRONES ep9 and wasnt overly impressed but i'll go that thread in a bit!anyway i sighhhhed when huntsman

kissed snow white

^_^ , i was like no wayyyy then again it was expected after william kiss did nothing for her,which i was surprised at given how snow was all eager to kiss him when it was fake william so feelings are there , wonder what that means for a sequel, i love that she wakes up way after he's left the room so that we're left to wonder who she'll chose, personally i liked that it wasnt determine by a kiss just like that and they get married! clearly there's a bond there but since neither has said anything who knows

i'd love a sequel but there's no need for this to go three films neither! kinda sad about the queen she was fun!

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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Muller 18Snow White and The Huntsmen2:05 about 70 peopleTrailersAbraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter: I heard one person says it looks stupid.The Dark Knight Rises: Few chattermovie5.5/10Men in Black 37:20trailersabout 40 peopleAbraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter: A few laughs at the end of the trailerThe Dark Knight Rises: Kid said the looks awesomemovie7/10

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Snow White and the hustmanCuiaba - MT180 seats, 55% full6.0 without soul, pretty much like AIW, but have better performaces from the cast (kristen is fine but isn‘t good for that part),exellent visuals and tone.

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Seeing Battleship tomorrow.

Hope you like it. It is very enjoyable. Don't expect anything Oscar-worthy or something like that. Edited by CJohn
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Snow White and the Huntsman50-60 people in a 30o seat theater5pm showing on a cheap night tuesdayTrailers: The Bourne Legacy- a few murmurs; my friend was concerned that they had replaced Matt Damon and I assured her no. Total Recall - no reaction Twilight Part 2 - visible groans and snark thrown at this one. Les Miserables - is she singing for real? was uttered by a few people. Personal think it was a great trailer and definitely gonna see it when it comes out Magic Mike - some chatter in the first few frames shown and laughter at Mathew Mcgonahey but silence after.Review: This movie started off well but never developed heart, if that make sense. I never felt for Snow or any of the anguish that the other characters had suffered, I think the acting along with the story compounded that. It got a tad boring in the middle. There were a few chuckles at intended funny lines though. I felt like more could have been done with the movie. It was okay but nothing I would view again or need a sequel for.6.5/10

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About 30-40 people. With perhaps the most MASSIVE age diffrence I've seen in a while-kids about 7 or 8 to old men in there 80s+


Prometheus: The older people there really enjoyed this trailer.

Battlefield America: When the date come up I hear "What is this?" "THAT came out???" "Okay that looked dumb."

Amazing Spider-Man: Kids "I want to see that, but should I see SM3 first?" (Note it was a young kid who wouldn't know that its not a direct sequel) I think I've seen this trailer about 500 times...yeah....

Bourne Legacy

Argo: Looks pretty good.

Movie: Surprisingly not that bad. The visuals were top notch. The story was decent, loved the setting. The acting was okay, outside of Rhianna and Brookylyn the actors actually knew how to act. Loved the part with the old men starting to fight. That was classic. Oh the opening was really funny. People did enjoy it. This was really mis advertised. The soundtrack was good as well. It kind of seemed like a good old fashion film. I can see this getting more liked as years go bye. (Remember many classics were hated when they were released)


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7:00PM Thursday, June 7th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: 250 (100% full; this was a special advanced screening of the film, and luckily my awesome roommate was able to get a few tickets to see this tonight. The audience had some old people but was mostly college-aged students... I knew or recognized about twenty people from my alma mater)

Ticket Price: $0 (FREE!)

Concessions: n/a



I've got the biggest grin on my face right now after watching Ted. Everyone in the audience tonight probably has a big grin on their faces as well. Why, you ask? Well, it isn't because Ted is the most original film ever made... far from it. It certainly isn't the funniest movie ever made, either (***but possibly the funniest movie I've seen in years). No, Ted was extra special to this audience for a simple reason: it's a 106-minute long love letter to Boston! Honestly, I don't think the Boston Chamber of Commerce or Visitors' Bureau could've done a more excellent job at highlighting every gem in this city. The architecture, the landmarks, the parks, the restaurants, the museums, even the freaking Big Dig... it's all in there!

... sorry for my digression, but I naturally regurgitate elation every time I see Boston on the big screen. Good Will Hunting. The Departed. Gone Baby Gone. My Best Friend's Girl. The Town. [smiling again, :-) ] Honestly, Ted is as much a showcase for Boston as Mrs. Doubtfire was for San Francisco.

Anyway, Ted is hilarious. The trailers don't do the movie justice; this is a worthy debut feature film for Seth MacFarlane. The comedy writing is witty and equal-opportunity offensive. The exaggerated flashback style that MacFarlane uses famously in Family Guy makes its way into Ted (as expected), and produces equally satisfying effect. Something I was concerned about before seeing this was whether or not audiences would buy into Mark Wahlberg's character having a talking teddy bear as a best friend. Fortunately, the film quells these concerns very quickly (and comically) during the first five minutes. The acting wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't Wahlberg's or Kunis' best (The Departed & Black Swan, respectively).

For anybody excited to see Ted, it will surely be worth the wait. To any one out there that only makes two or three trips to the movie every year: this is the comedy you should go see. The cameo performances will surprise you. The fast-paced, pop-culture-laden jokes will keep coming at you. I don't want to say anything more or else I may spoil it.


Experience - 30/30

Story/Writing - 18/20 (*2 points off for writing... I would've gone a different angle with the ending, but it still works)

Acting - 11/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 13/15 (the bear looked legit)

Direction - 8/10

Music - 8/10

THE VERDICT: 88/100, A

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