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Aug. 17-19, 2012 Studio Weekend Estimates (coming in...)

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Did you not read my post above where I said Shawn is in the same boat with him? Someone asked me to explain it and I pointed to Shawn's argument about $600m. Both are freaking ludicrous assertions and they both hide behind the bullshit argument that it's "all speculation and there is no way of knowing."http://forums.boxoff...480#entry429507

Sorry, I misunderstood that to mean you did think it was speculative to say it could've done $600m.
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Sorry, I misunderstood that to mean you did think it was speculative to say it could've done $600m.

Oh, I was trying to say I thought it was a really ludicrous idea just like saying the movie was positively impacted is a ludicrous idea. Both are just really silly. The common sense "speculation" is that the film was slightly hurt, say $20-30m domestic.
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There are posters with common sense (using the word might) and there are arrogant ones living in a bubble, having no idea what media is (using word no chance) when it comes to the Aurora debate. The numbers won't lie, but I guess 10 underperforming film isn't enough. No worries, the trend will continue, we'll get to further disappointments unfortunately. The market needs some time to heal.

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There are posters with common sense (using the word might) and there are arrogant ones living in a bubble, having no idea what media is (using word no chance) when it comes to the Aurora debate. The numbers won't lie, but I guess 10 underperforming film isn't enough. No worries, the trend will continue, we'll get to further disappointments unfortunately. The market needs some time to heal.

Yes. And I expect that that miraculous "healing" will, by a sheer and total coincidence, coincide with the release of movies which are actually good which people actually want to see. But it won't be the movie that brings people to the theaters, it will be "the healing process".

What bullshit.

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There are posters with common sense (using the word might) and there are arrogant ones living in a bubble, having no idea what media is (using word no chance) when it comes to the Aurora debate. The numbers won't lie, but I guess 10 underperforming film isn't enough. No worries, the trend will continue, we'll get to further disappointments unfortunately. The market needs some time to heal.

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the films are underperforming because they suck? We've got remakes, sequels that no one wants, and some pretty uninspired "original" films in theaters right now.
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Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the films are underperforming because they suck? We've got remakes, sequels that no one wants, and some pretty uninspired "original" films in theaters right now.

No one says that Aurora is the only reason they're underperforming. The quality of this month is poor, that's obvious. The problem is that there are arrogant people out there, who think that everything is back to normal already or even claiming that it had a positive impact on the business. It's impossible to quantify the aftermath of the shooting, but the market is clearly still shaky. I'm sorry, but this is a fact and it takes someone with an IQ of a 5-year old to argue and I'm sad to see some posters to fail into this category. Edited by The Dark Alfred
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I'm sorry, but this is s fact and it takes someone with an IQ of a 5-year old to argue and I'm sad to see some posters to fail into this category.

"This is a fact" = "This is my opinion"?Please return to your elementary school to brush up on your English lessons.
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Did you not read my post above where I said Shawn is in the same boat with him? Someone asked me to explain it and I pointed to Shawn's argument about $600m. Both are freaking ludicrous assertions and they both hide behind the bullshit argument that it's "all speculation and there is no way of knowing."http://forums.boxoff...480#entry429507

$600m? That's ridiculous! If our goal is to feel good, why don't we say that it was going to break Avatar's record but the shooting killed its chances, but then it is all just speculation? :)Sorry, Shawn, you are wrong on this one, DEAD WRONG.
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And that same common sense also tells us there was no way it would hit $600m without the shooting either. So let's not act like saying one is more stupid than the other.

Once again, using the tragedy to back up your own judgement of the film. Sad. I'm not surprised that same judgement is not used for Expendables.
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Again, 600m was a possibility. We don't know whether it could have happened or not, but you can't rule it out. It all comes down to the OW, which would have been significantly higher than TDK's. TDKR's weekend shares tell us clearly that its WoM is very strong, not far off from TDK. But we really should move on, because none of us have any evidence, we only have a frikkin' 30+m midnight number, which leaves us still in the dark.Happy Birthday, BTW. ;)

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I think that the nasty stench of the Nolanites writing death threats to movie critics at RT and the political bullshit in TDKR had more of an impact than the shooting by far. The movie already had a bad odor even before the Batman fan James Holmes murdered the people in the theater.

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