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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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Just talking. After thinking about it for days. 


Why recent Indian films didn't "do well" in China?


After Dangal & Secret Superstar made huge money in China, more and more filmmakers & businessmen from both China & India have given upcoming Indian films higher expectations. But none of those titles could hit $50M, and most even failed to top ¥100M / $15M. People start to think why Indian films suddenly went wrong. 



Most(probably all) Indian film studios have no idea what Indian films are facing at this point, or they don't realize the embarrassed situation they are in. To be honest, this is not their fault, and even most Chinese film studios can't figure it out. But it's actually not difficult to understand why, people just need to look back on the whole things. And it will be able to be explained.


I personally want to summarize it in three words: Expectation, Acceptability, Demand.



Have a look at the opening performance of all those Indian films released in China, only two titles did make $10M-plus on opening weekend. Though Dangal ended with incredible $188M in China, but it actually debuted with only $12M on it's opening weekend. Secret Superstar has the best opening weekend performance of Indian films, and the number is $27M / ¥175M. Yes, most analysts & film studios would think it's good enough for Indian films, especially considering Indian films were doing far better than any other non-english films. This thought is really really so right, but it also causes people to misunderstand things about Indian film. I don't have a better example, so I'm going to say this: When it comes to Hollywood films, people always expected if it would make $50M-plus, $100M or even $200M on opening weekend. Why so high? Because we all know there are high expectations. When people hear a Hollywood film is going to release in China, the first thought comes to their mind is brilliant visual effect or high-budget or any element that can really make them feel exciting. Hollywood is a synonym of those words, and HLW probably is the only one which can make those incredible things come true. But if I say a Bollywood film is going to release in China, most Chinese will not have any feeling about it, because Bollywood, or Tollywood or Kollywood means nothing to them. They don't really know what things that Indian films can bring to them, and they don't have much interest on Indian films. Then, the expectations are low, and the openings can't be huge.


But low expectation doesn't mean Chinese will not accept it. Some Indian films still can survive after a low debut, and we all saw how incredible that Dangal did. So we know Chinese definitely can accept things from India, and they can accept many different cultures from rest of the world. The question is, what kind of film Chinese would accept, what they can't? It comes to why Dangal & Secret Superstar can be acceptable, and other can't make that great? We all know it's because Aamir Khan, but most don't know why. General audience in China started to have some good feeling on Indian films when 3 Idiots came. Before that, Chinese didn't have a good impression on Indian films. Many believed Indian films were boring because they always showed singing and dancing. So Indian films were even meaning something negative to most Chinese. This kind of thoughts are still existed today. But 3 Idiots make things feel better. China also have the same problems with India in some aspects, and recent Aamir Khan's films can always get the point. The story & main theme of 3 Idiots are so good & emotional that Chinese audience can response. So Chinese always have a special feeling on Aamir Khan. When PK came to Chinese theaters, more and more audience realized: wow, it's him, the star in 3 Idiots. From that moment, Aamir Khan means the whole Indian films to many Chinese. No Aamir Khan, they only remember singing & dancing for Indian films. That's why general people in China can't accept most Indian film. They don't have anything that can get people's responses. And then, you will understand why so many film studios don't know how to do marketing jobs for Indian movies but putting Aamir Khan's praises in their posters or trailers in China. 


Aamir Khan's name is not everything. It finally comes to demand. Maybe I can accept you, but it doesn't mean I really need you. We can see there were many good Indian films released in China with good contents, and WOM & reviews from general audience are also good. But they still can't make more than $50M lifetime gross. Why? I think Indian films studio should know it better than anyone else: because Chinese don't need it, at least they don't always need it. Local contents + HLW contents can satisfy them in most time. Baahubali & Thugs are something that HLW can offer to Chinese. If one day China can have power to make this kind of movies, HLW will also lose many market shares. People always want to see their own cultures. 


So back to the question: Why recent Indian films didn't "do well" in China? I think the most accurate answer is, they didn't do bad, they didn't go wrong, they didn't have any fault, those performances are what they deserve,  it's just that Dangal got something right, and Chinese can react to it. I think if those filmmakers & businessmen who want to make money in China only think why recent films didn't make good, they probably will never find the right way. If they can ask themselves why Dangal can make success, they will learn more. Aamir Khan is the reason(probably the only reason) that Chinese can accept some Indian films at this point. They really should spend more time on learning it if they want to make good in here.


My advice to those filmmakers & businessmen is, finding more ways to let Chinese audience accept Indian films firstly. You can't always expect Aamir Khan to save you. Higher acceptability means more films can survive after low openings. Secondly, establishing expectations. This will help them to build audience base. So they can get more chances to make big money, and they don't have to always try their luck. In the course of time, these movies will be part of audience's must-see movies. They will be demanding.


But don't misunderstand me. All these things are based on being themselves. I don't hope Hollywood or Indian film studios make movies for pleasing local audience and lose their own things. And Chinese never need foreign films to please themselves. They will be very happy if they can see more different things.

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4 hours ago, Olive said:

Sunday Estimates 

Kill Mobile - 86.3M / 168.5M,+35%
AQM - 43.2M / 1798M,+131%
Mo Jin the Worm Valley - 34.1M / 98.74M, -47%
Spider-Verse - 33.7M / 314M, +142%
The Morning After - 11.65M / 33.85M, -48%
Thugs - 11.1M /32.44M _+3%


Monday predictions

Long Day's Journey Into Night 304M OD

Kill Mobile 116M

AQM - 57.7M

Spider-verse  42.8M

LDJ PS at 163m.  I wonder if it will only do 1.5x PS- 245m. 

IF AQ can maintain its PSm from Sun then 58m will be the number

Edited by POTUS
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41 minutes ago, POTUS said:

LDJ PS at 163m.  I wonder if it will only do 1.5x PS- 245m. 

IF AQ can maintain its PSm from Sun then 58m will be the number

WOM is disastrous from midnights, under 6.0 maoyan incoming, will fade away soon.

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35 minutes ago, Premium George said:

Gavin, don't post that on twitter. Other actors' fans will start fighting that their star is better than Aamir. It's kinda like K-pop, but aamir fans are less enthusiastic than other fandoms.

Great post, and aamir seriously missed a beat there. 

I don't really care about fan war even attacks come to me.

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2 hours ago, Olive said:

WOM is disastrous from midnights, under 6.0 maoyan incoming, will fade away soon.

That is what happens if you misleading audiences into thinking a complex art house film is a straightforward romance. Either way, I think the distributors succeeded either way and the movie should be able to get a profit.

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11 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

That is what happens if you misleading audiences into thinking a complex art house film is a straightforward romance. Either way, I think the distributors succeeded either way and the movie should be able to get a profit.

LDJ may fall short of 250m, 1.5 PSm.  It will be down 80-90% tomorrow.  3.7 rating, lowest I've ever seen. Total will be less than 1.5x OD.  If we count the first 3 days as an OW, the OWm may be just 1.1x, :bravo:


Aq will reach mid 50s today.  PS looks light tomorrow for all movies but last Jan 1 held flat or bumped for well rated movies, not sure if they will stay flat. AQ shows are increasing by 50% though to 14.1%. I put 45m to be conservative, it could bump.


$300m on the table if it can bump 40% on Friday against BBee opening. 

Spidey heading to $65-70m, 40% over the average toon


Aq         XR 6.89 Vm       XR 6.94 IW       XR 6.35 Aq vs Aq vs
Day Yn DoD WoW Tot $Tot Yn DoD WoW Tot $Tot Yn DoD WoW Tot $Tot Vm IW
Fri 157     166 24 223     239 34 387     447 70 -73 -281
Sat 266 69.6%   432 63 303 35.9%   542 78 493 27.5%   940 148 -111 -509
Sun 220 -17.0%   652 95 224 -26.1%   766 110 332 -32.8%   1272 200 -114 -620
Mon 89 -59.5%   741 108 90 -59.8%   856 123 109 -67.1%   1381 217 -115 -639
Tues 74 -17.5%   815 119 80 -11.1%   936 135 81 -25.7%   1462 230 -121 -647
Wed 62 -15.9%   877 128 69 -13.8%   1005 145 65 -20.0%   1526 240 -128 -650
Thur 55 -11.5%   931 136 62 -10.1%   1067 154 53 -19.0%   1579 249 -136 -647
Fri 86 57.5% -44.9% 1018 148 85 37.1% -61.9% 1152 166 72 36.4% -81.5% 1650 260 -134 -633
Sat 164 90.4% -38.1% 1182 172 162 90.6% -46.5% 1314 189 142 98.2% -71.2% 1792 282 -132 -610
Sun 124 -24.5% -43.7% 1306 190 109 -32.7% -51.3% 1423 205 132 -7.0% -60.2% 1924 303 -117 -618
Mon 41.5 -66.5% -53.5% 1348 196 35.6 -67.3% -60.4% 1459 210 31.6 -76.1% -71.0% 1956 308 -111 -608
Tue 36.5 -12.0% -50.4% 1384 200.9 30.5 -14.3% -61.9% 1489 215 25.2 -20.3% -68.9% 1981 312 -105 -597
Wed 33 -9.6% -46.7% 1417 205.7 26.6 -12.8% -61.4% 1516 218 21.1 -16.3% -67.4% 2002 315 -99 -585
Thu 30 -9.1% -45.3% 1447 210.0 23.7 -10.9% -61.8% 1539 222 18.6 -11.8% -64.6% 2021 318 -92 -574
Fri 33.4 11.3% -61.3% 1480 215 31.1 31.2% -63.4% 1571 226 23.1 24.2% -67.7% 2044 322 -90 -564
Sat 70 109.6% -57.4% 1550 225 61.5 97.7% -62.0% 1632 235 50.8 119.9% -64.2% 2095 330 -82 -544
Sun 58.2 -16.9% -53.1% 1609 233 43.2 -29.8% -60.4% 1675 241 39.9 -21.5% -69.8% 2135 336 -67 -526
Xeve 36 -38.1% -13.3% 1645 239 14.4 -66.7% -59.6% 1690 243 12.0 -69.9% -62.0% 2147 338 -45 -502
Xday 35.6 -1.1% -2.5% 1680 244 13.0 -9.7% -57.4% 1703 245 11.1 -7.5% -56.0% 2158 340 -22 -478
Wed 19.5 -45.2% -40.9% 1700 247 12.0 -7.7% -54.9% 1715 247 10.5 -5.9% -50.5% 2168 341 -15 -468
Thu 17.5 -10.3% -41.7% 1717 249 11.3 -5.8% -52.3% 1726 249 12.1 15.8% -34.9% 2180 343 -9 -463
Fri 16.42 -6.2% -50.8% 1734 252 18.1 60.2% -41.8% 1744 251 35.2 190.9% 52.4% 2215 349 -10 -482
Sat 18.75 14.2% -73.2% 1752 254 40.0 121.0% -35.0% 1784 257 31.6 -10.2% -37.8% 2247 354 -32 -495
Sun 43.4 131.5% -25.4% 1796 261 27.5 -31.3% -36.3% 1812 261 23.2 -26.6% -41.9% 2270 358 -16 -474
NYE 55 26.7% 52.8% 1851 269 9.3 -66.2% -35.4% 1821 262 7.8 -66.4% -35.0% 2278 359 30 -427
NYD 45 -18.2% 26.4% 1896 275 8.2 -11.8% -36.9% 1829 264 8.5 9.0% -23.4% 2287 360 67 -391
Wed 10 -77.8% -48.7% 1906 277 7.8 -4.9% -35.0% 1837 265 8.9 4.1% -15.3% 2295 361 69 -390
Thu 9 -10.0% -48.6% 1915 278 7.3 -6.4% -35.4% 1844 266 7.8 -11.9% -35.5% 2303 363 71 -388
BB od 11 22.2% -33.0% 1926 280 2.1 -71.2% -88.4% 1846 266 8.5 9.5% -75.7% 2312 364 80 -386
Sat 23 109.1% 22.7% 1949 283 4.7 123.8% -88.3% 1851 267 18.4 115.5% -41.8% 2330 367 98 -381
Sun 19 -17.4% -56.2% 1968 286 3.7 -21.3% -86.5% 1855 267 15.5 -15.8% -33.2% 2346 369 113 -378
        2033 295.1       1870 269.5       2390 376 163 -357


Edited by POTUS
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36 minutes ago, pepsa said:

Another great day for AQM ! 

China, mexico, brazil and now DOM. This move has insane preformances all over the board. 

yes..from "ocean to ocean"....................they united the nations for the billion dollar .............

Edited by boyamama
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