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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Yeah, i cannot see this doing to well in the current climate. The entire movie is about big guns. The entire marketing campaign is focused on big guns.

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shocking turn of events, either we were all really off and way over hyped or the more likely scenario that the shooting had a serious effectit just sucked all the joy and fun off tracking, people died and the guy got exactly what he wanted :(

There is one good thing that happened though. Some of the people that were at the showtime that had the shooting, bought tickets and saw the movie. Showing that they were not afraid. :)
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He wasn't spot on with TDKR. It's underperforming the way it is because of a horrendous mass shooting. The sick thing is he's probably feeling no remorse for them because it means TDKR will underperform. I'm so glad he's off these forums.

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shocking turn of events, either we were all really off and way over hyped or the more likely scenario that the shooting had a serious effectit just sucked all the joy and fun off tracking, people died and the guy got exactly what he wanted :(

I think the shooting effected. Movies coming off films with great WOM increase OW. Everything I seen on the web suggest the audience is liking the film.
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I saw TDKR on Thursday night. And I'm comfortable with my sexuality so I opted for MM last night.

It was almost sold out, too. Same couldn't be said for some TDKR showings (though MM was on one screen and TDKR was on seven).


Great one.

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I think the blatant oversimplification of the fear factor is a bit dishonest. And regardless, as time passes by, people will stop caring. That's how the world works. People may have been scared to fly in planes for some time after 9/11, but things go back to normal. No one stops their life for too long because of one isolated incident, and this has been proven over and over again.

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I think the shooting effected. Movies coming off films with great WOM increase OW. Everything I seen on the web suggest the audience is liking the film.

Uh, weren't you predicting a $71m OD? Anyway, I was wrong when I said the shootings wouldn't affect it. It most definitely did.
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Yeah, i cannot see this doing to well in the current climate. The entire movie is about big guns. The entire marketing campaign is focused on big guns.

Could we see it postponed? Edited by fmpro
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Uh, weren't you predicting a $71m OD?Anyway, I was wrong when I said the shootings wouldn't affect it. It most definitely did.

Looks like it affected everything
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