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Moonrise Kingdom

2:20PM Friday, May 24th

Regal Union Square 14 (NYC)

Theater Capacity: ~400 (80% full; possibly more, and 2 additional shows for today sold out)

Ticket Price: $14.00

Concessions: Medium half coke/half cherry-flavored Freeze Frame, $6.25


Hyde Park on Hudson - Bill Murray/Laura Linney comedy about FDR that I hadn't heard of before, but it looks funny. No reaction

Anchorman 2 - Teaser trailer, but lots of laughs and some talking from audience

This is 40 - very funny trailer, great reaction, and some talking from the audience.

ParaNorman - weak reaction, probably not marketed to the right audience

The Great Gatsby - beautiful trailer, I'd love to see this in 3D. Lots of talking from the audience.

Seeking a Friend at the End of the World - good trailer but no reaction from audience.


It's a total fluke that my 2-day trip to New York City coincided with the very limited release of Moonrise Kingdom, a film I'd been curious to see ever since witnessing its well-crafted, unconventional trailer. Judging by the pic's audience, the film was an instant pleaser for fans of Anderson's other works. Although I've only seen three of his other pictures, I have an immense respect for Anderson's quirky, muted style.

The story is about a boy and a girl--Sam and Suzy (played by Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward)--who are viewed as outcasts by their friends and family. After a serendipitous encounter with one another, the young Sam and Suzy become pen pals and grow to fall in love. The picture not only centers on their attempt to run away together and be happy, but also captures the halfwitted attempts of their scout leader, island policeman, and parents to find and rescue them. As if the supporting cast wasn't awesome enough (Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, et al), the music was spot-on, the in-your-face foreshadowing adding unexpected amusement, and the elementary special effects worked wonderfully, solely because you never even expect the story to become very high-stakes in the first place. Also, the romance between Sam and Suzy is especially endearing--hands down the best screen romance I've seen since The Artist.

When you add everything up, Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom is one of 2012's best pictures. If you're in the mood for dry humor, romance, adventure, or 1960's nostalgia, look no further than Moonrise Kingdom. I think it'll be expanding nationwide in the next couple weeks. And for the record, there was an applause from the audience when the picture was over. Many people (myself included) even stayed through the credits to enjoy the soundtrack.

Experience - 24/30

Story/Writing - 20/20

Acting - 15/15

Tech Specs (Cinematography, Editing, Effects) - 13/15

Direction - 9/10

Music - 10/10

Bonuses- Originality +3, Music-Driven Story/Plot +4, Award-Caliber +5

THE VERDICT: 103/100, A+

Edited by Andy Stitzer
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Moonrise Kingdom doesn't hit the arthouse which is an hour away till next month. Tomorrow night there is a triple feature at the local drive-in. Men In Black 3, 21 Jump Street (will be the 4th time I see that movie), and Dark Shadows. 3 Movies for 8 bucks. Gotta Love It

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Men in Black 32:25PMAbout 80% full, noticed quite a few showings and quite a few people at other showings also. People actually surprisingly ranged from all ages, noticed young kids up to older people in there 60s+Trailers:Total Recall (new trailer)-the only trailer I really did not care for, but it still looks decentSkyfall: Looks fantastic, quite a few people seemed excited.Madagascar 3 (new trailer-finally!)-Laughs.Prometheus (new trailer)LawlessRock of Ages (new trailer): Looks fun I will admit. Some talking.Amazing Spider-ManMovie: This is almost on par with the first. Fun film. The visuals were good. Gave a great backstory to both characters, seems like nothing more they can do to the franchise. This was also longer then the first 2. The comedy was quite good, loved the cameos, the line about Mick Jagger was really funny. The audience really enjoyed it as well. Smith is back, and cool as ever. Brolin I swear acted like Jones that it was almost scary. The makeup was quite good also. Score was the old MIB score which I loved as it is classic Elfman. Recomended for any MIB fan. (You don't even have to see the first 2 actually)A-On another note I watched Argo's trailer online-looks pretty good actually.

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MIB3 Digital 3D May 26th 16:30PMWent to MIB3 this afternoon. Movie was excellent. It would be a monster at the boxoffice if were released in 2002 as MIB2. Will, TLJ and Brolin all had fantastic performance. The reactions at my show were very good, a lot of laughs at times, though attendence rate was only about 20%. Legs should be solid around the world.I think: MIB3=MIB >>>>>>>>>>>>>MIB2

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ugh i'm hesitating to go to the movies this afternoon battlestar or MIB3 hmm then again, i've never had a problem with will smith films i can look at him for 2hrs straight and nothing else aww hell ok fine i'll go and support him

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MEGAPLEX7 CARIBBEAN CINEMAS4pm , 12 people there myself included :ph34r:only trailer i saw was SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN (2nd time still very interesting)i liked the movie ,it was fun it was comfortable , you know that feeling you get when you're somewhere familiar?that's what watching this film felt like good old reliable fun! i laughed at the right moments and gazed a lot at will smith (girl thing)FIREDEEP, i agree with what you said this would have made a way better sequel than what we got instead, i really liked the story and brolin gave an eery impersonation of K expressions and voice/attitude LOLi liked the ending , as soon as the alien showed the captain a glimpse

of future i figured out he was J dad but then i was like but how come? then we he got shot i started shaking my head "K , really ? really? you neuralized him as a kid?" which kinda reminds me of chuck tv series where he was accidentally submitted to a young version of the intersect

all in all i give it a A-I was thinking of checking out battleship but thought better of it , think i'll pace myself this summer at theatre and wait till snow white for next film to see!

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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Men In Black 3, 21 Jump Street, and Dark Shadows

9:00pm 11:00pm 1:00am

Elmira Drive In - $8 admission

Men In Black 3

90% full

Trailers - no reaction

Total Recall


The Dark Knight Rises

Amazing Spider Man

Ice Age 4


Men In Black 3 is very hit or miss, some stuff works and lots of it fails but when it works its not bad. Will Smith does a great job as always and works with the weak script he's given. I do wish they worked on the script as much as they worked on the special effects. Josh Brolin was made to play the younger version of Tommy Lee Jones. They both look so alike and he does a good job holding his ground with Will Smith. The jokes as I mentioned above are very hit or miss (leaning towards miss) but the ending saves the film from being labeled as a bad film. B -

21 Jump Street:

60% full


don't remember


This was the 4th time I have seen this movie and it's still just as funny as the first time.

Dark Shadows:

20% full


That's My Boy - I heard some laughs from the people near us.


Dark Shadows - Tim Burton, you have redeemed yourself from the horrible mess of Alice In Wonderland. Now that doesn't mean the film was great, there was a few things I had a problem with. Mostly the fact the movie introduces stuffs that they don't use to its full potential. Like I would of liked to see that Angry Mob later in the movie actually do a little damage, one of the characters turns into a Werewolf and they don't do anything with it. Even though it was cool, they didn't do anything much with that. The 70's music works, not much comedy but that works here, and the movie had me really into it, toward the end. Johnny Depp gives a great performance as Barnables Collins, and with Tim Burton's goth like atmosphere, the film is a very good watch. B+

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Men In Black 3

Saturday, 1 PM

Gateway, Quezon City, Philippines

80% full in a ~300 seater

I didn't see the trailer since the movie started when I came in

The movie

Better than I expected. It was fun and touching at the same time. Will Smith still has the movie star charm and just wow at Josh Brolin, excellent performance. He played a spot on Tommy Lee Jones without make it look like a caricature. Crowd response was good lots of laughs and some "awws' during the emotional scenes. Good exit chatter as well


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Though I do think some are going a bit to high with TASM, most reactions I have heard have been skeptical about a new Spider-Man. (Not as bad as when the new Hulk came out as so many commented on why for that)

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The AVENGERS: 90% Full in a 300 seat theatre and still as good as ever.. 1 thing I did happen to notice is that this movie is great walk up business cause I just got back from the 7:10PM showing and got there 20 minutes early and there were 3 people in the threatre, but 5 minutes before the show and the place was packed.. Still got no reaction whatsoever from either TDKR or TASM and when I see stuff like that, I can't help but to be more confident that the internet is overhyping this movie more than what the general public thinks.. Will see, but I see alot of disappointed posters come July when this doesn't do as well as it's predecessor..

I don't see why you need to be so defensive... The Avengers has clearly won the race and no one's disagree with you. There's not point being a sore winner.
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