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Flopped Actors/Actresses Thread

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Gale Hann Hurd is one of the most succesful female movie executives/producers of her generation.

Katryn Bigelow is the only female director to have won an oscar.

His last wife is still with him.

Sarah Connor saved the world.


Not a bad track record.

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Lol, 5 wives says a lot. 


And lets not kid ourselves, James Cameron is notorious for being a narcissistic asshole.  I think Linda Hamilton definitely has some merit.


You dont make strong female characters without being married a lot. :P

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Here is the thread that lists the (had) flopped actors and discuss why they flopped.


Haven't started reading this thread yet, but is there a actor who hasn't flopped in their career?


And only score when they are in a Critic Public Proof Movie.

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Has anyone mentioned Kristen Stewart yet ? Jeff Wells thinks that she is done in Hollywood. I am not surprised at the outcome just the speed of it.


Jury`s out. At this moment, she`s far from a flop but I don`t think she`ll be as big a player as Hollywood thought. Cross-appeal just isn`t there.



She was fighting an uphill battle anyways cause of her age



LOL. Reese`s popularity was never only beauty-based since she`s averige cute. Age will put Evangeline Lilly, Emily Van Camp and other talentless TV hacks in flopped actress category very fast, just watch. Unlike them, Reese is an actual talent and charisma with a slump in a career. Nothing that cannot be resurrected in a stellar comeback. Give her the right showy role where she`s bitchy and kinda self-mocking her DUI incident and - voila - she`ll be top of the game aagin.


IMO, Reese is going through typical phase in a romcom queen span. It`s time to move onto different genre. Julia Roberts also suffered from the same problem but August osage County sounds like a great movie for her return to form. And just like Reese, she also has the Oscar for a non-romcom role. I wouldn`t write Reese down just yet.

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Celebrity meltdowns are the best. My faves are bald Britney, this, Bale, DOR, Perez Hilton and Russell Crowe`s phone incident.


Is Perez Hilton that hysterical video he made after he got punched by a black eyed pea?


And what's the Russell Crowe incident?


I still think Britney isn't all there.

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Perez wasn`t punched. Well, depending on whose side you opt to believe. Perez insists that will.i.am beat the shit out of him and will.i.am and witnesses insist that there was no punching but that will.i.am shouldered Perez when he walked by and Perez fell on his ass. Anyway, Perez went into drama queen bitch mode and made that hysterical vid which is a total legend.


Russell Crowe threw a phone at the hotel receptionist when he couldn`t get through Australia.


Bald Britney is a whole new level of nuts.


Luke Evans will be a huge flop with Dracula Year Zero. It`s safe to put him on the list right now.

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This whole Reese thing is over-rated. She was neither driving nor she tried to assault the cop. This particular cop decide to handcuff her and charge her. They will prosecute her husband and drop all the charges against her. She will be fine. The bigger travesty is the movie she is apparently filming in Atlanta. It sounds just like The Blind Side even down to her copying Sandra Bullock's personality and her her hair color. As if TBS wasn't bad enough ...

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