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Behind the Camera

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If someone would take a look at my Studio Plans, I'll move up a TBA films (non-sequel) to this year.


Also, if I can, can I have Tarantino for Year 10? I have a movie that'd be perfect for the year for him (already listed under studio plans)

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Is anyone using PTA for Year 9 and would using the Coens be too much for me? I was originally gonna have Affleck, but since I've actually started writing it from the plan I wrote a few weeks ago, it's been taking a darker turn. 

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Also, if I can, can I have Tarantino for Year 10? I have a movie that'd be perfect for the year for him (already listed under studio plans)


I'm postponing Blood Currency indefinitely since it takes me a snail's pace to write it (basically it'll be done whenever I get it done), so if no one else has QT for Year 10 you're good to go.

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That movie comes out of a joke I made with my friends one night that Tarantino should make a movie about himself going on a revenge flick style spree against Gawker... it's evolved into a movie involving two groups of eight directors. Unlike my other movies, that's the complete cast listed there, including bit parts. However, it's gonna be crazy


(That's my Year 10 Tarantino in case you couldn't guess ;) )

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Alpha Shawn Levy is already being used in the summer of Year 9 with Flash 2. So your Red Pyramid remake needs a new director (Flash was announced first plus I think the game should priortize sequels over remaking a film already done a few years earlier).

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Alpha Shawn Levy is already being used in the summer of Year 9 with Flash 2. So your Red Pyramid remake needs a new director (Flash was announced first plus I think the game should priortize sequels over remaking a film already done a few years earlier).


I've already decided to change it to Jon Favreau, so hopefully that works.

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I will start participating in Year 9. A lot of time since on early summer break. Is there an exact date when we starting?


Well, I'm guessing the first quarter will begin in a week, maybe one and a half?

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