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Jack Nevada


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That`s why the ending was so bad . They were pumping the whole "she`s a WOMAN! A WOMAN does what men can`t! A WOMAN is the motherfucker who found Bin Laden!" and then pull the rug from under their strong woman`s feet and show that

being a WOMAN who nailed Bin Laden led her nowhere. She has no life. Being such a woman is a dead end. She`s nothing. Has nothing. I hated that. Why is she supposed to end up unhappy? Why can`t she be happy that she achieved something? Why can`t she be the way she is because she loves what she does instead of some shitty sacrificed private life for the greater cause and now it`s biting her in the ass? Fuck that shit. Not everyone wants to have a boyfriend and kids and shit and live their life according to what fuckin kids and hubby demand. Family = overrated.

ZERO DARK THIRTYThough the film is an ensemble piece, with over 100 speaking parts, it goes without saying that the backbone of the film is Maya, the CIA agent played by Jessica Chastain who makes it her mission, no, her raison d’etre. When asked by Leon Panetta what else she has done working for the CIA, Chastain, with an almost incredulous look on her face, replies she has done nothing else. For Maya, Bin Laden is all that matters, it is what gets her up in the morning, it is what sustains her during her long, lonely nights, her obsession and absorption is so complete, she thinks of nothing else, especially after her one attempt at forming a social connection ends in death. Chastain delivers the intensity, the rigid robotness, and the almost messianic conviction with tremendous effort. She sells the self-righteousness of the character perfectly, because Maya is one who believes that her theories MUST be true, because if they aren’t then so much of her life has been completely wasted. While an emotionless performance for almost all of the film, it is not a case of no range, but a case of suppression, as discussed earlier. As Maya tells Jessica early in the film, the Al-Qaeda terrorists are driven by ideology, no other feelings or wants. This is what makes her final moment, tearing up on the plane, so moving. To kill the world’s most wanted terrorist, she embraced the same ideological model as his brood, hollowing herself out. But once the task is done, she sits there realizing that she has nothing else, nothing to hold onto. She killed Bin Laden, and in doing so might have killed herself.By 4815162342

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Except the ending acknowledges that Maya's obsessive pursuit left her emotionally, socially, even mentally damaged by how she contorted herself into an ideological robot. Whereas my problem with SLP's ending (as much as I loved 75% of the film) is that Bradley Cooper's very real mental disorder, emotional issues, anger problems, etc are cured by the chance to screw J-Law. Essentially ZD30 is a more honest look at mental issues than SLP in the end.

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That`s why the ending was so bad . They were pumping the whole "she`s a WOMAN! A WOMAN does what men can`t! A WOMAN is the motherfucker who found Bin Laden!" and then pull the rug from under their strong woman`s feet and show that

being a WOMAN who nailed Bin Laden led her nowhere. She has no life. Being such a woman is a dead end. She`s nothing. Has nothing. I hated that. Why is she supposed to end up unhappy? Why can`t she be happy that she achieved something? Why can`t she be the way she is because she loves what she does instead of some shitty sacrificed private life for the greater cause and now it`s biting her in the ass? Fuck that shit. Not everyone wants to have a boyfriend and kids and shit and live their life according to what fuckin kids and hubby demand. Family = overrated.


The 'she's a woman' idea is an aspect, but not a big one. The idea I got was that any man or woman who spent 10 years doing nothing but searching for bin Laden couldn't end up happy once he's caught because searching for bin Laden is all they know. 


Add in the fact that she has to live with torturing people- something that brought down Jason Clarke's character- and she's a broken person. 

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