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It's surprisingly common how often I remind people that YOU DON'T KNOW ACTORS. Seriously. Their personas on red carpets and in interviews are them promoting their movies and nothing more.I know there's a whole industry based on shooting up the skirts of starlets but it doesn't make it any less sickening.

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Yeah but see gay actors whoring on red carpet with their beards just to catter to that industry, that's even more stupid and ridiculous.More power to Matt Bomer and the likes to have balls not to fall in that hypocrisy.

hear,hear! Gay celebs, especially Top of each industry, coming out in force would do wonders for gay rights. Bearding up by famous people is the main reason why gay rights have been crawling. Fuck those greedy bitches. It`s one thing to be closeted because your life would be in danger like in intollerant countries but because you want to be paid $50 mio instead of $10 mio? Fuck off!
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I am surprise since France is a very liberal country. Why is not legal in France yet?

Because there's a vocal conservative minority (Radical Christians related mostly) that keep on barking against it. Today, there will be a massive anti-gay marriage protest in Paris.Moreover, most people here are torn as they're in favor of gay marriage but not really on the adoption/procreation part as the actual government are trying to tie and legalize both at the same time Edited by dashrendar44
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Obviously it won't change the decades where the LBGT community was shunned, vilified, or discriminated against, but the weight of history is totally on their side. More and more of the younger generations don't care now, and as they grow up and have kids of their own, it'll be completely accepted (by the vast majority of the population, not including wackos).

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Obviously it won't change the decades where the LBGT community was shunned, vilified, or discriminated against, but the weight of history is totally on their side. More and more of the younger generations don't care now, and as they grow up and have kids of their own, it'll be completely accepted (by the vast majority of the population, not including wackos).

Which is why movies should accept it too and not just in the comic relief gay bff way. Acknowledge the reality. TV is moving in that direction faster than movies which are really the dinosaur of entertainment when it comes to moving along with social changes.

Also, lets credit women for being much more tolerant and open to Merthur, Thorki,etc pairings without bearding up than Hollywood gives them credit for. heck, the main excuse for bearding up has long been that women wouldn`t worship a gay star. Please google image Thorki for some incredible fanart by women who wouldn`t worship gay stars.

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Which is why movies should accept it too and not just in the comic relief gay bff way. Acknowledge the reality. TV is moving in that direction faster than movies which are really the dinosaur of entertainment when it comes to moving along with social changes.Also, lets credit women for being much more tolerant and open to Merthur, Thorki,etc pairings without bearding up than Hollywood gives them credit for. heck, the main excuse for bearding up has long been that women wouldn`t worship a gay star. Please google image Thorki for some incredible fanart by women who wouldn`t worship gay stars.

On-screen depiction moves glacially slow, no matter the content and especially if there's the slightest whiff of "controversy". Execs are terrified of losing audiences, no matter how small they are. Look at how hard it is to get a straight-forward African-American drama made by a studio, if your name isn't Denzel.Off-screen, no one gives a shit, as long as you make them money.
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I don't really get slash, except Merthur. That thank-you in the last episode should've totally been (and I actually thought for a moment) I love you.

Merthur is canon slash.I`ve found a wonderful Thorki gif where the creator managed to get them kiss. Oh boy what beauty.
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One of Fish's claims is that almost every good looking male actor in Hollywood is homosexual.

And it's true. Most theater actors are gay, they even thank their partners in their Tony speeches. It's a cliche at this point. Why would movie or TV actors be any different. That's one of of the issues where Americans have blinders on. They think none of their big movie stars are homsexual but once the same profession hits the live stage, "oh yeah, they're all gay."
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And it's true. Most theater actors are gay, they even thank their partners in their Tony speeches. It's a cliche at this point. Why would movie or TV actors be any different. That's one of of the issues where Americans have blinders on. They think none of their big movie stars are homsexual but once the same profession hits the live stage, "oh yeah, they're all gay."

Unfortunately, actors have that idea that it`s OK or even preferable to be openly gay while they are stage thespians but it`s definitely not OK and is unrecommendable to be openly gay movie actor. Case in point is Luke Evans. He was openly gay while wowing theater crowds in Whales and England, gave interviews to gay magazine where he openly discussed his live-in boyfriend, love of gay porn ("big cocks") and how liberating it was to be true to himself. And then Hollywood came knocking on his door, or more specifically, action Hollywood. Imortals, Three Musketeers, The Hobbit, F&F 6. So the "Luke was cozy with his (female) PR agent" stories started to pop up in tabloids. His gay bio was erased from Wiki and ban was enforced on updating his personal life section. imdb.com messages about his sexual orientation were deleted. Obviously, back-to-closet campaign was in full swing so afterelton.com got alerted and they investigated. That`s how the story about bearding up came out. Ridiculous. The guy obivously had a chance to be an openly gay action star but he chickened out (his PR couldn`t do shit without his approval). Edited by fishnets
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