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charlie Jatinder

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Week 29

17-23 October 2020


and the slow period continues. was almost going to be a no film week, actually wait a second, I didn't watch anything last week. But since I am day late, I actually watched one film on Saturday and it was...

  1. The Trial of Chicago 7: Powerful script and dialogues, well paced and narrated. Felt very relevant to what's going in India now. Best of 2020 so far for me. 8/10
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21 hours ago, charlie Jatinder said:

Thinking to make this thread live thread after next week, no need to wait for a week, just tell what you watched on that day. Of course you can continue the Week trend if you want. Do tell me what you prefer.

Tbh, I just post when I remember or when I’ve actually seen something new, so either way I don’t think my posts would change. 

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The Velvet Vampire (1971): Corman-produced exploitation, but directed by Stephanie Rothman, a woman with talent and artistic sensibilities, so it comes off as way more interesting than it might’ve otherwise (and frankly more than the story deserves). It’s about a vampiress living out in the California desert who lures a husband and wife out to visit her. The husband and wife are terrible actors, but they both look good naked (which is why they were hired). :lol: The vampiress herself is pretty good, nice sultry screen presence. 

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1 hour ago, Plain Old Tele said:

The Velvet Vampire (1971): Corman-produced exploitation, but directed by Stephanie Rothman, a woman with talent and artistic sensibilities, so it comes off as way more interesting than it might’ve otherwise (and frankly more than the story deserves). It’s about a vampiress living out in the California desert who lures a husband and wife out to visit her. The husband and wife are terrible actors, but they both look good naked (which is why they were hired). :lol: The vampiress herself is pretty good, nice sultry screen presence. 

Seems like nice set up, will check it out.

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So, I'm halfway through the Trial of the Chicago 7...and I just wanna make one comment...


Joseph Gordon-Levitt...damn, I hadn't seen you in much the last few years, but you seem to have blossomed in the last 12 months...I loved him in 7500, and I'm loving him in this (he projects such convincing realism in his roles now - he hits that "just perfect note - not too much acting/not too little" - like did I miss this before?)...and now, I'm gonna watch him in Project Power very soon (if I keep up my movie watching) just b/c I saw he's in that, too (after being in almost nothing for 3-4 years)...and I never saw Snowden, so now it's going on my list, too...


PS - I'll have comments about this actual movie after I finish - life got in the way, and I could only get half in so far...

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Okay, I finished The Trial of the Chicago 7, and respected the choice to make a movie, and not a documentary.  I really enjoyed the opening pre-credit build (so well done) and the overall story arc.  I stand by my 1st thought - I really enjoyed Gordon-Levitt's work throughout, and almost felt like the movie hung as much on his arc as the 7, which is weird, b/c going in, I'd never have expected that...


I also like Sasha Baron Cohen and Mark Rylance in their roles...I surprisingly didn't love Eddie Redmayne.  I think part of it was he seemed miscast for the role he was in (I shouldn't say this, b/c I'm older than he is, but he seemed too old in the role that was his - he looked too old, he acted too old, etc)...not sure why I didn't think the same for Sasha, but Sasha just seemed right as a Yippie, what can I say:)...


It was a very quick-paced 2ish hours.  I am a TOTAL sucker for courtroom movies (law is my lifetime hobby, I eat up all the legal novels and thrillers, and follow all the big cases, and well, I should stop there:)...so I give this a B+, b/c I love these types of movies, and this delivered another nice courtroom take, different from most, since most of these movies don't cover circuses:)...


Maybe on a rewatch, I might even go to A-.  And I might rewatch this...I just found the life of a midlevel federal prosecutor so compellingly real and well told, and it wasn't all positive, but nor was it demonized.  It was just tone perfect on that, and maybe that's why I found Gordon-Levitt so compelling.  


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Past 7 days: 

Inland Empire - 8/10

Blue Velvet - 9/10

Lost Highway - 7/10

Wild at Heart - 6/10

Elephant Man - 9/10

Dune - 5/10

Eraserhead - 9/10

Mulholland Drive - 10/10

True Romance - 9/10

Bringing out the Dead - 8/10

Leaving Las Vegas - 9/10

Nadja - 6/10

Surveillance - 5/10

Boxing Helena - 3/10

Chained - 6/10

Hisss - 1/10 (One of the worst films I have seen in a very long time - even for JL)

The Straight Story - 9/10


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And 3 for 3 for my modern Gordon-Levitt movie dive...I watched Project Power on Netflix. today  Finally gonna say, that even if you enjoy my new favorite 2020 actor, you can give this one a pass.  The movie had a few kernels of possibility and the lead actors and actress did as much with the material as they could (and yes, I still really enjoyed my favorite actor playing both a "lighter" role, and yet also a more physical one - it's like he's also a chameleon in his roles this year), but this felt like a movie where someone did a storyboard, and then they just filmed it from the storyboard.  No one ever took that board and filled in the story with the connective tissue and plot explanations needed.  So, the story jumps, it assumes tons of things never shown, and it borders on what I call in kid animation movies too many "where the hell did that come from" moments.


I mean, I didn't mind the plan (gritty rap movie meets super soldier creation movie), although it seemed disjointed at the concept.  And the plan really never took off, so you're left with a lot of disjointed non-payoff.


So, I give it a C/C- and probably tell you all to pass, unless you do want to see a few really fun moments with Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  For them, it felt like someone offered them a big paycheck to come try to lift up some bad material...and they almost, but can't quite do it...


PS - Dominque Fishback also did as much as she could...but she had the weirdest, most unbelievable character arc in the movie...like I couldn't believe her character would do what she did b/c of the character set up in the beginning...and unfortunately, a lot of the movie falls on that arc (although I did love her scenes with the 2 leads, but did I mention disjointed before...like the scenes work, but the overall plot arc doesn't:)...

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So, you watch one movie, and then you just keep going...


So, since I finished current Gordon-Levitt movies (waiting on Snowden to come back to Netflix this weekend), I decided to spin-off from The Trial of the Chicago 7, and watch an Aaron Sorkin movie that I have owned for years, but never watched - The Social Network.


So snappy, so fluid in the dialogue...and Jesse Eisenberg...I have HATED him in every role he's ever been in that I've seen, but I just hadn't found the right mental role for him yet.  He was spectacular in this movie...completely, and utterly perfect.  I'll never say that about his acting again, but here, he had it.


Although it was a surreal kind of experience watching this in 2020 (vs when it released) - the oozing of entitlement, the fighting over wealth, the callousness, the immorality, the lack of care about people, the debauchery...I mean, the last 2 lines of the movie were like "bingo - that's this movie" (for the record, they involve Mark not being an a-hole, but trying his best to be one:)...


But it wasn't all great - the movie does seem to peter out vs building to anything (although that is as much to do with its real-life limitation at the time)...and did I mention, other than the ex, pretty much no one really fits "likeable",,,and it's hard to love a movie where you "root" for no one...


So, as a movie (since this is also no documentary, and again, I appreciated that:)...I think I'd lean to a B+.  If the ending could have shot for something a little more, it would have moved into my higher ranges, but without that satisfying ending, it can't quite get there...but, it's still very good.  

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I'm watching The Rocky Horror Picture show outside of a theater for the first time ever, and it's... actually still really fun even without an audience? I mean, don't get me wrong: this is the ultimate audience participation movie, and the shadowcast screening I went to a few years ago is some of the most fun I've ever had at the movies. But it's such an out-and-out camp masterpiece that it still works really well on its own.

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Got around to watching Happy Death Day 2U. Saw the first one when it came out a couple of years ago and found it enjoyable but never had a real desire to check out the sequel when it was released (apparently so did most people too judging from the diminished box office returns). Pleased to say the sequel was similarly entertaining.


Also checked out the first episode of The Undoing. It's intriguing stuff. Will watch the first episode of the new season of The Mandalorian tomorrow for Halloween.

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So, I watched Snowden today.  I'd never seen it before, but it's another wow, and wow acting job:).  It's actually more powerful I think now that US courts have just declared the programs he outed illegal (Sep 2020) and thanked him for outing them.  


Anyway, another pitch perfect acting job by both leads.  A little "too much all over" in the plotting, but I appreciated the tension from the media side.  As for a grade, I'm leaning to another B+ (I know, I know - getting an A- from me is rough:)...


I don't know how I missed most of Gordon-Levitt's work after The Dark Knight Rises, but I think I'm gonna spend the rest of the year rectifying that.  For some reason, I'm really in the mood for the smaller scale dramas and suspense that he seemed to make a living on this past decade, so maybe it's true that fall is the time to watch all those potential Oscar winners - maybe I am totally becoming the cliche:)...


He seems the perfect actor (almost a quiet chameleon in these roles) to totally make out if the 2020s becomes the era of all-streamed movies...so, maybe it will be harder for me to miss him:)...

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Ready Player One - 7/10


Jurassic Park (rewatch)- 10/10


War Horse - 9/10


Jurassic Park: The World - 7/10 (Maybe too high but that T.rex trailer sequence is one Spielberg's best)


The Bridges of Madison County - 10/10


Munich - 9/10


The Untouchables (RIP Sean Connery) - 8/10


TV shows:


Mandalorian Episode 1: Better than every episode in the last season barring the finale. My usual skepticism regarding this show aside, actually was fun.


South Park The Pandemic Special - Haven't seen South Park in years and am happy that I haven't grown out of finding their ludicrous shit hilarious.

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Today's dive into Gordon-Levitt's 2010 decade was Premium Rush.  As a critic on Rotten Tomatoes said, the movie is better with Gordon-Levitt in it.


It's a striking throw back movie for a thrill movie...for those who like racing and trick movies, it's incredible...and all real...just on bikes (man, the shape those actors are in to do the takes in the movie, not to mention the stunt cyclicsts).  


It's also a striking throw back movie for concept...it's cheeseball played not entirely cheeseball.  I mean, the finale is exactly what a cheeseball finale would be.


I can't say I'd recommend it if you don't have a heart for either crazy stunt movies or "Baywatch" type ridiculous plots and solutions or if you aren't enjoying a Gordon-Levitt decade viewing...


But, if you have popcorn, and want fluff with some adrenaline and awe, it's a fun movie...


PS - I think, for the movie it is, I'd give it a B-/C+...I don't normally go in for thrill stunt movies, but I do have some love for cheeseball, so I did find it enjoyable (and actually, I liked the bike racing more than I've ever liked car racing movies:)...although the keystone cops, I could have lived without (even I have cheeseball limits:)...

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Since I was looking to relieve tension, in my continued deep dive, I watched The Walk on Crackle yesterday.  Now, Crackle, if I ask for subtitles, it's b/c I don't understand French, so having them subtitle in English as "speaking French" is worthless...and having tons of commercials suck.  I actually decided paying a couple bucks/month is way better for movie watching than watching Crackle again.


But as for the movie - it's another winner.  It can't hit my A range b/c, well, I couldn't understand part of it, so maybe a rewatch with real subtitles would get it there.  And it might have been better in its planned 3d...but I think it still really works in 2d.  As I'm sure I'm becoming a broken record, well, the acting was superb and lifts the movie, even during the slower moments.  The feeling at the end is a true pick-me-up, and the tension of the last 3rd, even though you know what's coming, is great.


I'll give it a B+/B - with actual subtitles and no commercial breaks, I'm certain it would be a full B+, and maybe higher...but I do review it the way I saw it:).  But if others want to have something to watch on Crackle today (for free), you could do worse.  And then maybe you'll join my Gordon-Levitt decade dive with me (I actually got my spouse interested after he heard the movies I watched so far).


Next up, which is on my shelf unwatched, is amazingly Looper...I'm an idiot who never watched it, so we'll see how that one holds up.


PS - For a long time, I figured I'd have retirement to watch all these "bucket" list movies and shows...and then I got my diagnosis, so for the rest of 2020 and 2021, my goal is to clear my list of viewing, which means I'll be writing and commenting a lot...hopefully, my list is full of good movies (that was the plan), but I'm sure I'll have some clunkers, especially as I branch out from the best actors and directors to things where I was like "I need to watch that...when I have time."

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So, decided to watch another movie to ignore election coverage...and since I've been on a Gordon-Levitt tear, what the heck is one more genius, overlooked, well-acted movie:).  Yeah, I watched The Lookout (2007).  I'm not sure anyone else ever did:).  I know, I know, this broke my 2010's dive, but dang, even young JGL can act...as can his co-stars.  A little TOO convenient in the ending, but other than that flaw, a well, well done movie.  Another B+ effort from a movie I only found out about from a Wiki page.


I think I'll be adding more movies this weekend b/c I can't watch election coverage (or should I say court coverage and paint drying - one more we'll announce to announce later...and then later) anymore without stressing out...so I've decided not to...I can't do anything about it anyways, and I can watch great, great movies and chat about them:)...

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