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As mentioned, the show's big problem is that from Day 1 it shoehorned two major romantic subplots in our face and then proceeded to expand one of them from a love triangle into a love quadrangle.

Did they just sow the seeds for a love pentagon with that Sloan comment a minute ago???? :bash: Edited by 4815162342
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There are too many people involved there.So was his message "I never stopped loving you" ?

That is definitely what they want us to think. Good season finale, but by far not the best episode of the season. The Sloan comment was very random imo. They should have at least hinted at some kind of love connection before throwing that at us.Hopefully next season they fix some of the problems. Overall, this is one of the better shows I watched this season.
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Wait- that was the season finale?? :lol:How stupid can this show get????? The premise is that it's supposed to be a snappy, intelligent show with major social and political commentary. Instead we get an unnatural, idiotic clusterfuck about 20-40somethings acting like 6th graders, with a side job as reporters.I hate to sound like Sasha Stone but why exactly also are the women on this show so retarded? Their every move is dictated by whatever guy wants to screw them, not just in general but in THAT. EXACT. MOMENT. Seriously. Maggie has a crush on Jim for a year, ditto Jim, they finally admit it to each other and start to hook up. Maggie goes to Don's apartment with the intention of dumping him and then he asks her to move in with him so SHE FORGETS ALL ABOUT JIM AND MOVES IN WITH HIM??? :rofl: :rofl:Oh and someone said it before, but now Sloan pops in to make it a love rectangle--- which, if you include Maggie, is actually now a love Octagon! Hah! :rotfl:

Edited by The aDIM Legacy
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Eh, I just ignore those parts when they come on because the brilliant sections easily make up for it.

Yeah, I can handle the love stuff in this show because its minimal and provides a break from my mind blowing from all the brilliant writing.
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The only thing that irks me is using a "republican" to bash the party and the tea party. At least throw a little stuff towards the liberals. Anyway, loved the first season a lot more than I thought I would. Also, :wub:

I know, for 99% of the time Will is basically a liberal's idea of an ideal republican.
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