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Flopped Actors/Actresses Thread

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Jennifer Lawrence got her start on the Bill Engvall Show. 


Many actors got their start on TV but very few were huge TV stars and than made a transtion to movies where they also became huge stars. Will Smith, Bruce Willis, George Clooney and Jennifer Aniston were huge TV stars. It`s much harder for such types to crossover than for actors who did TV sporadically so they weren`t associated with the medium. As you can see, huge TV stars such as Kiefer Sutherland, the X Files duo, Losties are not crossing over as relevant movie stars. They might do a filler movie or thankless role here and there but that does not equal movie career or stardom.

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Many actors got their start on TV but very few were huge TV stars and than made a transtion to movies where they also became huge stars. Will Smith, Bruce Willis, George Clooney and Jennifer Aniston were huge TV stars. It`s much harder for such types to crossover than for actors who did TV sporadically so they weren`t associated with the medium. As you can see, huge TV stars such as Kiefer Sutherland, the X Files duo, Losties are not crossing over as relevant movie stars. They might do a filler movie or thankless role here and there but that does not equal movie career or stardom.


Kiefer Sutherland is a former movie star that ended up being a TV star on 24. He was kind of the Robert Pattinson/Leo Dicaprio (teen heart throb) of his generation with Lost Boys, Young Guns and Flatliners back at the turn of 80/90.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Jennifer Lawrence got her start on the Bill Engvall Show. 


Yeah, there are a lot of actors who starred in tv shows but what is rare is being a tv star and then becoming a movie star.


Was Michelle Williams a TV star in Dawson ?

If so, then she fits the bill.

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Dead? I don't think so... not while there are AVATAR movies in the pipeline.


Yeah, hes a flop dude.  Its obvious he had nothing to do with Avatar's success and everything else he has been in was pretty bad.  When the Avatar sequels arrive, he'll probably get his 15 minutes of fame back and then fall of the map again. Hes not just not a good actor.

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Dead? I don't think so... not while there are AVATAR movies in the pipeline.


Yeah, hes a flop dude.  Its obvious he had nothing to do with Avatar's success and everything else he has been in was pretty bad.  When the Avatar sequels arrive, he'll probably get his 15 minutes of fame back, but fall off the map again.  Hes just not a good actor.

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Yeah, hes a flop dude.  Its obvious he had nothing to do with Avatar's success and everything else he has been in was pretty bad.  When the Avatar sequels arrive, he'll probably get his 15 minutes of fame back, but fall off the map again.  Hes just not a good actor.


He's also someone who has no pretensions about being a high-profile award-winning superstar. His movies have made solid enough coin, he'll work for years as a solid journeyman, and he'll get a solid payday with the AVATAR sequels. He's not a major star, but he's no flop.

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Has Matthew McConaughey been mentioned? He got lucky with Magic Mike last year, but otherwise his career has been going nowhere lately. Back in the early 90s he was supposedly the next big thing. 


Brandon Routh is a definite flop, but I feel sorry for him. Superman Returns was not his fault at all. He was miscast, yes, but that's on the producers. They passed on Matt Bomer for the role, though the film was so poorly done that he would have failed in it, too. 



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Has Matthew McConaughey been mentioned? He got lucky with Magic Mike last year, but otherwise his career has been going nowhere lately. Back in the early 90s he was supposedly the next big thing. 


Someone did not see Killer Joe. He blows everything out of the water.(Gina Gershon too in her own way...sort of)

Edited by dashrendar44
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MM is definitely NOT a flop. he is pretty reliable romcom opener and his carere is now taking a turn towards prestige. He`s in Wold of Wall Street and ADF has him as a potential nominee for Dallas Buyers Club. If anything, his career is reaching new heights.

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McConaughey a flop ?




He s finally making movies to prove himself as an actor and he just pulled a Christian Bale where he plays a dying, very very very very very very thin homosexual with AIDS !


OSCAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah MM's career never flopped ever. He took about two years off (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past in 5/09 to Lincoln Lawyer in 3/11) but prior to that he churned out reliable rom-com grosses and the occasional attempt as heroic leading man.


From March 2011 onward this has been his career:


The Lincoln Lawyer


Magic Mike

Killer Joe

The Paperboy


And he has coming out in 2013:


Dallas Buyers Club


The Wolf of Wall Street



So yeah totally not a flop. He took a break, recharged his energy, and is now in Stage 2 of his career with more serious, meaningful choices.

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McConaughey a flop ?




He s finally making movies to prove himself as an actor and he just pulled a Christian Bale where he plays a dying, very very very very very very thin homosexual with AIDS !


You mean he pulled a Tom Hanks (Philadelphia) ? Bale didn't play a dying homosexual in The Machinist.

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You mean he pulled a Tom Hanks (Philadelphia) ? Bale didn't play a dying homosexual in The Machinist.


No I meant McConaughey lost weight to the point of almost dying like Christian Bale in The Machinist.

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