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In The Heart Of The Sea | December 11, 2015 | New Trailer on Page 8

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9 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I feel like this would've flopped no matter where it opened. The movie is being sold primarily as a Whalers vs Whale flick but at a time when whales are in danger of going extinct, it's hard to feel instantly generate sympathy for the whalers.


Maybe if they'd made the whale the protagonist.

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6 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I feel like this would've flopped no matter where it opened. The movie is being sold primarily as a Whalers vs Whale flick but at a time when whales are in danger of going extinct, it's hard to feel instantly generate sympathy for the whalers.

That would be the marketing's fault. If the movie is anything like the book 


The whale is basically a glorified cameo


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5 minutes ago, DAJK said:

That would be the marketing's fault.


Well, I never read the book but I am aware that it also has heavy themes of



and that obviously wasn't going to sell any tickets. So yeah, this was probably doomed no matter what.

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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Well, I never read the book but I am aware that it also has heavy themes of

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and that obviously wasn't going to sell any tickets. So yeah, this was probably doomed no matter what.

I totally get why they marketed it the way they did, because they didn't want audiences knowing that it isn't exactly a movie with a big potential audience.


And yea most of the book revolved around that, as well as comment on the whaling industry as a whole, but the latter won't make it into the movie of course which I was expecting.

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3 hours ago, filmlover said:

I feel like this would've flopped no matter where it opened. The movie is being sold primarily as a Whalers vs Whale flick but at a time when whales are in danger of going extinct, it's hard to feel instantly generate sympathy for the whalers.

I actually think the OW would have been a solid 30-40m back in its original March release date. I thought they were doing a good job marketing it this time last year and last March had almost zero direct competition for it. However, from what I've heard about it it doesn't sound like it was destined to ever have very good WOM. 

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4 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

I actually think the OW would have been a solid 30-40m back in its original March release date. I thought they were doing a good job marketing it this time last year and last March had almost zero direct competition for it. However, from what I've heard about it it doesn't sound like it was destined to ever have very good WOM. 

Nah, it would've struggled then too. Considering the marketing angle they took, they were faced with an unwinnable challenge (getting audiences to feel for the poor lost-at-sea whalers and not the now-endangered species).

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8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Nah, it would've struggled then too. Considering the marketing angle they took, they were faced with an unwinnable challenge (getting audiences to feel for the poor lost-at-sea whalers and not the now-endangered species).

Again, the marketing last winter for the original date was better than the more recent stuff. Just invoked a sense of fear and panic among the crew and showed off the money shots. Didn't really try to vilify the whale as much, and the less dialouge approach for the early marketing was definitely better. And seriously, its competition in March would have been Home, Cinderella, and Insurgent. None of which were really direct competition. It could've opened well, or at least twice as well as the 15 it will be lucky to pull now. 

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11 hours ago, filmlover said:

I feel like this would've flopped no matter where it opened. The movie is being sold primarily as a Whalers vs Whale flick but at a time when whales are in danger of going extinct, it's hard to feel instantly generate sympathy for the whalers.

I thought the point of the movie is how the sailors deal with survival after the attack, and the attack only happens right at the beginning?

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On 12/8/2015, 11:27:09, Macleod said:


The drowning/sinking/taking a dive puns about this film's box office will be relentless come Monday morning...


Edited by Cochofles
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These reactions :(


Ive still got hope. My boss got the night off and absolutely loved this. Recommended it (especially to me apparently) 100% one of their favourites of the year so hopefully I enjoy it.


In the meantime, Night Before it is.

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