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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I'm warming up to the ending, but the film is way too bloated. Maybe that'll change with a repeat viewing.

There are a lot of things going on at one but I feel like all of it was integral to the story. Very few unnecessary scenes IMO. Nolan wrapped this up in an amazing way.
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Wondering why reporting the numbers on Monday won't be "gloating". Maybe WB should never report any BO numbers for TDKR ever?

Yeah, now you're just being a troll. At this point, there is zero controversy that the shootings negatively impacted box office. There is absolutely no other reason to TDKR to sell fewer tickets during the day than TDK.

That's not quite true, is it? Isn't it true that TDKR got worse reviews than TDK? Isn't it true that there is no Ledger effect to drive up hype for TDKR?

Those sound like valid reasons to sell fewer tickets to me.

Low 80s is slightly disappointing as it takes 200m OW off the table and places 500m Total in jeopardy as well. But, all things considered, whether it be 450 or 500, it will still be a fine take for a fine finale to the greatest trilogy of them all(IMO and yes, that includes LOTR and SW).

My ranking

1-Toy Story



4-Don't really love any other trilogies that much

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Yes I know, of course.

You said you would be disappointed so that's why I quoted you. Honestly I'm more disappointed that so many people got scared away from seeing this because of one piece of shit. If this still is in the same league of SM3,TDK, and TA admissions wise for its OW, then that just tells me this thing was destined to break records if this didn't happen.
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You said you would be disappointed so that's why I quoted you. Honestly I'm more disappointed that so many people got scared away from seeing this because of one piece of shit. If this still is in the same league of SM3,TDK, and TA admissions wise for its OW, then that just tells me this thing was destined to break records if this didn't happen.

30M was too low to think that
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That's not quite true, is it? Isn't it true that TDKR got worse reviews than TDK? Isn't it true that there is no Ledger effect to drive up hype for TDKR?

These are extremely minor variables next to both the shooting and everything this movie had in its favor. Reviews are slightly worse but still great, and the huge goodwill from TDK should have made selling more tickets in the opening weekend a cake walk.
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I found it ironic and both unsettling how in the end Bane ends up really just being the "muscle pawn" for the female villain same as he was in Batman and Robin. Who would've guessed that's what his role would ultimately boil down to again? Poor Bane and Batman movies.


haha that was the first thought that came to my mind...I was wondering if anyone else picked up on the cool similarity lol
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While I loved it and place it right up there with BB(But under TDK),I thought the editing was screwed up in places. I had similar feelings about TASM. It just felt like the editing was rushed. There is one part in particular that I'm still scratching my head over. TA's editor should get an Oscar nod, the film is perfectly paced and I was never looking at my watch.But, other than that, I'm not gonna say much about TDKR until I see it again. Unfortunately, I had just found out about the Aurora tragedy right before seeing it so it was hard to get into the film.

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Wasn't The Avengers projected around $67-70 million at this point? There's still a slight chance that The Dark Knight Rises will break the opening day record even if it looks unlikely now. In other words lets wait for the actual estimate from Warner Bros. to come in. As for the weekend record, it looks like The Avengers will still hold the record unless The Dark Knight Rises has amazing Saturday and Sunday holds.

Edited by Hallowed Prince
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TDKR was never gonna break records, it never had a chance.

This is not true. TDKR could go as high as 220M. It does seem some people chose to stay home on Friday, afraid they would get shot...I doubt this incident will affect grosses in the long run though. Americans may be shoked now, but it will only take a couple of day for them to move on. People who're too scared to visit a theater now, will see it next weekend.
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But some good news at last.In the UK, RTH posted that TDKR made 10% less than TA's Thu and Fri combined! That is about £5.4m, ($8.5m), and it should open in the mid-to-high 20s. :D

Awesome number.
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But some good news at last.In the UK, RTH posted that TDKR made 10% less than TA's Thu and Fri combined! That is about £5.4m, ($8.5m), and it should open in the mid-to-high 20s. :D

Even my parents went to see TDKR. They are not in the habit of watching blockbusters.
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