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Biggest Oscar snubs this year.

Biggest Oscar snubs.  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think were the biggest Oscar snubs this year?

    • Moonrise Kingdom not getting Best Picture
    • Skyfall not getting Best Picture
    • Ben Affleck not getting Best Director
    • Kathryn Bigelow not getting Best Director
    • Tom Hooper not getting Best Director
    • Quentin Tarantino not getting Best Director
    • John Hawkes not getting Best Actor
    • Marion Cotillard not getting Best Actress
    • Javier Bardem not getting Best Supporting Actor
    • Leonardo DiCaprio not getting Best Supporting Actor
    • Looper not getting Best Original Screenplay
    • The Perks of Being a Wallflower not getting Best Adapted Screenplay
    • The Intouchables not getting Best Foreign Language Film
    • Beasts of the Southern Wild not getting Best Original Score
    • Cloud Atlas not getting anything
    • The Dark Knight Rises not getting anything
    • Other

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Leo shouldn't even be on this list. He is the forever and always number one snub. And nothing warms my heart more than his snub year after year :cloud9: .My own biggest snub was John Hawkes. He MADE The Sessions. Helen Hunt doesn't deserve anything for her performance. Anyone who had no problem being naked could have played that role.

Edited by glassfairy
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You forgot to put Avengers not getting BP on the poll :angry:Though, seriously, I think either TA or SF would have got a BP nom if there they hadn't changed the rules. Both of those were probably on a lot of people's ballots, but I doubt many put them as no. 1.

SF was probably #10 even with the preferential voting system. I have no doubt it would've gotten in with a 10 field without so heavily favouring the #1 ballots. I think maybe in that system Django may or may not have missed for a more populist movie within the Academy.
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Affleck snub is hands down the biggest. Even though he and Biggie share the bigness of the snub this was supposed to be his first nom so he wins the poll. Runner-up is Bigelow because, like in Affleck case, the writing was NOR on the wall that something like that could happen. They split votes.Leo is third. Even though we knew it was coming it`s still very bad. Waltz got in on category fraud, no spin about that one, he was de facto co-lead. Leo, SLJ and Bardem split villain votes. Skyflal ties it. They could have given 10th spot to Skyfall but they edned up with 9 nominees. This renders 10 spots entierly pointless because franchises obviously won`t make it. DH2 couldn`t, Skyfall/TDKR/TA couldn`t so what`s the point?

Edited by fishnets
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I'm alright. I'm actually watching Holy Motors as we speak, and this is some truly fascinating stuff, and not pretentious like I expected

I loved Holy Motors, though its dropped quite a bit down my top 10 as I reshuffled it from 2 to 8.
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I loved Holy Motors, though its dropped quite a bit down my top 10 as I reshuffled it from 2 to 8.

I think it gets rather slow during the Kylie Minogue segment, but I really liked it too. My favorites were the crazy parts, like the accordion scene or the motion capture 69. I was surprisingly entertained, and Denis Lavant was monumentally good!
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Perks of Being a Wallflower for Screenplay. None of the main three leads in Perks getting a nomination despite it being completely expected (but they were each nominated for at least six critics choice awards and both Watson and Miller won one). Although Logan was the best for me. I'll easily say it's one of the most underrated performances in years.Cloud Atlas beig snubbed completely. It's an astonishing film that should have at the very least managed to snag nominations in Production Design, Make-up, and VFX. Marion for missing out on Actress.I still need to see Argo, ZDT, Looper, Master, Les Mis, Django, and a couple of other films.But as of right now, Perks and Cloud Atlas are the best films of the year and it's a huge shame they were snubbed completely,

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