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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Although a stretch, that film series in your signature/avatar may have something to say about that.

You don't know how freaking happy I would be if that happened. I am trying really really hard to keep the fanboy in me in check for TH and so far I think I am doing good lol. By December though.....hmmmmm :lol: Edited by Moviefanatic
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I don't know if this was posted yet:


Christian Bale, star of The Dark Knight Rises and the previous two movies in the trilogy, issued this statement today about the tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colorado:

Words cannot express the horror that I feel. I cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victims and their loved ones, but my heart goes out to them.

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You don't know how freaking happy I would be if that happened. I am trying really really hard to keep the fanboy in me in check for TH and so far I think I am doing good lol. By December tho.....hmmmmm :lol:

It's the same story with me. My anticipation for this movie can't be described, but I'm going to purposefully lowball my pre-release DOM predictions to ensure I'm happy of the numbers regardless of what happens. Overseas may be another story...
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If Heath Ledger were still alive, TDK probably would have opened with $110M.If Holmes had decided not to go through with the plan, TDKR probably would have opened with $190M.Now... they will both open around $160M. Strange how two tragedies could put two films so close together like that...

Heath tragedy extrends here because obviously Joker was spared for this. And than had to be replaced by Bane. Ugh. I`m sorry but he just didn`t work for me. At all. And I get why critics who can`t get over Joker awesomeoness can`t get over it. This guy only reminds you how much Joker dynamics is needed. Joker and Batman had a relationship and connection. Bane and Wayne not at all. Plus, Joker`s chaos for the sake of chaos was much better than laboured and incomprehensible plot to bring down Gotham. That shit hurt second half of BB as well. Edited by fishnets
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It's the same story with me. My anticipation for this movie can't be described, but I'm going to purposefully lowball my pre-release DOM predictions to ensure I'm happy of the numbers regardless of what happens. Overseas may be another story...

LOL yea. My domestic prediction is 415-420 for now. As you can see from my sig, I expect massive numbers from OS. ;)
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At this point anyone arguing the shooting doesn't have any affect looks incredibly foolish.Just wow.I am going to it tonight, and now I'm at the point where I'm depressed and not even looking forward to it.

I know how you feel...I'm seeing it on real IMAX tomorrow, something my friends and I have been looking forward to for months, and that feeling of excitement and enthusiasm I had up until early Friday morning just isn't there as much. I'm sure we'll still really enjoy ourselves but it's just not the same anymore. Edited by FTF
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You can't replicate 1700 movie fans all cheering and enjoying themselves. Was a great buzz in the air....but have to admit watching DH2 there was better as the crowd were far more animated and hearing people gasp/tear up at the end of HP8 was amazing and emotional.

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Heath tragedy extrends here because obviously Joker was spared for this. And than had to be replaced by Bane. Ugh. I`m sorry but he just didn`t work for me. At all. And I get why critics who can`t get over Joker awesomeoness can`t get over it. This guy only reminds you how much Joker dynamics is needed. Joker and Batman had a relationship and connection. Bane and Wayne not at all. Plus, Joker`s chaos for the sake of chaos was much better than laboured and incomprehensible plot to bring down Gotham. That shit hurt second half of BB as well. I`m sorry but League of Shadows are really ridiculous people and yet most serious of Batman movies has them in it. That`s an ouch right there.

And that is a spoiler. (even if it is one obvious that pretty much everyone that didn't saw the movie knows) Edited by CJohn
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Actually, they do have merit. Its pretty obvious you and some others here have an enormous emotional investment in Nolan's Batman universe and dismiss any contrarian logic and facts out of hand because you're in absolute shock this isn't gonna do 190-210m. Its pretty clear this is gonna get personal here pretty soon and some of you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I'm gonna leave before Sims throws his computer across the room.

I am pretty impartial with this stuff (Ask those who knew me posting for years on BOM). There is simply no way you cannot see the devastating affect the tragedy had on BO this weekend.

While I personally believe Batman underperformed pretty badly, you cannot draw the conclusion that the tragedy did not affect it.

If you continue to issue personalizations such as the bolded part, you are inciting people to get upset, which seems like your game? I don't understand why you would not only take joy in the films underperformance, but also incite peoples feelings who are disappointed by the performance.

Just not cool.

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