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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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ERC said Spider-Man's total is "nearly $59m", so doesn't that mean the OD was actually a bit bigger than what was estimated? So it's even more frontloaded! :excl:

Edit: hollywood reporter WOULD come in with nearly $58m right when I said this, lol

Edited by Biggestgeekever
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Sony Executive #1: We need to make a splash

Sony Executive #2: Yes, but how?

#1: I got it. We will give ourselves the tuesday record!

#2: But how? How can we inflate our books?

#1: We will take some money from tomorrow's gross. We will certainly make more than $2.5M tomorrow. No one will ever know.

#2: But what about the BO.com posters?

#1: They are distracted with someone's under $200M prediction thread. And even if they do notice, who will people believe: Them or a MOVIE STUDIO? The choice is obvious.

#2: I see now why Sony made you Executive #1.

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What was your bet?

At the time my prediction was 320, his was 195. Whoever ends up closer, the other has to send him a blu ray of his choice. Which I won't mind doing since I liked the film. But I guess this is Pirates 4/Shrek 4 all over again...just more front loaded due to Sony's shenanigans.

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For the record I've decided to use Loki as the Ambassador for all gifs involving TASM crow serving and partying. Who better?

I've been right and wrong plenty of times. On the former, never ran around with the bullshit (and immature) crow non-sense. But I guess that's just me.
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So Iron Man is America's favourite Marvel superhero ATM?

That's all RDJ...just try to picture...say, Tom Cruise(He was rumored for a long time) in the role. How this all would have played out. I hope Disney/Marvel gave RDJ a bunch of stock in the company...he deserves it.
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I've been right and wrong plenty of times. On the former, never ran around with the bullshit (and immature) crow non-sense. But I guess that's just me.

I usually don't either but dammit it's just too delicious to resist this time. I mean did you see the way the TASM loonies were partying and crow serving the "haters" a mere 48 hours ago? Oh the irony! :lol: Edited by MovieMan89
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That's all RDJ...just try to picture...say, Tom Cruise(He was rumored for a long time) in the role. How this all would have played out. I hope Disney/Marvel gave RDJ a bunch of stock in the company...he deserves it.

It's a completely surreal thought. Amazing how things can change in just a few years.
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