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The Warner Bros. Thread | Will NOT merge with Paramount...capitalism is still terrible

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And the one big potential cash-cow for WB is now dead. Multiversus could've easily stayed big with better post-launch marketing, but the game literally had none. 5k concurrent players on steam right now which is less than 10% of what it had at launch.

Edited by lorddemaxus
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7 hours ago, Eric Strode said:


This needs some context. See, the idea that Cartoon Network Studios was closing down completely seems to have originated on an animation news site called Cartoon Brew, which is widely read among animation enthusiasts. But it also has a long history of being overly sensationalistic and even outright untruthful in its journalism. So a lot of people saw Cartoon Brew's coverage of the story and immediately jumped to the worst-case scenario. 

It got so out of hand that an animator working at Cartoon Network (on their upcoming show Invincible Fight Girl, to be exact) sent an angrily-worded tweet to Cartoon Brew journalist Amid Amidi basically telling him to knock it off. 

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6 minutes ago, cax16 said:

Lots of great stuff in that article, exciting for me. I’ll be interested to see what actually pans out. 



After Hamada said no, Johnson went around the executive, turning to De Luca and Abdy, who gave it the thumbs up. A furious round of negotiating occurred before Labor Day, a deadline insisted by Warners, with the scene shot in mid-September.



I wonder where that may have been mentioned before





On 8/27/2022 at 12:08 PM, grim22 said:

Ok. From what I'm hearing, this coming week is pretty much paramount for Cavill returning as Superman. Can't go into any specifics beyond this. I'll not know the results till late September. 


But suffice to say, Labor Day or nothing.




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Walter Hamada was so out of touch with what the DC fans wanted. Everyone loves Henry Cavill and wanted him back. Some members the other day were asking if Zaslav taking over Warner had produced any good news, well there it is. We only have Cavill's Superman back because of the merger of WB and Discovery and Zaslav cleaning house.

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27 minutes ago, Lucas said:

To be honest Walter Hamada comes across very well in this article.

The article doesn’t paint him as a bad person or anything, but it does make him sound pretty out of touch. If he was opposed to bringing back Henry Cavill because he wanted to move on from Zack Snyder, why did he insist on keeping Ezra Miller around? Hell, why didn’t he just scrap everything connected to the DCEU altogether? 


Edited by WittyUsername
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I have no issues with what Hamada was doing but he's leaving now so no point in dwelling on the past. 


All the film makers listed with all those properties in that article have me very excited. And it was nice to read they want more movies/shows being developed. 

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11 hours ago, grim22 said:

By all accounts, he's a stand up guy. He wasn't even involved in the Justice League stuff and Fisher has only himself to blame for being blacklisted.

Yeah I know, I've had no issues with how he was running things. It's a massive shame that it has to come to an end so soon - though the boundless twitter pile on spearheaded by Fisher will never end, so he can be around in spirit.

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Out of all the boneheaded decisions Zaslav has made, I’ve since come to the conclusion that what he’s been doing to HBO Max doesn’t really matter. People on Twitter can go on about how great HBO Max is all they want, but the simple fact is that the service wasn’t doing so hot in terms of subscribers. It doesn’t matter how great your content supposedly is if not many people are interested enough to subscribe to your service for it.


HBO Max simply didn’t need to exist and it’s existence has caused more headaches for the studio in the long run. AT&T was arrogant to think that WB was beloved enough to justify such an endeavor. 

That doesn’t excuse Zaslav axing movies that were already well into post-production, though. At the very least, they could’ve sold those movies to Netflix or something. 

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I have had it with Zaslev.

He is not to blame for Warner's debt problems...you can blame past administrations for that...but he just making things worse.

Yes, deep,deep cuts were inevitable..any studio head would have had to do that. 

But he seems to have no idea of what to cut and what to keep. The way he is going, HBO/MAX or whatever the hell they call the streaming service is not going to have enough content to keep subscribers. If he think people will pay 15 bucks a month for a network largely consisting of dumb reality shows, he has another thing coming.

I have given him the benefit of the doubt, given the realities of the debt crisis he was facing, but he gets that benefit no more. He has now become part of the problem.

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