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Weekend estimates thread TA 103,052,274!!

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*puts hand up*Loved JarJar & TPM was the movie that made me a fan of movies (it was the first star wars film I saw). Until I saw it I never really took films seriously...but the movie made me a star wars fanboy and got me interested in the movie making process, story behind it etc.Of course now years on I can see the major flaws the movie has but I don't feel sorry for the effect it had on me at the time though :)

Best post I have seen this week. Thanks for your honesty. I was an adult then and loved the film. It wasnt until I began absorbing all the hate from the internet fandom that my opinion began to change. The majority opinion can change you. The most recent example was Indy 4. I loved it but that changed after complaints about the nuke fridge and aliens. Speaking of Spielberg movies, I remember watching Lost World in theaters and enjoying it until an audience member heckled when the little girl did gymnastics in the barn and kicked the velociraptor. I became more critical of movies after that...less naive. Maybe I have a weak mind. *shrug* Edited by lilmac
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Clearly all discussion of the first second weekend to hit 100m in history is buried deeply in the thread. Before the Saturday estimates came out over a week ago I never imagined The Avengers would do this amazingly, awesomely well! It's unbelievable really.$207m 1st weekend$103m 2nd weekendWow!

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Oh, and The Phantom Menace sucks but I really liked the lightsaber fight at the end.Has anyone seen that guys 90 minute review on youtube? Much better than watching the movie itself.

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Seeing quite a few possitive remarks about Dark Shadows on my Facebook right now.Granted most of them are by women over the age of 25 who have a huge crush on Johnny Depp;)

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Clones would be mostly fine if it weren't for all of Christensen's atrocious melodramatics and hysterics. There's some really fun action scenes in that one and at least the plot doesn't consist of nothing but countless senate meetings. :sleep: B movie that Christensen manages to drag down to like a C-.

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I really wish George Lucas would've just left well enough alone and not made the Prequels.. It's almost as if the guy who made STAR WARS has also ruined it as well with all this overly CGI nonsense and tinkering so much with the OT..

The OT is better, but not that much.



RoTJ: C+ (would have been an A- had it not been for those fucking ridiculous Ewoks)

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Of all the actors George Lucas could've went with, I'll never understand what he saw in this guy???? Funny how you never hear from him anymore.. He'll end up like Jake Lloyd who apparently despises being in TPM..

NEVER will ANYONE comprehend why he chose that atrocious "actor."

The Potter kids, on the other hand, are doing just fine! :D

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Yeah, the Potter kids will probably take time off with the exception of Radcliffe who did that 1 movie not to long ago just to break the Harry Potter image...

Radcliffe has been in a hugely successful musical, and has been in The Woman In Black.

Watson has been in My Week With Marilyn, and will soon be in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Bling Ring, Your Voice In My Head, and The End of the World. Also, she's lined up as Beauty in Del Toro's Beauty and the Beast. She's going FAR.

Rupert, I'm not sure.

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