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SOTM 9 - All your extrapolations belong to us.

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Here are 8 films each with a target assigned to them.


Hobbs and Shaw $225M

Lion King    $550M

Toy Story  $450M

Spider-Man $400M


Aladdin   $360M

Once Upon a Time  $140M

Endgame   $860M 

Crawl $50M


List them in order of how close they will be to the given target in dollars (Over or Under is not important). 


You can list as many or as few films as you like with number 1 on your list being the closest finisher and the last on your list being the furthest away.


Scoring:  (Films you did not pick are ignored when scoring. e.g. If you pick 5 films its their positions related to each other, the other three are not a factor) 


For each film in the correct position:  5,000 points

If every film on your list is in the correct position and you have at least 4 films in your list: Double your score.

If every film on your list is in the correct position and you have at least 7 films in your list: Triple your score.


For each film in the incorrect position by one place:  Minus 3,000 points

For each film in the incorrect position by more than one place:  Minus 7,000 points

If you have at least 4 films on your list: Double the minuses (So minus 6k and minus 14k) 

If you have at least 7 films on your list:  Triple the minuses   (So minus 9k and minus 21k)


Deadline is the usual deadline. 


There is no abstaining, I am sure you can figure a way to get the points :) 

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Endgame   $860M  [closest]

Aladdin   $360M

Hobbs and Shaw $225M

Crawl $50M

Spider-Man $400M

Toy Story  $450M

Once Upon a Time  $140M

Lion King    $550M



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