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Shawn Robbins

May 4, 2012 Weekend (AVENGERS Opening Discussion): ACTUAL 207.4 mill!!!!

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I calculated $69.3 million. That was assuming 3D prices are 30% higher than 2D. Some have said that's too low on the premium, that it's more like 35-45%. Who knows. But you can safely say it added at least $11m to the gross.

That's in the neighborhood of SM3's Friday adjusted. What are you thinking for its Saturday today Red? You think it can do 65m+?
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Come on Citizen Kane is the epitome of a perfect movie, #1 all time for me, and Amadeus is pretty much as perfect as it comes, ranks #19 on my list.But #31 for The Avengers is way too high, probably deserves top 250, but definitely not that high, wouldn't have a problem with the ranking if it was 200 or lower.

Well, agree to disagree. Like I said, I'm not talking about Citizen Krap anymore today.
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Battleship and Dark Shadows could be buried next to each other in the Avengers cemetery. :bop:

Gosh... Dark Shadows got the shaft. Its different enough to still find some kind of audience, but $100 million is feeling more and more impossible.
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Gosh... Dark Shadows got the shaft. Its different enough to still find some kind of audience, but $100 million is feeling more and more impossible.

Dark Shadows will get raped in the dark shadows of an alley by the Avengers :P
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By the way, which trailers were showed in your screenings? Here they showed TDKR, Brave, Prometheus and Spider-Man. I'm asking because you guys are talking about the Battleship trailer and they didn't show it here.

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By the way, which trailers were showed in your screenings? Here they showed TDKR, Brave, Prometheus and Spider-Man. I'm asking because you guys are talking about the Battleship trailer and they didn't show it here.

They showed those four plus Battleship.
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Gosh... Dark Shadows got the shaft. Its different enough to still find some kind of audience, but $100 million is feeling more and more impossible.

Hopefully it can do it. May needs more than just one big movie.
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Honestly, TA just got me more hyped for IM3 and even CA2. And I was already hyped for Thor 2. Being involved in a loved, enormous blockbuster is hardly going to harm any of these franchises. I mean how many people are going to see TA that even gave a passing thought to Thor or CA?People aren't going to go into IM3 expecting TA2. Marvel's future slate is fine.

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Yeah, my Facebook exploded yesterday about how awesome it was. I still need to see it. I'm working all weekend at my theater so I'll have to wait till Monday. At least I'll get to see it for free.

Dude, you are going to love it. The Hulk especially is incredible. If your screening ends up similar to mine, you'll get a TDK Joker vibe every time the Hulk decides to do something. His moments are THAT damn good. Huge cheers and laughter at my screening for him. The rest of the characters are also very good. The banter between them is hilarious.
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