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Clones and Phantom Menace have their flaws but still to this day, I can turn them on and be entertained. Anything short of the holy grail would've been a disappointment to some fans. They're not that bad. Sith is a great summer blockbuster IMO.Clones/Phantom Menace: B-Sith: A

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The OT is better, but not that much.ANH: CESB: BRoTJ: C+ (would have been an A- had it not been for those fucking ridiculous Ewoks)

I can accept your grades other than ANH. I like ESB more, but ANH was brilliant.Me:ANH: AESB: A+ROTJ: B+(Just like you, I can't stand the walking teddy bears)
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Clones and Phantom Menace have their flaws but still to this day, I can turn them on and be entertained. Anything short of the holy grail would've been a disappointment to some fans. They're not that bad. Sith is a great summer blockbuster IMO.Clones/Phantom Menace: B-Sith: A

Sith has moments of greatness. It really does. The scene where Anakin and Padme each stare out at the sunset longing for each other was so haunting.
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But then he builds a fortress in a volcano, seemingly in a matter of days, and his psyche changed so drastically. I mean, if he was trying to protect Padme from death...why the fuck would he choke her pregnant ass?

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Actually shocked to see Grint has a few movies lined up. I thought after Potter that would be it for him. Sorry but I can't really imagine why anyone would hire him. He's perfect for Ron but that's about where it ends.

He's got a great range as an actor.
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I could see Grint making a career out of supporting roles in British dramas

Yeah, but Watson and Radcliffe will be getting more work. She's destined to be an Oscar winner.
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If you're talented, you'll find work. Portman was in the worst romance of all time, but she's an incredibly talented actress so her career didn't falter.

I think Christopher Reeve is the poster child for typecasting. The guy was an amazing actor(no one else could make you believe in a guy wearing underoos), but his career never really took off. Sure he had other films in his resume, but none of them did anything close to the Superman series. Hell, Superman IV bombed horribly, yet still made more than most of his non-Superman films did.I think Maguire is in the same place as Reeve was. Other than Seabiscuit, the guy just can't get anything going. And he's got talent up the wazoo. What happened to his Robotech project? Development hell. With the success of Transformers, we haven't seen this get off the ground? Yet, we have a film made about Battleship...a board game.
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I was going to say I could see Grint appearing in some BBC shows and then ten years later popping up in some big movie here.

Mad-Eye Moody in the Potter reboot
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*puts hand up*Loved JarJar & TPM was the movie that made me a fan of movies (it was the first star wars film I saw). Until I saw it I never really took films seriously...but the movie made me a star wars fanboy and got me interested in the movie making process, story behind it etc.Of course now years on I can see the major flaws the movie has but I don't feel sorry for the effect it had on me at the time though :)

Ha, well, I was a fan of Ewan McGregor, and when I found out he was going to be in the latest Star Wars movie, this was when I started to get into the franchise. But, it took The Empire Strikes Back for me to really love the series, I honestly didn't like A New Hope all that much.
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NEVER will ANYONE comprehend why he chose that atrocious "actor."The Potter kids, on the other hand, are doing just fine! :D

We'll see, we'll see. I still think the only one that has any chance in hell of actually breaking out would be Tom Felton, the rest will be "Where Are They Now?" in 10 or 15 years from now. I just hope they never go down the path of drugs and booze, that would break my heart.
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We'll see, we'll see. I still think the only one that has any chance in hell of actually breaking out would be Tom Felton, the rest will be "Where Are They Now?" in 10 or 15 years from now. I just hope they never go down the path of drugs and booze, that would break my heart.

I think Watson has a chance, although it's greatly exaggerated by many around here. It will depend on picking the right roles on her part, and of course a lot of luck.
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We'll see, we'll see. I still think the only one that has any chance in hell of actually breaking out would be Tom Felton, the rest will be "Where Are They Now?" in 10 or 15 years from now. I just hope they never go down the path of drugs and booze, that would break my heart.

If there's one thing we shouldn't worry about, it's that. The kids have been incredibly grounded.
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