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Harsh, its a much better film than Transformers but i do get what you mean. The film is very light hearted and the tone is completely different to say TDK and it comes down to what you like, i thought the film was great fun but it has very little substance and i don't think it will stick with you and stand the test of time like say TDK and BB (and others).

It's possible for lighthearted films to stand the test of time. Indiana Jones and Back to the Future are very comparable to the tone of the Marvel movies.
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They wasted Renner's talent. Best thing about the movie hands down was the Hulk, followed by the humor/dialogue, then followed by the acting of Ruffalo, RDJ, and Hiddleston.

Yeah they did but he great when he had to be.my location is in honor of Hawkeye.I hope Hawkeye gets his own movie or atleast a shield movie.
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It's possible for lighthearted films to stand the test of time. Indiana Jones and Back to the Future are very comparable to the tone of the Marvel movies.

They are far, FAR better films though, i doub't The Avengers will be thought of in the same way in 20 years time, do you?.
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To the guy who said Titanic is better than The Terminator or Terminator 2, you're an absolute joke. Titanic is a melodramatic POS, Terminator films are classics.

Titanic is much better than the two Terminator films. Your face is an absolute joke.
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To the guy who said Titanic is better than The Terminator or Terminator 2, you're an absolute joke. Titanic is a melodramatic POS, Terminator films are classics.

Its all opinions though and everyone is entitled to them, Titanic is a brilliant film to me.
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To the guy who said Titanic is better than The Terminator or Terminator 2, you're an absolute joke. Titanic is a melodramatic POS, Terminator films are classics.

All three are from the same director. By the way, I love Titanic. I guess I'm absolute joke then.
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To the guy who said Titanic is better than The Terminator or Terminator 2, you're an absolute joke. Titanic is a melodramatic POS, Terminator films are classics.

Me?Titanic 9.5/10Terminator 9/10Terminator 2 9/10Titanic is a class romance story. It has heart and a big one at that.
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We can. Dexter didn't like the Avengers as much as you, and you're accusing him of being a militant Nolanite. You might want to read his posts from the last few months. Over and over he said he thought Avengers would perform way better than TDKR at the box office and he even said he was looking forward to Avengers very much. The movie didn't live up to the hype for him. That's not his fault. That's the fault of people overhyping it, just the same as they overhyped TDK and plenty of other superhero movies in the past.

I actually agree with Dexter that Avengers isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread. I like it quite a bit more than he does (I give it a 8/10), but I do have criticisms of it. The first 10 minutes bored the fuck out of me. That's not my fault, that's Whedon's fault for starting the movie off with Skeletor and some stupid Transformers style exposition, then cranking up a boring action sequence with a bunch of characters I do not care about. The core of that movie to me is Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America. Don't particularly give a shit about the other characters.

It's not about performing better than TDKR, that's the thing. I want TDKR to do as much money as THE AVENGERS. Do I think it'll happen? I don't think so, but this is not more important than TDKR being a great film.

What tickled me off was the way Dexter said that THE AVENGERS coud have the box office, while TDKR will be a better film. There's a reason why THE AVENGERS is loved, there's a reason why THE AVENGERS is getting praises from the public and critic alike and the reason is that's an insanely amazing movie. You don't need to think it's the greatest movie ever, that I can respect. I do disagree, but I can respect as it's an opinion and that's something that I value a lot.

What I can't respect is Nolan's Batman fans rooting against THE AVENGERS in the box office. That's where the line is drawn for me, that's where they lose my respect. That's where I see immaturity and think what the hell they have inside their brains to think it's a good idea to root against a movie's success. I can take Nolan's fans talking down the movie looking to The Avengers from a high horse because that's something that I expect them to do, but History will prove who's right. Hammering again and again that THE AVENGERS isn't an amazing movie won't make the movie any less amazing. Now, why someone would root against a movie's success? Why the need to talk about THE AVENGERS from a high horse like Nolan's Batman are some sort of high art films next to THE AVENGERS?

See, if I look to comic book adaptions, I have THE AVENGERS and MASK OF THE PHANTASM higher than anything else this genre has ever offered. But that's just my opinion. What I will not endorse is people rooting a movie to be less successful. That I can't get behind, and I'll act exactly like this if anyone root against TDKR when the time comes.

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They are far, FAR better films though, i doub't The Avengers will be thought of in the same way in 20 years time, do you?.

I expect the Marvel Cinematic Universe will have a place in history at the very least for its ambitions. No one had ever made a similar attempt before to link a bunch of disparate superhero characters together on this scale, let alone as successfully as Marvel has. The Avengers will represent the culmination of that ambition. Edited by tribefan695
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