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Christmas Day Numbers | Les Miserables: 18.1M | DU: 15M | The Hobbit: 11.3M | PG: 6.5M

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I don't understand why people have brought True Grit up when talking about DU (here and there for a while). True Grit is a modest, mild Coen Brothers work; PG-13 aside, it's uplifting to the point that the Coen touch is so very fuzzy...therefore the incredible leg as it reached out to GA. DU, however, looks to be, as always, 100% QT.

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It's a tradition of mines to see a movie New Year's weekend. Based on everyone reviews in this thread and the main thread. Les is winning for my choice. Jack Reacher feels like wait for video and I like Tom. Not in the mood for a comedy so "This is 40 and Guilt Trip" are out. So honestly it's between "Life of Pi" and "Les", those are the only 2 interesting me right now.

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I don't understand why people have brought True Grit up when talking about DU (here and there for a while).True Grit is a modest, mild Coen Brothers work; PG-13 aside, it's uplifting to the point that the Coen touch is so very fuzzy...therefore the incredible leg as it reached out to GA.DU, however, looks to be, as always, 100% QT.

Yeah. This is Baffling. True Grit is like a Disney cartoon compared with what I'm hearing about Django.
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I don't understand why people have brought True Grit up when talking about DU (here and there for a while).True Grit is a modest, mild Coen Brothers work; PG-13 aside, it's uplifting to the point that the Coen touch is so very fuzzy...therefore the incredible leg as it reached out to GA.DU, however, looks to be, as always, 100% QT.

I just think the comparison comes from December, being remakes of of past westerns and it being a western. It's the only thing to compare to even though your right DU is way more violent. Also even when "True Grit" came out 2 years ago, some thought it would be a success but nobody was talking near 200 Million so that surprised everyone. I don't think DU will get near that but I think that's where the comparison comes in. If DU gets near or matches Bastards that will be a success. I think it's about an 80 Million budget plus no Movie dealing with Black Slavery has ever been a blockbuster. Edited by filmscholar
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It's a tradition of mines to see a movie New Year's weekend. Based on everyone reviews in this thread and the main thread. Les is winning for my choice. Jack Reacher feels like wait for video and I like Tom. Not in the mood for a comedy so "This is 40 and Guilt Trip" are out. So honestly it's between "Life of Pi" and "Les", those are the only 2 interesting me right now.

I'd go with Les Mis, it's a brilliant movie by itself, but so much better with a crowd. Pi is something that's more quiet contemplation while watching.
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It's unfair to have to choose between Pi or Les Mis.

I didn't see "Life of Pi" last month cause honestly I was waiting to hear some responses. Sure visually it looked good but the whole stuck on a boat with a tiger kinda threw me off. I did some research and talked to people who've seen it. I'm hearing it's the most underrated Oscar contender of the season cause it's getting outshinned by the Big Names. Ang Lee has always been an underrated director to me. Everyone focus on "The Hulk" to take away from his solid catalog. I don't care what anyone says, "Brokeback" was robbed, "Crash" was not the best picture.
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Or he can watch both. ;)

Actually I think I will, I have a "Readmission TIcket" from regal from when I saw "Episode I: 3D" and the projector went out. I thought that was Ironic cause I've seen Episode I so many times and I ended up getting a free ticket for it.
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So Les Mis 6 Day? I was trying to do the math but I don't think I'm doing it right as I ended up with nearly 82 million.I had drops of:Thursday: -10%Friday: +25%Sarurday: +15%Sunday: -15%

Edited by riczhang
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Exactly. This N word "controversy" with Django is just stupid. That's ALL white men called black people in that time and place. No one's saying it was right, but it damn sure is accurate. And I'm sooooo tired of the fact that the N word is a term of endearment when black people say it to each other, but if anyone else says it the whole world is supposed to stop. Either it's an offensive word or it's not, make up your mind.

Sorry for derailing the topic again, but look there's a difference between using it with an "a" and an "er", I honestly dont get offended when my friends use it with "a" because its apart of my generations "culture" now, like Twitter, Teen Mom, meme's, and Iphone's, but if they use it with a "er" that's when I get pissed, living in South Carolina all my life I know what I'm talking about. Wtf It's not a term of endearment to black people? Black people dont say "n-er" to each other, ever, actually I hear more white people greet each other with "what's up n-gga?" then I hear black. My white and black friends can joke with each other that way, but when its slapped with an "er" that's when lines are crossed. What you hear in rap albums, if yall even listen to it, is not the same as the slavery version, if rappers did use "er" there would be a lot of backlash from other blacks- including me and I wouldn't listen to it, I bet you didnt even know that more white people buy rap than black? And it's not ALL they used, I'm in college and again I live in SC so slavery is literally half of what we learned about in history class from third grade to even my college history class, and we were never taught that and me studying the subject myself, never came across that. QT could have easily used "negro" as filler instead of the N-word. Most of the reactions I've seen from blacks about Django is positive and at least my generation is not taking offense so obviously Spike Lee or whoever isnt having much negative effort, its obvious now the N-word controversy isn't deterring too many black people from the film, hell even BET and TV One (black channels) are promoting it, I'm saying what you just said is bull and its one of the moronic things ive heard.
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So Les Mis 6 Day? I was trying to do the math but I don't think I'm doing it right as I ended up with nearly 82 million.I had drops of:Thursday: -10%Friday: +25%Sarurday: +15%Sunday: -15%

10.53M 13.163M15.137M12.87MYou're correct. It's roughly 82M.
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