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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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I liked it how in this episode, Melisandre is basically

eye f*cking Jon as if she already knew all the things he meant for and finally gets a chance to meet him in person


Yes, that will be something for readers and non-readers to squirm uncomfortably about next season.

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I'll leave it with this I was so hyped for this episode telling all my friends it will be the best episode of the series and to catch up and watch this episode live but the product failed to mmeet my expectations the writes just don't get Tyrion, Jaime,Stannis, and so many other characters. I still love the show and for the most part I accept their changes as necessary the briene hound fight was great but the other changes were failures and ruined at least for me a series high.

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Numbers these aren't spoilers they mean nothing to non book readers so I won't bother marking them. Oh and my favoirte Tyrion killing Shae because of self defense Saint Tyrion is here to stay


may have started off as self defense but I'd say he was raging plenty after a bit. Why did she grab the knife to begin with? He was giving her a death glare.

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The Wall arc is going to be interesting next season.


Since we haven't even wrapped up some Book 3 material for the Wall, they're going to have to rush through a bunch of stuff if they want the Ides of Night Watch to be the plot cliffhanger.


But I can't wait for the early season Jon/Stannis snarkfests. One of the best parts of Book 5

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Since Filmgasm is gone, I guess this is where I'll post my thoughts. I liked the episode overall.The Good:

-The Hound/Arya/Brienne/Pod-Dany-Bran gets interesting, even though I thought the CGI was a bit below the show's standard-Tyrion and Tywin-Jon and the Wildlings-A Mountain confirmation-Varys getting on the boat!!! My favorite moment in the episode.

The Bad (Book Spoilers included):

-The complete lack of suspense when it come to Tyrion's fate-No cheers for Stannis-No Tysha talk-No Lady Stoneheart!!!!I thought everything about Tyrion's plot was rushed in this episode. Even if they wanted to cut Tysha, I would have preferred some half-assed reasoning for Tyrion and Jaime to part on bad terms. How about Jaime helped bring Shae back to King's Landing, not knowing what this would mean for Tyrion. As he tries to explain himself, Tyrion shuts him down and we end up with a similar scene from the book. Just me spitballing.

Edited by Frankenberry
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The Wall arc is going to be interesting next season.


Since we haven't even wrapped up some Book 3 material for the Wall, they're going to have to rush through a bunch of stuff if they want the Ides of Night Watch to be the plot cliffhanger.


But I can't wait for the early season Jon/Stannis snarkfests. One of the best parts of Book 5


I also curious on how they handle Jon/Stannis...

especially things Stannis offers to Jon (legitimization, etc) for Jon's Northern support...hopefully they handle it well especially juxtaposed to Jon being elected to Lord Commander...

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Anyone with it quite hilarious what happens this episode and today is father day? 



Anyways great episode, something could have been done a bit better..


Meaning I do not under why 5 mins are spent with 

Araya and The Hound staring at each other but they cant spend two more mins on Tyrions story.


Also Jojen 

can die as role is more a John the Baptist character lol


Edited by Lordmandeep
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WinterIsComing.net has live comment threads for book readers and another one for Unsullied.

huge thanks


decided not to stay up all night & ugh Im happy I didnt

the only thing i anticipated most was butcheredPosted ImagePosted Image

Peter would have SOO killed sour Tyrion from ADWD :( Now what is it to look forward. for him to be the same ol same ol...


 & it on top of it was rushed damn!

no Tysha, the Jaime convo completely different! It just turns everything upside down for me  & just makes me anticipated S5 way less. I guess they thought its too dark & complicated for only show watched to actually have a deep sl about child abuse fleshed out & how that affects that child grown up. & not that she was only mentioned in S1. we had one in S2 & mentions in S3 as well so i had the right to actually think they include this privotal moment & the main reason for killing of Tywin



lol it may sound like i hated the ep but nope aside from that & 

 Jojen's(sp) death

th ep was really good 

Bran's moments, Jon, Dany/dragons, Brienne, Hound, Arya etc

& I still like the wildings & would take Mance over Stannis any day :lol:  :P

so all in all 8 out of 10 but could have been better if they actually bothered to add more conflict to the moment I've been waiting since ep 1.

Edited by Tauriel
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Awesome episode but unfortunately I was spoiled about what would happen early on. I think I need to finish reading the books before season 5 since I will undoubtedly be spoiled again. Stupid people can't shut the hell up sometimes especially when they know something you don't...Anyway about the episode, does the braavos guy decide to take arya with him to braavos or is he taking her north? That wasn't very clear.

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Awesome episode but unfortunately I was spoiled about what would happen early on. I think I need to finish reading the books before season 5 since I will undoubtedly be spoiled again. Stupid people can't shut the hell up sometimes especially when they know something you don't...Anyway about the episode, does the braavos guy decide to take arya with him to braavos or is he taking her north? That wasn't very clear.


Braavos. Jaqen told Arya that if she showed the iron coin to any man from Braavos they would take her to where she might find him (Braavos).

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