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Phil in the Blank

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I think Quentin Taratino is incapable of making a great movie without B movie homages, F bombs, or gratuitous violence - cue the flame wars!! lol


and hitchcock was unable to make great movies without using mystery tropes


whether or not it's true, it doesn't mean their filmography is any worse...just less diverse.

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um, let's see...based on the three films i've seen of his so far (la grande illusion, le déjeuner sur l'herbe and la bête humaine), renoir seems pretty overrated, and doesn't compare well to his later french compatriots.suppose i better see la règle du jeu before judging though.

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I think Quentin Taratino is incapable of making a great movie without B movie homages, F bombs, or gratuitous violence - cue the flame wars!! lol


The best parts of his movies is the dialogue and performances he gets out of actors, thats all just icing on the cake.

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I'd just like to see QT make a G or PG rated film - David Lynch, Spielberg, and Scorsese have done it, so it's certainly possible for great directors to do it!


No... just no. Seeing Samuel L. Jackson in a PG rated movie will be just... no.

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No... just no. Seeing Samuel L. Jackson in a PG rated movie will be just... no.

He's been in the Star Wars prequels, The Incredibles, and Turbo... I don't see what's wrong with G or PG movies. All of the old classics from the 30s to mid 60s are G & PG level. And I did said Quentin lol - even Tim Burton has made a family film while Mr. David Lynch shocked the cinema world by directing a G rated movie. It would help him stretch his creative juices if he did something like this.
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I think Quentin Taratino is incapable of making a great movie without B movie homages, F bombs, or gratuitous violence - cue the flame wars!! lol


Well QT doesnt have a wide range that's true. But, not every one can be Spielberg. QT does the best in what he does, and that's enough. Nolan doesnt have a wide range but he also does the best in what he does. It's enough to make him standing on top of the food chain.

Edited by vc2002
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Well QT doesnt have a wide range that's true. But, not every one can be Spielberg. QT does the best in what he does, and that's enough. Nolan doesnt have a wide range but he also does the best in what he does. It's enough to make him standing on top of the food chain.

Well all I'm saying is that the same act over and over gets stale - Woody Allen used to be a fairly big director, but nowadays his films are mostly so-so, except the excellent Midnight in Paris: a real gem!I'd love to see Christopher Nolan branch out too - try comedy, animation, horror, biopic, war, even a musical if he was up for it.It'd be nice to see QT do something out of the ordinary without violence - shake things up a bit
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That's exactly what I meant. Many of those Oscar films you won't even call them over-rated if they didn't get the Oscars (or even nominations).


That "strange" response wasn't directly for you tho. I just think that the word 'overrated" has been over-used. I mean I saw some people calling Prometheus and Cloud Atlas over-rated, and that's pretty "strange" because those two didn't even get highly rated. They didn't have even an Oscar nomination. They were very average on RT, MT and IMDB. How the hell can you call them over-rated?


Overrated can relate to critics, audiences, to anything. I'm still not sure what your point here is. Are you just angry at the use of "overrrated"?



Well, I'm sure if we want to bring some substance into the "overrated" discussion, the film has to be measured as "highly-rated" by some constructive means rather than just a person's opinion.


Wrong. Overrated can mean exactly that; something highly rated by other's opinions.


I'm not sure if you properly understand the meaning of overrated.


Here for you is a dictionary definition of overrated:




"to rate or appraise too highly"


Nowhere does it say anything about constructive means, or anything else.

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I think most people can agree that any film can be called overrated if it has a passionate fanbase and/or a majority of reviews are good, it doesn't have to be a universal 90-95% on RT or Oscar nominated at all, those are just what get called overrated the most often for obvious reasons.


And imdb is a total joke.

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Overrated can relate to critics, audiences, to anything. I'm still not sure what your point here is. Are you just angry at the use of "overrrated"?




Wrong. Overrated can mean exactly that; something highly rated by other's opinions.


I'm not sure if you properly understand the meaning of overrated.


Here for you is a dictionary definition of overrated:




"to rate or appraise too highly"


Nowhere does it say anything about constructive means, or anything else.


Ok then.


Man Of Steel is overrated.

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