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JAPAN BOX OFFICE | Demon Slayer breaks all time record for OW

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There are 30000 views on this post per week. I imagine thats at least 1000 peopleIf disney gets 1000 emails itll raise a flag. it can be short and sweet. First name, country and state that you blog, are an investor or a big disney fan.Various short email subjects10s of millions financial lossNostalgic runLike watching the excitement in japan in the media.It makes the movie feel more special to youYour love for this movie is strengthened know another people are so in love with it.You feel connected with others hearing how so many keep going to the theater in japanPeople coming together will be lost. We need more of that in the world.Going to bomb disney world if they release dvd. Just kidding, but a few angry emails would be good to mix it up.The magic of disney is getting cut short here.A thousand blades of grass and you have movement. Write them so Omni can eat and have a proper movement of his own and Quigley doesn't go postal.5 freaking minutes.http://thewaltdisney...-communications 




Already wrote my letter to them:


Dear Walt Disney Company
I am writting this letter because I have been following the box office run of Frozen ever since its limited release on November 22nd and then went wide on November 27th. It was a very fun movie to track at the box office ever sice its opening day, surpassing expectations every day, every week in every country around the world, especially in Japan where its (still) making most of its money, witch brings me the reason  to why I am writing this letter to you.
Evere since March 14th of 2014, Frozen held the number one spot in Japan for 12th weeks in a row and so far has made $ 208 million as we speak, and it has not slown down because its weakest weekends are, surprisingly, its opening weekend ($7.5m) and last weekend ($6.8m) at this pace it has a major potential to break the record of the 4th highest grossing movie of all time surpassing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II" ($1.34 billion) and Spirited Away in yen (300 billion yen) to become the highest grossing movie of all time in Japan. But this potential will be ruined because of the same problem why Frozen crashed after four months at the US box office: The DVD/Blu Ray release. While the Home Video bussines still fairly profitable in the US (despite the arrilval of Netflix and Hulu) the same cannot be said for Japan as DVDs and Blu Rays are very expensive there and not very profitable at all. Only Spirited Away sold just over 1 million units and that was just a very little fraction to the money it earned in theatres. I heard that Frozen will be released in Japan on July 16 and as a Box Office tracker myself I think this is suicidal in terms of financial bussiness as the Home Video bussiness in Japan is poor and Frozen is not slowing down even after 3 months of release there, in fact its getting stronger. If the release date in July still stands we are talking about losing 50 million dollars in revenue, maybe even more. Movies in Japan usually get 9 months of release in theatres before they get to Home Video so why not give Frozen the same treatment? Half of the bussiness in theatres in Japan its been coming from Frozen alone ever since its opening day in that country so In my humble opinion I think its convinient both for the theatre owners in Japan and for the Walt Disney company to delay the release of Frozen on Home Video in Japan at least until December when Disney´s next animated hit Big Hero 6 comes out in Japan. This way Frozen will reach its maximun potential at the box office, the thetare owners will make money, Frozen will still break records for the news headlines, still make money on Home Video and will not compete with Walt Disney Animation Studios itself (Big Hero 6). 
Everybody wins!!!
I hope somebody at the company will take notice of this because this Frozen run at the box office is so big and unique, that it would be a real shame if the movie gets its legs cut (yet again) because of an early release in Home Video (like in the US), Trust me, its more profitable this way.
With kind regards, Armando.
I hope that helps  ^_^




Here it is. Nothing too long or articulate because a) I didn't have much time that day  b ) English is not my first language (it likely isn't my second, either :P)



I'm a huge Italian fan of Disney, and I've been following Frozen's exceptional box office performance in Japan since the day it opened. And I was shocked to see its dvd is being released in July there. That's because, without that, it would most definitely pass Spirited Away to become the highest grossing movie ever in the land of the rising sun. I hope you understand that Frozen is no Tangled and that Japan is no North America. The early dvd/blu-ray release in North America was a smart move, as the hype for the film was at its peak and it probably didn't have more than 10/15 millions left to get from theatres. The early release in Japan is a completely different thing. In fact, it is a suicide. Frozen can potentially reach 350/400 million dollars in Japan if home video doesn't interfere. Otherwise, it will stop well below 300 millions, resulting in a gross loss of around 100 million dollars. And that's in a country where home video sales are very weak: no movie has ever sold more than 2.5 million copies there, and even huge blockbusters normally stop around or below 1 million. Losing dozens of millions just to gain one tenth of that doesn't make any sense to me. Furthermore, it would be great for The Walt Disney Company to have the highest grossing film ever in the country with the highest interest and respect for animated movies. Such a huge accomplishment would certainly strengthen Disney's image in Japan, which is one of your key-countries.

So, in a few words, please realize the peculiarity of this situation and delay the home video release date. Frozen is a completely unique phenomenon that needs its own customised decisions. I hope in your understanding.




I like these letters you guys have written so far! :D  I'll send one of my own and copypaste it here—maybe I can convince other people I know to send out emails as well! 


... Except the link above seems to just lead me back to this page...

Edited by FrozenUnicorn
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If Disney is going to delay they have to do it soon, before the dvds are made in Japan. Once the dvds are made, there is pretty much no going back.


Also has Disney ACTUALLY released an official press release about Frozen being released in Japan yet? Or is it just sites like Amazon Japan listing the release date, that can easily to changed? :wacko:

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Message sent.



It has come to my attention that the DVD/Blu-Ray for Frozen will be released in Japan on July 16. That is much too soon. 


To quote one of your studio's famous characters: "Master! I don't think you quite realize what you've got here!"  




The blue line in the graph is Frozen.  Green is the current all-time record-holder at the Japanese box office, and the former record-holder for most of the weekends shown.  If this trend continues, the amount Disney stands to lose from the premature video release is greater than the total expected take from video sales, not to mention the opportunity cost of missing out on the promotional value of such phrases as "the most popular movie in Japanese history."


Here's the linked graph:

Posted Image

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I just ran across some interesting statistics in a Japanese article.


On May 12, there was a survey of 2000 men and women between the ages of 10 and 60.  17.5% said they had seen Frozen.  An additional 13.7% said they hadn't yet, but intended to.


Now, to combine that with other numbers we know.  As of May 11, Frozen had made 17.08 billion yen. If we apply the ~1.78 multiplier implied by the above survey, we get an expected total of just over 30.4 billion yen - within a rounding error of Spirited Away's final gross.

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I just ran across some interesting statistics in a Japanese article.


On May 12, there was a survey of 2000 men and women between the ages of 10 and 60.  17.5% said they had seen Frozen.  An additional 13.7% said they hadn't yet, but intended to.


Now, to combine that with other numbers we know.  As of May 11, Frozen had made 17.08 billion yen. If we apply the ~1.78 multiplier implied by the above survey, we get an expected total of just over 30.4 billion yen - within a rounding error of Spirited Away's final gross.

I wonder if they thought to find out what % had seen the movie but planned to see it again?

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I just ran across some interesting statistics in a Japanese article.


On May 12, there was a survey of 2000 men and women between the ages of 10 and 60.  17.5% said they had seen Frozen.  An additional 13.7% said they hadn't yet, but intended to.


Now, to combine that with other numbers we know.  As of May 11, Frozen had made 17.08 billion yen. If we apply the ~1.78 multiplier implied by the above survey, we get an expected total of just over 30.4 billion yen - within a rounding error of Spirited Away's final gross.

Yeesh! Do those that plan on going not understand that Frozen isn't going to be in theaters forever? I typically don't like blockbusters that open huge and fall hard, and prefer movies that have great legs, but I'm starting to wish Frozen was way more frontloaded in Japan. The early dvd release wouldn't have been as big a deal if the movie had already made most of its money in the early weeks. :wacko:

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Corpse added the top 12th weekend numbers. Of course Frozen is an estimate, and could be even higher, but doubling the old record is impressive.




¥812.0 million (+16%) / ¥21.30 billion -> ¥??.?? billion - Frozen (2014) *Estimate*

¥395.0 million (-09%) / ¥24.40 billion -> ¥30.40 billion - Spirited Away (2001)

¥255.1 million (-18%) / ¥13.82 billion -> ¥15.60 billion - Avatar (2009)

¥188.5 million (-25%) / ¥17.23 billion -> ¥19.60 billion - Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

¥177.8 million (-45%) / ¥19.29 billion -> ¥20.30 billion - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)


Excellent ... ¥812.0 million is about $8 million in USD.That's a 16% increase from last weekend  :o

BoxofficeMojo did not provide a weekend estimate of Frozen in their article. I guess Ray Subers is tired of talking about Frozen.

Is he going by the incorrect number from Rentrak (I wonder if that number really is incorrect, since Rentrak is a very reliable source). There's something very confusing about the discount day calculations  :unsure:


Deadline is also stating $5.8M. As much as I hate to say this I am beginning to believe this number but let's see what happens when the actuals are announced.

Edited by Annayya
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Today is another day off for some students due to the sports day last Saturday....

So, the presale is also good..

順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]

 *1 *12097 アナと雪の女王
 *2 **1274 X-MEN:フューチャー&パスト
 *3 **1108 万能鑑定士Q -モナ・リザの瞳-
 *4 ***883 名探偵コナン2014 異次元の…
 *5 ***788 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ
 *6 ***611 MONSTERZ モンスターズ
 *7 ***525 青天の霹靂
 *8 ***465 クレヨンしんちゃん2014 ガ…
 *9 ***383 悪夢ちゃん The 夢ovie
 10 ***229 大江戸りびんぐでっど シネマ…
Frozen = 2 x( number 2~10 combined together)
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Excellent ... ¥812.0 million is about $8 million in USD.That's a 16% increase from last weekend  :o

BoxofficeMojo did not provide a weekend estimate of Frozen in their article. I guess Ray Subers is tired of talking about Frozen.

Is he going by the incorrect number from Rentrak (I wonder if that number really is incorrect, since Rentrak is a very reliable source). There's something very confusing about the discount day calculations  :unsure:


Deadline is also stating $5.8M. As much as I hate to say this I am beginning to believe this number but let's see what happens when the actuals are announced.

I'm sure Deadline is getting their number from the same source. With the massive number of sell outs and huge admission numbers it's simply impossible that Frozen only had a 3m Sunday. Given those numbers a 5.8m Sunday is far more likely than a 5.8m weekend.

One thing is sure though, something is out of whack with the numbers this weekend.

Edited by Incarnadine
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Deadline is also stating $5.8M. As much as I hate to say this I am beginning to believe this number but let's see what happens when the actuals are announced.


Don't worry. There is no way Frozen's weekend number is that low. We have partial admission data from Sunday and that number is close to impossible. I think they projected Sunday number based on Saturday alone, not realizing that Sunday was a huge discount day. Someone has mentioned this, and I agree.

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Its running close to last Mon.1310*1 *21858 アナと雪の女王*2 **3430 X-MEN:フューチャー&パスト

That would really be a surprise if this Monday comes even remotely close to the massively inflated Monday last week.

I suppose we should be used to Frozen having inexplicably large days and weekends in Japan by now, but it still surprises us.

I'm still scratching my head over that weird 10th weekend increase. Absolutely no rational reason for it. It was late in the run, no holidays or anything else anywhere near it and it was 2 weeks removed from Golden Week , which should have burned off some demand.

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It's the highest grossing film of 2013, just calm the hell down.


I hope this movie winds up its BO domination in japan by Godzilla release :D i want godzilla to break out in japan

Thats funny. Godzilla likes tom cruise wrote some shit yesterday. Now Tom cruise who likes Godzilla is writing shit today. What r the fucking odds. Tom cruise sucks Edited by T E Lawrence
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[mod edit]

this is a frozen thread.[mod edit]Tom cruise reboots scripts faster than spideyTop Gun. Hot shot but flawed pilot meets girl, loses girl, best friend dies, discovers meaning if life is love not being an ace, gets back girl.Top Bar-Cocktail. Hot shot bartender with flaws makes best friend, meets girl, loses girl when caught with a sugar momma, best friend dies, discovers meaning of life is love not fucking for money gets girl back.Top Car-Days of thunder. Hot shot but flawed race car driver, meets girl, becomes best friend w a competitor, loses girl, best friend nearly dies, discovers meaning of life is love not trophies, gets girl back.Top Agent- Jerry McGuire. Hot shot flawed agent meets girl, makes best friends w Cuba Gooding, loses girl, thinks Cuba could be dead in the endzone, discovers meaning of life is love not money and gets girl back "you had me at hello", cuba gets moneyTop Samurai-last samurai. Hot shit soldier w serious flaws becomes friends w an enemy, becomes a samurai in 6months, yeah right, meets girl, doesn't hook up w girl, new best friend dies, discovers meaning of life and goes gets girl.Real original shit there. [mod edit] Edited by Telemachos
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 Thats funny. Godzilla likes tom cruise wrote some shit yesterday. Now Tom cruise who likes Godzilla is writing shit today. What r the fucking odds. Tom cruise sucks

I was going to skip Edge of Tomorrow but its ratings are amazing right now.

Its probably worth a watch. Might as well watch it in IMAX since its available.


IMDB: 8.1/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 95%

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this is a frozen thread. [mod edit]

Alright ... back to frozen discussion.How do we get all these box office tracking websites to correct their numbers. I wrote to Rentrak already.For someone who gets "PAID" to track the box office they are not doing a very good job :P Edited by Telemachos
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Alright ... back to frozen discussion.How do we get all these box office tracking websites to correct their numbers. I wrote to Rentrak already. For someone who gets "PAID" to track the box office they are not doing a very good job :P

Catlover posted actuals at this time lastvweek. Itll get cleared up soon.Labas, you find actuals anywhere?
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