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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.

On the other hand, what you might call his life is supported by taxpayer money. I think that's really what the debate comes down to.
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Terrible thing to happen. My condolences to the victim's families. I hope they don't let the killer off just by claiming insanity or some stupid thing like that. I still think TDKR will do huge numbers for the weekend. The anticipation I have seen building up to this has been quite palpable.Most people wouldn't let this change their mind from seeing the movie. Some small percentage might, but those who want to see it, will not let this mass killing stop them. They will just reason that this happens only in that place, and it doesn't happen in where ever they are staying. So they will still go.I don't think it will depress TDKR's OW that much. Just my 2 cents.

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Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.

Thats exactly what I have been saying the whole day!
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Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.

Don't want to get into a controversial debate but I feel the same way. People who do this sort of thing have given up on their life and a lot of them either commit suicide or die in a gun battle. Death penalty is an easy way out for scum like these.
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BB isn't a bit funny, its IMO far more stern than TDK, that has The Joker being crazy and stuff.

TDKR wasn't a bit funny to me either. I can think of only two truly funny lines that the audience laughed at. Begins at least had Alfred and Fox's humor.

TDKR doesn't even have that as Alfred is far more serious in this than the others and in it less and Fox is barely in it at all.

Edited by MovieMan89
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Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.

I see what you did there. :P
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I disagree about it being very funny, especially the funniest of the three. Saw the trilogy and it got the least laughs of the three by far. I mean c'mon, Joker alone had a bazillion more laughs than anything in this.

Yeah, that was more like dark comedy though. This had a lot more standard humor in it. If I factor in The Joker, then maybe I'd have to give TDK the edge. Super close though... and it was definitely way funnier than BB.
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Why? The death penalty is the easy way out. His punishment must be more severe. Having to live a lifetime in prison with no freedom and a guilty conscious is the harder way. When his life has passed him by and he has rotted away mentally and physically in a cell he has my permission to die.

He was apparently a med school student too. Which makes his actions even more bizarre to me because he could have been going places and saving lives but instead he does this.
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He was apparently a med school student too. Which makes his actions even more bizarre to me because he could have been going places and saving lives but instead he does this.

He was probably a psychopath.
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$30.6M is a huge and fantastic number for midnight. I hope no one is disappointed with that number.That said, TDKR needed a far bigger number than that if people really wanted it to hit $100M on opening day. It won't do that, and it won't break Avengers OW record either.

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