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  1. 1. Grade Prometheus

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Am I the only one who thinks David is three steps ahead of eevryone and that everything in the movie happened according to his plan? Think about it. Engineers hate humans and so does David thought he hides it behind retarded smile. But it was obvious that he off`d Holloway not only because Weyland ordered him to infect someone. Now that`s the thing. We know he was ordered to give the drink but we don`t know if Weyland or David made the choice who to sacrifice. I lean on David`s decision because Weyland is really irrelevant in the whole scheme.So I`m thinking it isn`t just because Holloway was douche to him. It l;ooked like revenge but David was studying Shaw way before Holloway woke up and had the chance to treat David one way or the other. So, IMO, he was eliminated because David needed only Shaw for his plan to go to the engineers homeworld. I think that was his plan from the start and he just let everything unfold while pushing things forward here and there when needed.I doubt they`d save him for the sequel to a movie that answered nothing if he was just an adroid for the sake of Alien franchise tradition.

Edited by fishnets
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I'm loving how divisive this movie is. Scott's still got it.

Same.Hardcore Alien fans were either expecting another gothic horror claustraphobic film like Alien, or the action drama of Aliens. Prometheus did neither, and opened up a whole new can of worms for potential sequels.Honestly, if this WAS a direct Alien prequel, and MARKETED as such... I guarantee this movie would have completely bombed. The Alien legacy has been raped and butchered 4 times in a row(Alien 3, Alien 4, AVP, AVP 2). Thats twice as many bad films as there are good films.
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Am I the only one who thinks David is three steps ahead of eevryone and that everything in the movie happened according to his plan? Think about it. Engineers hate humans and so does David thought he hides it behind retarded smile. But it was obvious that he off`d Holloway not only because Weyland ordered him to infect someone. Now that`s the thing. We know he was ordered to give the drink but we don`t know if Weyland or David made the choice who to sacrifice. I lean on David`s decision because Weyland is really irrelevant in the whole scheme.So I`m thinking it isn`t just because Holloway was douche to him. It l;ooked like revenge but David was studying Shaw way before Holloway woke up and had the chance to treat David one way or the other. So, IMO, he was eliminated because David needed only Shaw for his plan to go to the engineers homeworld. I think that was his plan from the start and he just let everything unfold while pushing things forward here and there when needed.I doubt they`d save him for the sequel to a movie that answered nothing if he was just an adroid for the sake of Alien franchise tradition.

I think David has a weird creepy android-crush on her. All the more awesome.
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While it is a flawed movie, with some terrible characterisation and a nonsensical plot, it is stunningly beautiful with some top notch acting. Despite my initial disappointment, the film has definitely made me think about it and read and discuss about it more than almost any film I can remember. I definitely want to see it again to see if my opinion changes. 7/10 (B)

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I really enjoyed it; great atmosphere and pretty interesting story, if you don't overanalyze it.I suppose my main problem was something others have already touched on -- the irrational behavior from supposed intelligent people. Does being in stasis cause brain damage or something? When a movie is trying hard to be thought provoking, it's probably not a good idea to have the characters doing stupid stuff. The acting was fine in spite of that.I thought it was a worthy addition to the franchise. Looking forward to the next installment.

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70% of the film is great or close to it. But then the other 30% is so full of plot holes, logical inconsistencies, really stupid character decisions, lazy writing/editing, and underwritten roles that the film can't help but faceplant into a bed of nails.

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I think David has a weird creepy android-crush on her. All the more awesome.

I got that vibe too and I hate it because it makes her such a Mary Sue. Oh, look, even emotionless android falls in love with her! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Except we don`t know why for she`s so fuckin stupid. Edited by fishnets
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I saw it again last night, and I'm upping my grade from an A- to an A+. Its a masterpiece. Once the Alien diehards that wanted a lame attempt at duplicating Alien/Aliens settle down and Ridley Scott is dead and gone in 15 years, people will realize this.Some more thoughts I had upon 2nd viewing:-The 2 vagina cobras that killed those 2 guys were the earthworms in the dirt mutated by the black goo that started leaking out of the containers. The black goo is a DNA mutating substance that turns existing organzisms into killing machines(for indigeonous cleansing), or creates life through sacrifician, depending on how its engineered by the engineers.-Those same 2 guys were clearly afraid of the giant dead bodies. Thats when 1 of the 2 was confused and started laughing at the small vagina cobra and started messing with it. They were clearly expecting Goliath to come running down the hallway with lazer guns blazing or something when Janek told them the probe was picking up a lifeform. If this is still a problem for someone, then explain why Kane stuck his head directly over the egg in Alien and began to reach into it after it opened by itself. Dallas wasn't exactly smart when he went looking for the Alien solo in small dark tunnels either after they knew it grew into the size of a man and killed a 2nd crew member.- Why do the engineers want to kill us? This was clearly left up for debate until a possible sequel comes out, but I came up with 2 reasons. First, the engineers created humans, that part was pretty clear. Either they were upset that humans believed they were created by God and not them(religion), so they were upset about that. 2nd, Humans are becoming too advanced and are starting to spread throughout the galaxy and "Building Better Worlds" of their own with terraforming through companies like the Weyland corporation.-Vickers *COULD* have definitely been an android. She's cold like David is, walks all perfect all the time like David does, and has the same "Aryan" look as David(Blond hair, blue eyes, very light skin.), and dresses similar to him in style. Plus, when Janek asks her if she was a robot, he might've been fucking around, but she paused for quite awhile(trying to figure out if he was being serious). When she asked him to come up to her room, I don't think it really meant anything... she didn't specify what she wanted him up there for. She probably did that to kill any suspicions she thought he might had and then told him to go fuck himself at the last minute. Or maybe they just hung out. But who knows, that was the point."A King will rise, he reigns, and then he dies. Its inevitable." I thought this line was epic as fuck when Vickers was talking to Weyland. It instantly reminded me of Steve Jobs because Weyland was cleary the Steve Jobs of that era.I think the movie is pure genius honestly. It doesn't give a lot of answers on purpose, leaving you to fill in and to interpret the blanks yourself, but gives you just enough that it doesn't hit a brick wall.

Edited by Shpongle
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Posted this in the BO thread in response to someone, but I think it deserves to be here as well to help some people understand this movie some more. Funny how this keeps happening, but here it is:It is still odd to me how much trouble some people seem to be having with not having questions answered in this movie and that it feels "disconnected". The questions being asked are mostly big questions. This movie isn't so much concerned with "where do xenomorphs come from?" as much as it is with "where does life come from"? This is a movie where the characters ask "why are we here?", "why do bad things happen?", "what is our purpose?" and so on. These are not questions that were supposed to be answered in this film. This film isn't about finding answers, it's about the incomprehensibility of it all and our drive to get those answers.The film also had a lot of shit to do with religion and creationism. The title of the film is a bit misleading in a way, but it speaks to the characters expectations. Prometheus gave humanity the secrets of the Gods. The characters in this film think the messages are their creators means of trying to bring humanity to their level but they're wrong(Shaw: "We were so wrong!"). The Prometheus ends up being a Tower of Babel. They climb up to see God and are severely punished for it and leave with less comprehension then when they started with. (This is where Shaw is at the end of the film, hence why she "wants to go where they came from" instead of going back to earth.)This also ties into why the Engineer smiles at David, strokes his face, and kills him(atleast thinks he did). He sees that humanity has created it's own life in their own image. Not only has humanity climbed up to heaven to be on equal footing with God, but they have started to do his work. For that they need to be punished.Sorry you didn't get a stupid slasher monster movie without any depth. Alien/Aliens already did that as best as possible. Prometheus is a masterpiece and its gonna go down in history as such as a classic.

Edited by Shpongle
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It fullfilled all my expectations. Great movie , a classic IMO . I had read the negative reactions and went to the theater expecting the worst and was pleasently surprised . It manages to be an alien prequel while at the same time being unique and standing on its own legs .

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Saw it again last night to see how it holds up on repeat viewings. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold up as well as the first viewing, but I still enjoyed it.

Of course it is amazing to look at and has some killer scenes, but there is a weird disconnect while watching the film. There seems to be no plan or protocol for the mission, which is a little strange. Characters just seem to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

It's not close to Alien or Aliens, but it's still a fun film. I will say, if anything, Prometheus is set up in a way that the sequels can be pretty damn awesome if done right.


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It didn't feel like an Alien prequel, it felt like a prequel to the Prometheus sequel that was going to follow up on the movie's questions. I don't want a Prometheus sequel (and at this rate we ain't getting one) because I don't think they told a compelling enough story here to deserve one.

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It didn't feel like an Alien prequel, it felt like a prequel to the Prometheus sequel that was going to follow up on the movie's questions. I don't want a Prometheus sequel (and at this rate we ain't getting one) because I don't think they told a compelling enough story here to deserve one.

Another point I forgot to mention Seriously FUCK this open ending shit that's been going on ... if you're desperate for a money printing franchise try making a compelling film that can stand on its own Raiders of The Lost Ark seems to have left Hollywood text books on how to properly create a franchise and instead was replaced by Transformers
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Another point I forgot to mentionSeriously FUCK this open ending shit that's been going on ... if you're desperate for a money printing franchise try making a compelling film that can stand on its ownRaiders of The Lost Ark seems to have left Hollywood text books on how to properly create a franchise and instead was replaced by Transformers

There's nothing wrong with a movie being 'open ended' if it does it well.I could just as easily say "FUCK this everything gets tied up with a neat little bow BS", but the fact of the matter is that a good ending is a good ending, whether it's open or 'closed' as it were.(oh, and there was nothing wrong with the way Prometheus ended :P )
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There's nothing wrong with a movie being 'open ended' if it does it well.I could just as easily say "FUCK this everything gets tied up with a neat little bow BS", but the fact of the matter is that a good ending is a good ending, whether it's open or 'closed' as it were.(oh, and there was nothing wrong with the way Prometheus ended :P )

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