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Sound of Freedom || Discussion of The Movie And Its Producers Should be HERE and HERE ONLY || The Report Button Is Your Friend || Keep It Civil

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I loved the movie! One of the best I saw this year. 


Very tough subject and very serious questions are developed. Yeah, there are people and people who watch movies. 


Child Trafficking is NOT a "conspiracy from QAnon groups". I really hope some people stop making false claims like that. Child trafficking is unfortunately VERY real and it happens every single day all over the world. Sure, you have every right to dismiss the movie and you have every right to not like who stars in the movie, BUT the subject is very real, no matter if you agree or not with who made the flick. 


Crazy people might go to theaters to see any movie. We don'tknow personally every person who goes to see a movie in theaters. I know I don't go and ask if people are they vote right or left. It's a very weird perspective. It doesn't make sense saying things like " I don’t exactly feel comfortable sitting in a theater with a bunch of them". 



This is my first and only post on this topic. I loved the movie. For those who hated it or don't want to see it, I wish you get the best experience with the stuff you really enjoy. :)

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Ballard and Caviezal are both believers in Q-Anon, have spoken at Q-Anon conventions, have hung out with people like Lin Wood, and have directly connected this movie to those conspiracies when promoting it. The main group of people that they have chosen to advertise this movie to and promote it with have been conservative talk show hosts.


You can't disconnect the movie from the politics, because the people promoting it have intrinsically linked it TO politics.

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On 7/12/2023 at 3:17 AM, OncomingStorm93 said:

You’ve been a member here for all of two weeks… no?


No. And if I started watching Happy Days 2 episodes before Fonzi did the ski jump does that change the effect of the ski jump?


1 hour ago, crazydom said:

Ballard and Caviezal are both believers in Q-Anon, have spoken at Q-Anon conventions, have hung out with people like Lin Wood, and have directly connected this movie to those conspiracies when promoting it. The main group of people that they have chosen to advertise this movie to and promote it with have been conservative talk show hosts.


You can't disconnect the movie from the politics, because the people promoting it have intrinsically linked it TO politics.


Who did Ballard and Caviezel hurt and abuse? B/c we didn't need a very special and closely monitored containment thread for Ezra Miller and the Flash so no serious person takes this type of comment seriously. 

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1 hour ago, crazydom said:

Ballard and Caviezal are both believers in Q-Anon, have spoken at Q-Anon conventions, have hung out with people like Lin Wood, and have directly connected this movie to those conspiracies when promoting it. The main group of people that they have chosen to advertise this movie to and promote it with have been conservative talk show hosts.


You can't disconnect the movie from the politics, because the people promoting it have intrinsically linked it TO politics.


And Tom Cruise is part of a weird religion that not many people understand and makes some of the best action films I have ever seen. I'm sorry but just saying that someone is linked to a conspiracy group or a group that you strongly disagree with should not detour someone from seeing something for the purpose of art.


I sort of unintentionally have listened to some tubers linked directly linked to Qanon and know most of the basic crazy theories that they believe in the Clintons are satan worshipers and drink children's blood ect... 


This movie has nothing in it that links it to Qanon, it is based on a true story about a real issue that does and is happening now and it's heartbreaking.


I haven't done much research at all on Jim Caviezal or the director for that matter, but I did see the movie and from a film stand point, it is a well made, well acted, and at parts, hard to watch film that should be seen imo. 

Edited by Kalo
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8 hours ago, interiorgatordecorator said:

how does sound of freedom still have a 100% audience score on RT (5000+ reviews)

Considering how big it's gotten and the discourse around it, I'm surprised it hasn't attracted enough "hate-watchers" to knock it down to at least 99%


It was at 3605 positive, 18 negative scores as of July 6th. It's now at 10238 positive reviews and 49 negative reviews.


In order to hit 99% It really just needs to hit 99.5% - 1. That's 10235 positive reviews. So if you convert 3 positive reviews to negative reviews (or just add 3 negative reviews), it nudges down to 99%. 



among non-verified scores it's 9762 positive and 311 negative or 96.9%. 

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10 hours ago, rebelscum86 said:


No. And if I started watching Happy Days 2 episodes before Fonzi did the ski jump does that change the effect of the ski jump?



Who did Ballard and Caviezel hurt and abuse? B/c we didn't need a very special and closely monitored containment thread for Ezra Miller and the Flash so no serious person takes this type of comment seriously. 

This comparison makes no sense and only shows the reaching of this movies defenders. It would only make sense if Miller was going on a press tour connecting their crimes to The Flash and using it as a way to promote and defend them like Ballard and Caviezal are using this movie to go on a press tour promoting and connecting Sound of Freedom to their views. 


10 hours ago, Kalo said:


And Tom Cruise is part of a weird religion that not many people understand and makes some of the best action films I have ever seen. I'm sorry but just saying that someone is linked to a conspiracy group or a group that you strongly disagree with should not detour someone from seeing something for the purpose of art.


I sort of unintentionally have listened to some tubers linked directly linked to Qanon and know most of the basic crazy theories that they believe in the Clintons are satan worshipers and drink children's blood ect... 


This movie has nothing in it that links it to Qanon, it is based on a true story about a real issue that does and is happening now and it's heartbreaking.


I haven't done much research at all on Jim Caviezal or the director for that matter, but I did see the movie and from a film stand point, it is a well made, well acted, and at parts, hard to watch film that should be seen imo. 


Caviezel has used his conservative media tour for this movie to rant about “Rothschild banks” and the “global elite” trying to silence the movie and stop it from being released. He has defended QAnon and said QAnon believers are facing persecution like Christians in ancient times. He has openly connected to the Democratic Party and Joe Biden to pedophile rings and Satan. And he said on Charlie Kirk that “a storm is coming” for all who defend these things and are opposed to the movie.

So I’m glad you know more about the intentions of the movie than the lead actor. 

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11 hours ago, rebelscum86 said:

Who did Ballard and Caviezel hurt and abuse? B/c we didn't need a very special and closely monitored containment thread for Ezra Miller and the Flash so no serious person takes this type of comment seriously. 


Yes, we know that Miller is a criminal that has done awful things and we can see it and point to it.  That doesn't mean that Ballard/Caviezel haven't hurt anyone indirectly through their words and actions.


I mentioned it before, but the more Jim talks about adrenochrome or other conspiracy nonsense, is less time talking about REAL issues.  Like, let's pretend for a second that adrenochrome is real and being harvested from children.  That's at best a bullet point under the real topic of, you know, trafficking children! 


Someone else mentioned the Wayfair thing that happened and that had real life impact on a trafficking hotline, overloading their phones and workers with nonsense, and when they can't field legit calls that opens up the possibilities that real trafficking victims get passed over.  


Just to be clear and there's less confusion, I'm not explicitly stating that Ballard/Caviezel caused those things to happen.  Just that spreading lies and conspiracies can legitimately lead to hurting the very people they claim they want to help.



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10 hours ago, PlatnumRoyce said:

Does anyone know of a good "highest grossing indie films" (ideally domestically). Wiki list doesn't look right. This is going to end up pretty high up there in unadjusted terms. 


The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing independent film domestic ($370M). 

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8 minutes ago, Hiccup23 said:


The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing independent film domestic ($370M). 

I was in 5th grade, and my teacher kept talking about The Passion assuming all of us saw it, and the entire elementary school was shown clips from it.  That is how huge The Passion was.  Now I am 27 years old who has stayed in Church the whole time and Christianity is a big part of my identity.  I still have not seen it.

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1 hour ago, Human said:

I was in 5th grade, and my teacher kept talking about The Passion assuming all of us saw it, and the entire elementary school was shown clips from it.  That is how huge The Passion was.  Now I am 27 years old who has stayed in Church the whole time and Christianity is a big part of my identity.  I still have not seen it.


Personally, I really enjoyed the film (I am not religious anymore) and still do. If you are a Christian, I highly recommend it. There is a lot of touching scenes. 

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3 hours ago, crazydom said:

This comparison makes no sense and only shows the reaching of this movies defenders. It would only make sense if Miller was going on a press tour connecting their crimes to The Flash and using it as a way to promote and defend them like Ballard and Caviezal are using this movie to go on a press tour promoting and connecting Sound of Freedom to their views. 



Caviezel has used his conservative media tour for this movie to rant about “Rothschild banks” and the “global elite” trying to silence the movie and stop it from being released. He has defended QAnon and said QAnon believers are facing persecution like Christians in ancient times. He has openly connected to the Democratic Party and Joe Biden to pedophile rings and Satan. And he said on Charlie Kirk that “a storm is coming” for all who defend these things and are opposed to the movie.

So I’m glad you know more about the intentions of the movie than the lead actor. 


Views =/= crimes. this is your problem and post like yours.

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1 minute ago, rebelscum86 said:


Views =/= crimes. this is your problem and post like yours.


And neither is thinking a person's views is a good reason to oppose something they were a part of. 

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I no longer work at a movie theater, but given my public persona, I hear stories from movie theater employees everywhere, and can connect them to my own experiences. 


Back in 2019 during the release of Unplanned, I was a newly-promoted Assistant Manager. We actually had to implement a rule that if anyone came in in-person or called over the phone to ask about Unplanned, the regular staff members were not allowed to engage in discussion, and had to immediately direct the guests to a manager (this was not fun for me). The reason was there had been multiple instances at multiple theaters that had NOT been one of the locations booked for Unplanned where the underage staff were getting doxxed and receiving death threats (both in person, on the phone, on social media) from supporters of the movie who were upset that the movie was not playing at their location.


I live in Canada, which has a very different political and frankly social climate than the US. A movie like Unplanned simply does not have the same appeal here than it does in the States. Yes, the movie will still do well in certain markets for sure, but in terms of widespread appeal, heck no. It would be like if Disney made an Oscar-worthy Terry Fox biopic... it would be massive in Canada, but would play to empty theaters in the States other than a few NY/LA markets. So in Canada, Unplanned was only booked for (I believe) 48 locations across the country; that was what the DISTRIBUTOR decided, not the individual theaters. And everyone else dealt with weeks and months of abuse from the film's supporters.


Now, am I saying that every one of the supporters were hurling abuse at underage staff? Heck no! But it was happening frequently enough, and at enough different locations, that theaters realized it was a problem. And from people I know who are still working at the various theaters I have been at, similar measures are being put in place due to the abuse their staff are facing. 


Again, do I think that everyone who sees this movie is like the people I described above? Of course not! Many people on these boards have seen and enjoyed this movie whom I have great relationships on here with. When a movie is making 100M+, it means it must have attracted a good amount of well-intentioned viewers. But it's the small, loud minority that's a problem, and when that loud minority thinks that their grievances are supported because of the beliefs of the film's star, that's when it gets difficult for movie theaters to manage, as they must ensure the safety of their staff.


One last addition; one of the things I've seen on the internet are people coming out of this movie saying "the AC was broken, they're trying to stop us from seeing the movie!" I was an employee at a movie theater for 7 years, and was a manager for 3 of them. Those AC machines break down every other week, especially in the summer. It has nothing to do with what movie is playing :lol: 

Edited by DAJK
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3 hours ago, Hiccup23 said:


The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing independent film domestic ($370M). 

Sorry, to clarify, I'm trying to find something like the top 50. Passion was a mega blockbuster and I'm wondering if anything slipped through wiki's cracks. 

Edited by PlatnumRoyce
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