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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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1 hour ago, Charlie Jatinder said:

But so was FRIENDS or any other vastly successful comedy show, having American jokes.


My friends have liked Shazam, all of them. Its just doing the numbers Wonder Woman did in India.

SITCOM jokes are way different however you slice it. Also by that logic there are some people in India who also love Star Wars... What I wanted to say was majority of people don't even care.. of course there will always be an exception

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14 hours ago, LordNox said:

Damn, I always expected Shazam to have a mediocre reception in China, but i still thought it would reach about 80M, but now it won't even reach half of that already small box office.


Shazam is most probably the most hated Superhero movie in many, many years in China.


If i would make a guess why Shazam is so hated in China i think its a combination of the humor not working at all, little action, demon possession of the bad guy. The personalities of the characters as well as the foster home setting probably doesn't work at all in China. Don't forget that China has a very traditional view on family and things like foster care is practically unheard of there.

all agreed except that there are actually quite a lot of action in the movie. It's just the action is too boring, i.e. done badly.


Movie is too childish.

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9 hours ago, Nero said:

@LordNox rather than thinking why China hates Shazam here's something you should consider. In India nobody gives a shit about Star Wars or for that matter most Asian countries. Now in US or in most European people like that movie and watch it like crazy. But I'm not even remotely interested because to me it looks boring. Same is with china they are different people and they have different taste. So rather than hating it might be a simple case of not caring about the movie at all coz Shazam really doesn't sound like a superhero movie, like it has no great action scenes and wtf moments and cgi fest which others does have. Shazam isn't even like Antman like you can say damn he can ride an ant, but more of a american comedy movie with mostly  american jokes. So there you have it... 

The new Star Wars movies are boring as hell. Both the design and direction JJ has taken annoys me. I once was a SW diehard fan but now I have zero interest at all in SW9 or the franchise overall.

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47 minutes ago, Nero said:

SITCOM jokes are way different however you slice it. Also by that logic there are some people in India who also love Star Wars... What I wanted to say was majority of people don't even care.. of course there will always be an exception

IMO Star Wars saga will/shall be liked by Indian audience but we don't have connection to the original trilogy as in West.


If there was connection back then, the sequel trilogy could have done wonders. TFA did really well with its niche, grossing $4.5mn when competing two of the biggest films of 2015.

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2 hours ago, Charlie Jatinder said:

IMO Star Wars saga will/shall be liked by Indian audience but we don't have connection to the original trilogy as in West.


If there was connection back then, the sequel trilogy could have done wonders. TFA did really well with its niche, grossing $4.5mn when competing two of the biggest films of 2015.

To be fair TFA had hype everywhere around the world but look at TLJ , RO and SOLO they grossed miniscule amount. Now there is one thing I am amazed about Star Wars is it's domestic consistency i.e it grosees almost 500M average however bad that movie may be which is ridiculous to think. Also if Star Wars had been as popular as MCU in Asia it would have already olbitered Avatar. And all top ten WW  would have been Star Wars movies..... Crazy to think...:o

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22 hours ago, POTUS 2020 said:

CBO wom, good or bad, spreads fast. Thats why its fun to track either way.  We constantly have to adjust higher or lower at times. No joke

30% drop on tues is almost unheard of.

I was too conservative yesterday. revised, and I may be too high

M     11

T        7.5

W      6

Th     4.8

F       2

S       3

S       2

M-Th 2

Wk3  0

Tot   38.3   1.188x OW



204m OW 1.188x


Maybe you lowered to much.

Just saying 

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3 hours ago, cdsacken said:

Yeah it picked up more than I thought. Not sure it will do that much more in 4.5 hours. Curious to see though.

Maoyan app shows it above 7m already.

if actuals is similar, means it might have at last started to stabilise in dailies.

Edited by TigerPaw
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